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When we were discussing the effect of the eclipse of 2019, the focus was on disturbance due to wars; Iran-USA tension serious enough to grab the attention of the world, we are still hearing that it is the beginning of World War III. The tension is still not over, it is still simmering. At that time it never struck us that there could be an equally potent danger from some disease. We have again and again reiterated that Saturn and Ketu conjunctions are the cause of mass deaths due to wars and nuclear weapons, we have mentioned it for earthquakes also, overlooking that Saturn and Ketu can also be the infections which can spread due to Ketu representing ‘keetanu (insects)’, turn into pandemic and cause mass deaths. Ketu joining five other planets in the eclipse chart clearly shows danger from diseases particularly because Ketu has joined it.  czytaj więcej...czytaj więcej...
(In an issue of the Journal of Astrology of 1999, late M.S. Mehta has produced and published a long research on Rahu in Vrisha and its impact on India. Himanshi Gunwant has produced this research on her own, without any guidance yet has succeeded, in getting at the possible results of Rahu in Vrisha. K. N. Rao )

In year 2019, the planetary position of the planets was very important; similarly in the year 2020, many important planetary combinations are going to be formed. The most important transit event of year 2020 is Rahu entering Taurus. Rahu's entry in Taurus results in events like war, famine and communal riots.
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Our forthcoming Newsletters will have articles on Diwali, Dushera, Transits of Rahu and Ketu into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively, Transit of Jupiter into Aquarius, Astrological predictions about Indian politcs etc and much much more. Your suggestions and reviews are welcome.

Read our September 2009 Newsletter here


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