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Tokyo Olympics are slated for this year from the 24th of July to the 9th of August 2020. While everything seems to be going as per plan, it is the novel Corona virus and its virulent spread that has caught countries off guard. WHO is working closely with global experts, governments and partners to rapidly expand scientific knowledge on this new virus. Corona virus, under microscopic magnifiers resembles a crown, which has some genetic material at the center, enveloped by protein spikes – hence the name Corona. It can lead to respiratory problems, pneumonia like symptoms or even gastrointestinal problems (taken from the WHO website). read more...
As of this moment we are battling the onset of pandemic but we are going to be in the  “Eye of storm”very soon ie 3d week of March,2020. It is only after mid of May 2020 that we are likely to see decline in this pandemic. World should fight it out this catastrophe like a Global Village in a collective manner read more...
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First, think about what is joy, and what constitutes it.  Joy of any kind is inner.  Mind is its originator, source.  When one finds a pleasant object, the pleasantness part is what the mind generates and ascribes to it.  Pleasantness is in the inner mind, not in the eyes. 

An object which is pleasant now may become unpleasant later.  Something pleasant to one may not be so to another.  This reveals clearly that pleasantness or unpleasantness is an association the inner mind generates and tags to the outer object.

Reflect upon this truth well; be attuned to it in all circumstances.  The mind which thus creates joy and also joylessness, normally in relation to outer objects and environments, can equally bestow joy all by itself.  Let it do so. The potential and possibility should be clearly adjudged.

To understand, believe and remain confirmed in this inner potential is the first step to achieving joy and fulfillment.  “My joy must inhere within me, in the mind level, generated and preserved by it.  I will ask my mind to get to a state when I will have joy all by itself, independently ceaselessly.”

Do not be indifferent to this statement.  To know is to become.  Once this is clear, do not foster any desire for anything outer, except the usual needs of the body and the like.  Food, shelter and clothing are the primary needs.  Have them; do not desire them.  Live and move on the basis of needs, not on desires.  Your life should be need-oriented, not desire-oriented.

Desire is always for something you see, hear or otherwise think about.  Need is a thought on an actual fact, compulsion.  One is imaginary, whereas the other is factual.

Instead of desires, right knowledge and insight must be the motivation.

Whatever worth you have bodily, mentally or intellectually, you are only making it, as it should be, available for the society’s needs.  This is part of a huge cyclic process.  There is nothing special or creditable in this.  Suppose you have some worth or potential but the society has no use for it, what will you do?  About any profession or professional worth, this should be your attitude.

When one’s worth and society’s needs meet, harmonize, then is one usefully employed.  Principle is the same in the case of industrialists and commerce people.  No desire or other vitiation need be brought in the matter. It is like water flowing to make a river and meeting the sea to disappear.  Again going up as vapour to come down as shower or snowfall, to form the river again.  It is all a complex cycle.

Look at everything thus impersonally, impartially, realistically. Do not be a well, tank or even a lake.  Be a sea itself in your vision.

My worth and the society’s need, both meet and I function usefully, contributingly, benevolently.

To (i) desire (ii) strive to achieve the desired (iii) then to feel contented – the threefold process literally results in the extinction of the desire.  This means you are trying to fulfill a desire only to make it extinct, to be free of it.  In the language of the desiring mind, this is what takes place every time.  

Now come to the conclusion:  If desire-fulfillment means desire-extinction, then what would be the extent of freedom and fulfillment when you strive to become directly free of all desires, without striving to follow any desire at all?

Is it not the state of all-fold fulfillment?

In getting to the inmost level, the Self, in realizing and manifesting its glory and power, being a Self knower, this is the wonder that transpires and becomes pronounced thereafter.

Imagine a hungry person.  By taking a delicious meal, enjoying its taste and feeling appeased, the same fulfillment in manifold measure will one be experiencing in such a desire-free state!

Spiritual and religious life becomes relevant only in so far as it means this and leads the individual towards this blessed inner fruition.  All misunderstanding about religio-spiritual life should be replaced by this right understanding.

Religion may focus on God, but what it really deals with is the inner mind of the individual.  So spirituality too concerns itself with the constant process of reforming, refining and fulfilling the mind, intelligence and heart.  “What does God mean to me?  By my religious practices, I do not propose to bring about any transformation in God.  All changes are to be only me.”

Religion aims at a universalizing the mind and thoughts, bring about a great expansion and depth.  Like oneself, the seeker begins to think of all others.  He loves all, is interested in the welfare of all, is inspired to make adjustments and sacrifices for all.  What a beautiful expansion it is!

When the mind, shedding its conventional constrictions, imbibes such an expanse, inevitably its ability to perform also increases tremendously.  Such a mind makes the individual a mighty performer, mighty enjoyer and mighty sufferer, revealing the tremendous enhancement of his potential and power of sustenance.

In such a view, the first step will be introspection, evaluation and then effectively pursuing the benefits of both. 

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