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KN Rao
30 October 2008, 5:17 PM
Indian Marriage in Modern, Urban, Educated Society by Deepak Bisaria

Most valuable book on marriage in modern India when the levels of literacy have gone up and egos of both marriageable men and women have become assertively strong, because of which sense of respect for the institution of marriage has gone down and caste/religious barriers are getting broken down slowly. Deepak Bisaria has been giving very helpful predictions about marriages to hundreds of persons for many years now. His experience and rich collection of horoscopes shows how he divides them into different categories, for reconciliation at a time of conflicts for divorce, or for tragedies etc.

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity by VP Goel

Shri Goel has chosen the most difficult subject, the span of life and has put his researches in crystal clear form in the most lucid way possible. Such h clarity and lucidity is a rare gift among writers in any field particularly I astrology, the most comprehensive science known to mankind..Simply a very original and brilliant  research.Shri Goel has analyzed horoscopes for longevity step by step using various methods. He has shown how his method works in case of twins.

Time Tested Techniques of Mundane Astrology by MS Mehta and A Radhika

This long awaited book on mundane astrology has finally come out. This is the best ever in the market. Mundane Astrology needs to be gone into with lot of depth and new researches these days when the globalized world gets so closely interconnected and affects the world. In  the year 2008 for example the biggest financial disaster of USA has affected so many nations and Iran’s Ahmaninejad has started describing it s the end of the “American Imperialism”.

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