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14 Augusti 2017, 5:10 PM

The International Vedic Astrology Program, 2017

To be held at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Copernicus Lane, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001 from the 26th of October, 2017 to the 6th of November, 2017.

There will be an Advanced Class and a Basic Class 

Registration: Thursday, October 26 : 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Inauguration: 11 AM 



Monday,October, 30
Session I and II - Predictive Techniques from 'Laghu Parashari'  class by Mr. K.K. Joshi. 

Tuesday, October 31
Session I (To be decided)
Session II: Class of Mr.K.N.Rao. 

Wednesday November 1:
Session I and Session II - Findings in Medical Astrology class by Mr. Deepak Bisaria. 

Thursday, November 2
Session I (To be decided)
Session II: Class of Mr.K.N.Rao.

Friday, November 3
Session I and Session II- Principles of Longevity and Predicting through Sthira Dasha : Class by Ms. Akhila Kumar. 

Saturday, November 4
Session I - Ashtakvarga. Class by Mr.Ravi Pawar.
Session II: Class with Mr.K.N. Rao.

Sunday, November 5
Session I (To be decided)
Session II No Class (free time).

Monday, November 6
Session I (To be decided)

Session II - Mundane Astrology - Class by Mr.K.N.Rao followed by the valedictory function



Thursday , October, 26
Session I and II: Fundamentals of Astronomy and Mathematical Astrology. 

Friday, October 27
Session I and II - Fundamentals of Predictive Astrology. 

Saturday, October, 28
Session I and Session II:The concept of dasha system. 

Sunday, October 29
Session I - The concept of Transit Singh.

Session II - No class (free time).

Monday, October, 30: Session I and II - Yogas 

Tuesday, October 31
Session I (To be decided)
Session II: Class of Mr. K.N.Rao- Vedic Astrology. 

Wednesday, November 1
Session I and Session II - Predictive Techniques. 

Thursday, November 2
Session I and Session II: Introduction to Ashtakvarga system in Vedic Astrology.

Friday November 3
Session I and Session II -Introduction to the concept of Muhurta. 

Saturday, November 4
Session I - Introduction to Jaimini System of Astrology.

Session II: Class with Mr.K.N. Rao.

Sunday, November 5
Session I - Calculation of Chara dasha.

Session II - No class (free time). 

Monday, November 6
Session I - Jaimini Astrology
Session II- MundaneAstrology: Class by Mr.K.N.Rao followed by the valedictory function.


1) Session I will be from 10:00 hours to 13:00 hours and Session II from 14:00 hours to 17:00 hours. In between sessions, there will be a tea/coffee break. 

2) We shall provide satwik lunch without onion or garlic between 13:00 hours and 14:00 hours every day. 

3) Video or audio recording will not be allowed. No video or audio recording will be sold. 

4) The advanced and basic classes can be merged if found necessary. 

5) Though the program will be in English, we will allow pauses for translation into Russian and other Languages.

6) The above schedule is tentative and subject to change.

7) Participation Fee: Rs. 33,000/ (Equivalent to USD500/

For more information contact Shri Deepak Bisaria at

Sökord: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Horoscope, Jyotish, Hindu Astrology, Indian Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Saturn, Venus, Rahu, Ketu, Mercury, Rashi, Navamsha

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