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Guruji respected Rao Sahib has desired my comments on Ram Janam Bhumi that whether PM Sh. Modi will get fame in Ayodhya Case whose case will start for hearing in Supreme court daily from 6th Aug 2019 and my answer is as under. TovábbTovább
What is happening between USA and Iran is not a World war but it may develop into a major war and may be later into a World war. What we must always remember is that after the end of second World war in 1945, there have been at least three regional wars every ten years; mostly Asian and African countries have been involved whereas USA and Russia have made lots of profit by selling arms and ammunition.  TovábbTovább
Nyomtatóbarát Mond el egy barátodnak


I  read  a brief  medical report and about the fears of doctors about the health of Anna in the newspapers.

“Top government sources said Hazare's health was now a serious concern and the leader's medical team has sounded an alarm on his medical parameters. The government is not prepared to risk an emergency even though Hazare has warned against any attempt to move him forcibly.

Eight days into his fast, Hazare's health parameters slid precariously with doctors advising that the 74-year-old be moved to a hospital. But Hazare
rejected the advice, saying his conscience doesn't allow him to accept medication and instead
exhorted the crowd at Ramlila Maidan to block the gates if the government
moved to remove him.

A late evening bulletin put out by cardiologist Dr Naresh Trehan painted a grim picture. "His condition is critical. The blood pressure (BP) level and ketones are not good and we have advised him hospitalisation. He is refusing any medication now but that would affect his health condition further," Dr Trehan said. Hazare's vital parameters, including ketone levels, have crossed the danger level, doctors monitoring him said. His blood pressure was 140/80 and heart rate 82, nearly 10 beats above normal. He also turned down medical advice to put him on a drip.”

Then came a more detailed report.

My fear of Anna’s health getting affected with Vrischika lagna rising when he started his agitation from Ramlila Maidan, proved correct and medical team headed by Dr. Trehan have their own apprehensions.

Moon moving into Mithuna, joining Mars and aspected by Saturn shows some spreading melancholy.

But one can see some parliamentary action on 29 and 30 August when Moon enters Simha and joins Sun and Venus.

But when the all party meeting takes place today , perhaps after 10 am. Anna will be successfully persuaded to give up his fast.

Time for some parliamentary legislation is clearly visible  in the Republican horoscope and also in the  Independence horoscope but the unlifted confusion created by the antardasha of Rahu is not disappearing.

What is clear is that a legislation controlling the corruption of government servants is clearly going to be come into force soon.

But Anna’s health, possible damage, permanent in nature, to his health can cause unhappiness.

(3/27 of 24 Aug 2011)

Kulcsszavak: KN Rao, Jouranal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Anna Hazare, Corruption in India, Manmohan Singh, Pranab Mukerjee, Jyotish, Indian Astrology, Hindu Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Kundli, Mangal, Shani, Rahu

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