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18 November 2011, 6:05 AM KN RAO
Saturn in the seventh house of Pakistan’s horoscope and Jupiter in the lagna in transit now, clearly shows, particularly in the mahadasha of Venus, the seventh lord, a very significant change in the top level administrative set up of Pakistan, affecting President Zardari and even the possible change in its foreign policy.
It took only thirty seconds for the Pakistan Supreme Court to disgrace itself by punishing prime minister Gilani for contempt of court till the rising of the court, without deciding if the president of Pakistan enjoyed absolute immunity under the constitution or not. It was 9:37 am in Pakistan when this disgraceful episode , so historic, upsetting a democratically government of PPP coalition has created many challenging situations.

Indian television channels gave a good and extensive coverage to the contempt proceedings in the Supreme Court of Pakisan. The prime minister had been convicted of contempt of court till the rising of court, apparently a symbolic punishment, but disqualifying him from the membership of the parliament and inevitably, leading to his resignation from the post of the prime minister, which must follow, it is being said.

Some Pakistani newspapers have given hints to prove that the Pakistani judiciary has been always against the PPP government and it is said to be an extension of the rivalry between Sindhi and Punjabi factions in the internal politics of Pakistan. Punjab dominates the judiciary and the army while PPP is essentially a Sindhi party.

Pakistan’s judiciary has done it many times before.

1) First, the Pakistani judiciary had disgraced itself  by putting a stamp of judicial approval on every dictatorship.
2) It disgraced itself in its worst moment of history when it sentenced to death Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto.
3) Then, it gave two verdicts against Benazir when she was prime minister twice.
4) Now on 26 April 2012, it has punished another PPP prime minister, Gilani, for contempt of court and created lot of political uncertainty and crisis for president Zardari.

It was foreseen and foreseeable astrologically and as early as 18 November 2012 it was predicted.

In the next few days, some constitutional experts may point out if there is any parallel to it anywhere in the world, in a democracy.

Pakistan’s constitutional experts had argued in the Supreme Court.

The Nation Newspaper Pakistan Tuesday, March 20, 2012 :
Letter can't be written till Zardari is President: Aitzaz
Will not write letter to Swiss authorities, PM tells SC
By: Agencies | March 19, 2012, 6:05 pm | 12
The written reply of Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani in contempt case was submitted to the Supreme Court on Monday in which he has once again declined to write letter to the Swiss authorities to reopen graft cases against President Asif Ali Zardari.

The PM Gilani in his rejoinder submitted to Supreme Court (SC) in contempt case against him, asserted that the President of the State cannot be thrown before any foreign magistrate.

Even the Attorney General of Pakistan had taken the same stand. The Pakistan SC ignored the constitutional provision of president’s immunity and did not decide if a prime minister who swears in under the constitution to uphold the constitution, can ignore the clause of presidential immunity and write a letter to Swiss government so long as Zardari is the president of Pakistan.

The other prediction about change in Pakistan’s foreign policy is already fulfilled in three ways:

1) Russian prime minister soon to become president for the third time, Putin, has agreed to visit Pakistan in September ending the long strained relations between Pakistan and USSR since the days of cold war.
2) India and Pakistan have come closer for the first time and India is being given most favored nation status.
3) The cold and embittered relations between USA and Pakistan continue unresolved though some secret understanding seems to exist not to break off mutual relations. In the piece given here I had already hinted at India getting no respite from a spate of scandals.

KN RAO 1 April 2012, 6:43 AM
Saturn Jupiter opposition has shown its most effective effect once again, much to the agony of both Pakistan and India tormented by so many scandals, now Singhvi CD episode and now the revival of Bofors case and accusation against Rajiv Gandhi for defending the Italian Quattrochi.

In Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan both now wanting to have early elections, will demand that Gilani should resign and call for early elections since the punishment given to Gilani, it is being said, cannot allow him to continue as prime minister constitutionally. So we will have another bout of legal hair splitting.

(26 April 2012)

Kľúčové slová: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Asif Zardari, Pakistan, Gilani, Pakistan Supreme Court, Jyotish, Indian Astrology, Hindu Astrology, Rahu, Mars, Saturn, Venus, Kundli, Horoscope, Vimshottari Dasha

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