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Guruji respected Rao Sahib has desired my comments on Ram Janam Bhumi that whether PM Sh. Modi will get fame in Ayodhya Case whose case will start for hearing in Supreme court daily from 6th Aug 2019 and my answer is as under. ver mais...ver mais...
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K.N.Rao., 18 August 2011, 2/36 am

I had just got up from my bed to drink a glass of water and also opened the television channel to know the news which was that Anna had accepted the fourteen day condition and woul start the agitation at Ramlila Ground. The television announcer said that his source of information was from a tweet of Kiran Bedi. Other television channels repeated it.

The time announced for the start of the agitation is  3 pm. I wanted to know some details from online news but the internet was not working as the server was down.

Lagna 17-58', Sun 00-35', Moon 16-28', Mars 15-34', Mer(R) 29-05', Jupiter 16-04', Venus 00-35', Saturn 19-44', Rahu 27-06', Ketu 27-06'

Note the features of the horoscope.
1) Mars close to the lagna aspected by Saturn.
2) Venus absolutely combust.
3) Moon aspected by Saturn.
4) Lagna and the fourth lord retrograde.
5) Sixth lord in the lagna and 6) Rahu in the sixth house aspected by Saturn.
7) Jupiter in the sixth house is good and its aspect on Sun and Venus again good.

3 PM
If Anna starts his agitation at the Ramlila ground at 3pm. with Vrischika lagna rising it is awful with Mars, the lagna in the eighth house aspected by Saturn.
If there is a delay and it starts in Dhanu lagna with the tenth lord retrograde in the eighth house and Saturn in the tenth house with the aspect of Mars on it it becomes awful.

Draw your own conclusions. Let me only say BUT.

The police commissioner has an agony to face in such a situation.

I do not want to comment more on these horoscopes except pointing out the unfavourable features.

( Written at 3/58 am on 18 August 2011)
 Will be posted later as the internet is down

Palavras-chave: KN Rao, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Journal of Astroogy, Anna Hazare, Mahatma Gandhi, Lok Pal Bill, Corruption in India, Manmohan Singh, India, Chidambram, Jyotish, Hindu Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Indian Astrology, Kundli, Horoscope

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