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When we were discussing the effect of the eclipse of 2019, the focus was on disturbance due to wars; Iran-USA tension serious enough to grab the attention of the world, we are still hearing that it is the beginning of World War III. The tension is still not over, it is still simmering. At that time it never struck us that there could be an equally potent danger from some disease. We have again and again reiterated that Saturn and Ketu conjunctions are the cause of mass deaths due to wars and nuclear weapons, we have mentioned it for earthquakes also, overlooking that Saturn and Ketu can also be the infections which can spread due to Ketu representing ‘keetanu (insects)’, turn into pandemic and cause mass deaths. Ketu joining five other planets in the eclipse chart clearly shows danger from diseases particularly because Ketu has joined it.  lasiet vairāk...lasiet vairāk...
(In an issue of the Journal of Astrology of 1999, late M.S. Mehta has produced and published a long research on Rahu in Vrisha and its impact on India. Himanshi Gunwant has produced this research on her own, without any guidance yet has succeeded, in getting at the possible results of Rahu in Vrisha. K. N. Rao )

In year 2019, the planetary position of the planets was very important; similarly in the year 2020, many important planetary combinations are going to be formed. The most important transit event of year 2020 is Rahu entering Taurus. Rahu's entry in Taurus results in events like war, famine and communal riots.
lasiet vairāk...lasiet vairāk...
Var izdrukāt! Pastāstīt draugam


Yusuf Raza Gilani (9 June 1952) is gripped in the cycle of sixty years and possibly with Makara lagna, Moon in Dhanu and in the dasha of Jupiter Saturn, may face greatest crisis of his career now before 27 January 2012. He may be punished for contempt of court (touhine adalat) for which he has to appear before the Pakistani Supreme Court on 19 January 2012. The prime minister, Gilani can be ejected out of his office or may resign as rumors in the television channels indicate (17 hours) when I am completing this piece.

But then ask a question. Pakistan specializing in army coup can give to world a new coup called judicial coup. (16 January 2012) - PAKISTAN HISTORIC MOMENTS: JUDICIAL GLORY OR IGNOMINY  16 January 2012, 2:38 PM KN RAO)

Now comes the judgement of the Supreme Court of  Pakistan which is:

Thursday 2nd February 2012, DAWN.COM
SC to indict PM for contempt on Feb 13
ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that contempt of court proceedings would be initiated against Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, DawnNews reported.

The apex court has summoned the premier on Feb 13 when he is expected to be formally indicted.The ruling came after a seven-judge bench of the apex court heard the contempt case against Prime Minister Gilani. “After the preliminary hearing, we are satisfied that prima facie (at first sight) there is enough case for further proceeding,” the bench ordered after the hearing. “The case is adjourned until Feb 13 for the framing of charges. The prime minister will be present in person.” ......“He (Gilani) has been asked to be present in person on February 13 when he will be indicted,” he said.....The prime minister could face six months in prison and be disqualified from holding office if convicted......

The court ordered the government to write to Swiss authorities over two years ago to reopen a corruption case against President Asif Ali Zardari dating back to the late 1990s.

I have been talking of it when there was no talk or issue of the Zardari government being in trouble. See this

18 November 2011, 6:05 AM
Saturn in the seventh house of Pakistan’s horoscope and Jupiter in the lagna in transit now, clearly shows, particularly in the mahadasha of Venus, the seventh lord, a very significant change in the top level administrative set up of Pakistan, affecting President Zardari and even the possible change in its foreign policy.

That can be seen in detail later.

Three judicial cases
February 2012 began with our attention drawn to three judicial cases in three countries, unrelated to each other and two of them capable of causing convulsions, if not cataclysmic , yet historical. We heard of the disgusting 2G case in the Supreme Court of India and the indefatigable Subramanya Swamy trying to implicate Home Minister, P.Chidambaram, in it. The judgement that has come on 2 February from the Supreme Court is more shocking than expected---a big blow to the UPA government. All the 122 licenses have cancelled.

“2G scam: SC scraps 122 licences granted under Raja's tenure, trial court to decide on Chidambaram's role --PTI | Feb 2, 2012, 12.40PM IST
NEW DELHI: In a major development having implications for the corporate sector, the Supreme Court on Thursday cancelled the 122 2G spectrum licences granted by former telecom minister A Raja on the ground that they were issued in a "totally arbitrary and unconstitutional" manner.


The other predictions was:
India and the Congress Party
Saturn and Jupiter influencing the eighth house of both the Indian Independence horoscope and of the Congress Party is not the time of glory though the Congress Party may do better in the coming elections in some northern states as the tenth house too is influenced. I have said this many times now.
(LOKEPAL FARCE 30 December 2011, 1:29 PM KN RAO)


The judgement of the Supreme Court of India is a big jolt to the Congress led UPA government and the present Home Minister, Chidambaram who has now to face a case for what  he is said to have done as Finance Minister earlier, may witness , if a horoscope of his circulating (16 Sept 1945 with Vrisha lagna) and the pratyantara dasha of Moon in the eighth house is correct, may be the beginning of the end of his political career now. The Congress party should prepare to face more difficult, if tragic, events in the coming months.

The third judicial case unrelated to these two is that of Julian Assange’s extradition. This case , if his lagna is Vrischika, will tilt against him after February 11. But I am not sure as I have not worked deep enough to rectify his horoscope yet.

The prime minister’s lawyer, Aitzaz Ahsan observed, “Why only civilian prime ministers are indicted in contempt of court and not any military generals?”

That is what I was hinting at, the Pakistani judiciary creating a coup on behalf of the army this time and it is a sad day for Pakistani democracy. I feel so sorry.

On 2 Feb 2012, the Supreme Court of India gave a historic judgement which is glorious and the Pakistani Supreme Court a judgement which is inglorious, throttles democracy and gives supremacy again to the army.

All that I am stressing, see the effect of Saturn Jupiter which has shaken both Indian and Pakistani governments and await more unpleasant developments including the judgement in the case of the Indian army general, V.K.Singh.

(2 Feb 2012)

Atslēgas vārdi: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Iran, Israel, Nuclear Iran, US Economy, Pakistan, Memogate, Jyotish, Indian Astrology, Hindu Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Kundli, Horoscopes, Saturn, Jupiter, Zardari, Imran Khan, ISI, Nawaz Sharif, Kayani, Supreme Court of India, Raja, Telcom Scam, 2G Scam, Congress Party of India, Yusuf Raza Gilani

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