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Tokyo Olympics are slated for this year from the 24th of July to the 9th of August 2020. While everything seems to be going as per plan, it is the novel Corona virus and its virulent spread that has caught countries off guard. WHO is working closely with global experts, governments and partners to rapidly expand scientific knowledge on this new virus. Corona virus, under microscopic magnifiers resembles a crown, which has some genetic material at the center, enveloped by protein spikes – hence the name Corona. It can lead to respiratory problems, pneumonia like symptoms or even gastrointestinal problems (taken from the WHO website). read more...
As of this moment we are battling the onset of pandemic but we are going to be in the  “Eye of storm”very soon ie 3d week of March,2020. It is only after mid of May 2020 that we are likely to see decline in this pandemic. World should fight it out this catastrophe like a Global Village in a collective manner read more...
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World’s most polluted city is no compliment for Delhi. But series of political events in Delhi in the month of December, more comical, farcical but blown beyond limits of sanity kept us amused and disgusted. It was all high drama ending mostly in fiasco. Ironically the only good and pleasing event in recent weeks has been the match winning spin of Ashwini and Jadeja against the South African cricket team.

All these dramatic episodes have big “IF”s. Without belonging to any political party, taking no sides, judge it all objectively as I can do having known politicians from closest quarters and am non political.

First dramatic act
The first dramatic act of this month has been the success of Subramanian Swamy in bringing both Sonia and Rahul Gandhi, always posing as scions of an unrecognized royal dynasty of India, to drag them to a court and make them stand there as ordinary people as reported here.

National Herald case: Whole country is happy I brought Sonia, Rahul to court, says Subramanian Swamy
by FP Staff Dec 19, 2015
Despite the Patiala House court granting unconditional bail in the National Herald case to Sonia and Rahul Gandhi on a personal bond of Rs 50000 each, BJP leader Subramanian Swamy said it was still an “open and shut” case and that Sonia and Rahul Gandhi have not yet been exonerated.

“Both the trial court and high court have rejected the notion that it is a case of personal malice against the Gandhis. In fact, the whole country is happy that I brought them to court. The Gandhis have not been exonerated. This is a victory for democracy,” Swamy told CNN-IBN.

“When Sonia and Rahul Gandhi came they were made to stand in a corner where the accused are supposed to be, they were not allowed to sit,” he revealed.

Swamy also hit out at suggestions that he has been accorded Z category security and government bungalow as “reward for pursuing the case”.

“Stop saying this is personal vendetta. These tactics have earlier been tested in court. The point of vendetta was made before and the court has rejected it. I will continue to fight against corruption,” he said.

“I do not want any support from BJP or from anyone. I didn’t get support from my party during 2G scam also. I don’t need it.

“I know the law very well. I know it better than all my colleagues. I know many people within the government. I don’t need any support from anyone as long as they stay out of it. No one has dared to approach me, he added.

Swamy, who later joined BJP, had filed the case in 2012 as a private citizen accusing Sonia, Rahul and the others — Motilal Vora, Oscar Fernandes, Suman Dubey and Sam Pitroda — of cheating and misappropriation of funds in acquiring the ownership of now-defunct daily, National Herald.
Television channels, newspapers and spokesmen of different political parties appearing in the debate over the drama of the case against Sonia and Rahul Gandhi forgot history when they compared the case of Indira Gandhi of 1977 and Sonia’s arrest with this. These fellows forget simple facts. Indira had become a big national heroine in 1971 after the Indo Pak war and she had been the prime minister. She was a patriot and if the blot of the National Emergency of 1975 were not there, she would still be have been worshipped as the most powerful and patriotic prime minister of India.

Sonia is a lucky freak of Indian history, an ill educated Italian who served as a waitress in a London hotel, married into the Nehru dynasty in 1968, never applied for Indian citizenship till 1982, and according to Subramanian Swamy wanted to run out of India during 1971 war, took refuge in Italian embassy in 1977. Trying to compare Sonia with Indira well decide it yourself. (I have no mobile phone and do not know what App messages are. But someone showed me one which is given in the appendix 1.)

Rahul started with great advantage but he has no gift of oratory or great idealism to fit into the role of a great national leader. If he survives difficult years , he still has a chance, because of his birth in the Nehru family, of rising higher. Yet, the National Herald case does give to the Congress party and Sonia and Rahul some advantage for the next election depending on the judgement of court in this case.

In the observations of Justice Gaur of the Delhi High Court the repeated use of the word “criminality’ and the sections of 120, 403 and worst of all 420 under which the case was filed is definitely not to the advantage of the Gandhis. If in the now well known indecencies in speeches during elections is any indication, the opponents will not fail to use the word char so bees (420) for them, a derogatory word. This word does not give to the Gandhis a taste of martyrdom and a halo.

Sonia Gandhi will be an old woman of seventy three years during the next election (this is without judging her longevity) but will have run into a better dasha. Rahul has to survive some difficult years before he makes a big mark on the national scene. But the Congress Party will have entered a tragic period earlier, from 2017. The horoscope of the Congress party shows not symptoms ofrevival but a continuous struggle for survival till 2019.

But the National Herald case is bound to become big blot of the careers of the Gandhi is the general legal opinion of many. Indira Gandhi was tried for political offense, not for financial case of corruption as Sonia and Rahul are being tried for.

The television channels discussing this idiotically forget two facts: Indira Gandhi could stage a comeback because there was Charan Singh to stab Morarji in the back. More important , Indira Gandhi was a charismatic national idol who lost her reputation for some period because of the National Emergency of 1975. And these television channels still compare Sonia with Indira !!!

If the case had been filed by some share holders of the National Herald, not Subramanian Swamy, and the same legal proceedings had humiliated the Gandhis the Congress party would not have got a chance of calling it a political vendetta. That is an advantage the Gandhis enjoy in this episode. The drama involved in it is that a legal battle has been turned into a political battle though the court had clearly said “Applying the afore-noted parameters to the instant case, this Court finds that the ingredients of the offences alleged are not lacking and sufficient ground to proceed against petitioners certainly exists. No mala fides can be alleged against respondent-complainant nor can it be said that the summoning of petitioners is an abuse of process of the court. 38. This Court is of the considered view that the gravity of the allegations levelled against petitioners has a fraudulent flavour involving a national Political Party and so, serious imputations smacking of criminality levelled against petitioners need to be properly looked into.”((SUNIL GAUR) JUDGE DECEMBER 07, 2015 IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Reserved on: December 04, 2015 Pronounced on: December 07, 2015.

What the High Court case means is that there is a prima facie case against Gandhis is what must be kept in the mind.

Rahul started with great advantage but he has no gift of oratory or great idealism to fit into the role of a great national leader. If he survives difficult years , he still has a chance, because of his birth in the Nehru family, of rising higher. Yet, the National Herald case does give to the Congress party and Sonia and Rahul some advantage for the next election depending on the judgement of court in this case.

In the observations of Justice Gaur of the Delhi High Court the repeated use of the word “criminality’ and the sections of 120, 403 and worst of all 420 under which the case was filed is definitely not to the advantage of the Gandhis. If in the now well known indecencies in speeches during elections is any indication, the opponents will not fail to use the world char so bees (420) for them a derogatory word. This word does not give to the Gandhis a taste of martyrdom and a halo.

But fate is fate. A thief was caught during the great liberation struggle of 1942 cutting copper electric wires and he soon declared himself to be a fighter for Indian independence and after independence even became a mayor of Delhi !!

Assuming the worst, if the court decides against Gandhis ultimately, the flimsy argument of it being political vendetta will vanish into thin air. But there is no chance of the case being decided in less than two years it seems.

Second dramatic act: Kejriwal: another IF
Once bitten yet not shy
is the story of Kejriwal in the earlier case of Gadkari.
Arvind Kejriwal withdraws plea against court order in Gadkari defamation case
May 26, 2015
On 30 January, 2014, the chief minister had allegedly made a defamatory statement against Gadkari in media.

Kejriwal had refused to furnish personal bail bond on the issue saying common people should not be harassed on technical grounds in courts of law in petty cases.

In his plea, Kejriwal said the magisterial order sending him to judicial custody was "illegal" as it was based on a "completely wrong premise of law". He had, subsequently, moved the high court against the magisterial order.

However, on the high court's suggestion he had sought bail from the lower court.

The lower court has put Kejriwal on trial on charges of defamation. The court had framed the charge after Kejriwal refused to heed to the magistrate's sugges¬tion to amicably resolve the case filed against him by Gadkari, even after the Union minister indicated that if the AAP leader was ready to withdraw his alleged defamatory statement he would drop his complaint.

The rise of Arvind Kejriwal, an IIT graduate, in the anti corruption movement was watched with sympathy by the educated hoping that a real effective movement would get started in India but in his latest tweet again the prime minister Narendra Modi he revealed his uncultured background of a rustic street fighter with a questionable upbringing.

The CBI raid on his secretary Rajendra Kumar would have taken a dignified turn, if he had transferred him to another department, asked the CBI to proceed without any hindrance and then asked him party to turn its gun on Arun Jaitley in the DDCA case. By not doing that he has lost his reputation as a crusader against corruption. By not doing that Arvind gets an image of a defender of corruption. Anyway, will he have good health in coming years to fight these vain battles ?

3. The midnight drama: Nirbhaya case: third IF The Times of India
Delhi Commission for Women moves SC against Nirbhaya juvenile's release

PTI | Dec 20, 2015, 12.02 AM IST
NEW DELHI: Delhi Commission for Women will file a Special Leave Petition in the Supreme Court tonight against the scheduled release of the December 16 gang-rape juvenile convict, who has already been moved out of Delhi.

"DCW filing Special Leave Petition in SC tonight. Will go to Judge's house, will try get hearing tonight against Nirbhaya convict's release," Swati Maliwal, the body's chief, tweeted.
The case was filed by M/s Swati Maliwal and it was the midnight drama went on with television channels reporting it from the Supreme Court and Justice Goel, a vacation judge is to decide whether hearing would take place in midnight.TV anchors have been asking what has Maliwal been doing for two day and decided to make it all dramatic on the midnight of the last night before the release of the culprit. The answer may be that she knows how to make it all dramatic.

IF Maliwal had filed the case in time, may be the case would have taken a different turn. Anyway the Supreme Court heard it and no relief was got. Now even if the Juvenile Justice Bill is amended, the culprit will escape unless such an amendment becomes applicable retrospectively which does not happen.

4.Attack on Arun Jaitley: fourth IF
New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) MP Kirti Azad on Sunday held a press conference to expose the corruption in DDCA while Arun Jaitley served as the chairman of the body.

The BJP MP from Darbhanga Kirti Azad said that he is not targeting anyone individually or personally and he is just fighting against corruption. It is notable that Azad has been vocal about the issue of corruption in DDCA from past several years.

".. We are going to make an audio-video presentation that WikiLeaks4India has produced," Kirti Azad said. DDCA-gave-contracts-to-bogus-companies-fudged-audits--paid-them-in-crores-Kirti-Azad-( See Appendix 2)
This was given wide publicity by the television channels and finally what Azad showed convinced none how Jaitley was implicated in it.

Many members of the AAP made a virulent attack on Jaitley to counter the falling image of Kejriwal as an honest fighter against corruption when he seems to be shielding Rajendra Kumar IAS, his secretary. In doing so they never drew before themselves a safe legal line of safety. The result is that they now have to face legal battle as reported here.


Saturday, 19 December 2015 | PTI | New Delhi
Lokesh Sharma, Managing Director of a company which the AAP had accused of taking huge commissions in the DDCA affair, has threatened to sue its leaders Ashutosh and and Sanjay Singh for criminal defamation proceedings if they do not apologise and withdraw the charges against him and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley.

It also warned that failure to comply with their demand, Sharma would be compelled to initiate stringent and appropriate legal proceedings at any place, in or outside India.

It also warned of such proceedings in the civil or criminal proceedings or both, including damages towards Sharma's reputation.
As though it was enough, now Arun Jaitley has gone to the court and filed a case of defamation. Being a brilliant lawyer, AAP and Kirti Azad can see what is in store for them. BREAKING NEWS Jaitley to file defamation cases against Kejriwal, other AAP leaders.

Horoscope of AAP

The horoscope of 26 November 2012 at 10 am with Dhanu lagna seems to answer it. It is given by Sundar Balkrishna of Mumbai, himself a member ofAAP.

If this horoscope is reliable, it is clear that AAP is walking fast on the path of self annihilation. In this horoscope the present dasha of the sixth lord clearly shows why it is bent on fighting more than on good administration in Delhi. And it also shows why so impulsively and irrationally it is advancing towards self destruction. It will be visible in the antardasha of Moon in the first quarter of 2016.

IF Kejri and his party had exercised some restraint the dignity and the attraction an anti corruption crusader would not have got frittered away. Anyway, what is clear is that out of the three parties, the Congress is fighting for survival, AAP is walking on the path of self destruction and BJP, facing difficulties, is coming out stronger.

Stones for the Ram Temple in Ayodhya have arrived and it may be a prelude to communal tensions in India. Jupiter aspecting Sun in Dhanu explains it but the aspect of Mars also on this Sun is dreadful. (on 20 December this is the planetary position)

See the Soorya Veedhi chart and examine the sixth, eighth and ninth houses and their lords in all the three charts given below.

Journal of Astrology - AAP Horoscope
Surya Veedhi chart
The sixth lord goes into the ninth house and is aspected by violent Mars also the eighth lord here.

Navamsha - The sixth lord Saturn aspects the ninth house and the eighth lord Venus is aspected by the eighth lord Mars

Dashamansha - The ninth house does not receive the aspect of the sixth lord here. But there is Rahu there.
Venus , the ninth lord again receives the aspect of eighth lord, again the violent Mars.
It explains why it has been a month of drama, disgrace and so much mud slingling adding to the physical pollution of Delhi.

( 22 December 2015)

Sonia’s Hindi prounciation and Rahul’s IQ
(App’s circulating jokes
JUDGE: Order! Order!
SONIA GANDHI: Mai Indira ki Bhau hoon, Mai kisi se nahin DIRTY !
RAHUL GANDHI: Mummy, Judge Saheb ‘Aur Darr’ nahin ‘Order’ keh rahe hain.
JUDGE: Apni safai main aapko kya kehna hai?
SONIA GANDHI: Judge Saheb, hum BAKASUR hain!
JUDGE: Theek hai, Theek hai, Adalat aap dono ko pachaas pachaas hazaar main bail deti hai.
RAHUL GANDHI: Judge Saheb, Pachaas hazaar ke BAEL se hum kya karenge? Aisa karo, aap hamen GAYEN de do!
JUDGE: Swami, Aainda tune aise logon ke khilaaf mukadma kiya to main tujhe andar kar doonga!!! :) :) :)


More allegations, more rebuttals: DDCA President says Kirti Azad's expose is 'totally false'
Dec 21, 2015 12:31 IST
New Delhi: Reacting to Kirti Azad's expose on the alleged DDCA scam, President Sneh Prakash Bansal on Sunday strongly refuted the charges saying that no company bill mentioned in the sting operation exists in the cricket body's transaction records.

Azad, who has been campaigning against the alleged corruption in Delhi and District Cricket Association, addressed a press conference to expose the financial bungling in the state body.

"I as DDCA President rebut the charges. They have misrepresented the whole story. The facts and bills that Wikileaks4India was showing were totally false. No bill shown in the sting was accounted for from DDCA. Our balance sheet is ready till 2013. We did not expect a company to do such a thing (sting operation) and some former and respected cricketers to back their bogus claims," Bansal told reporters in a press conference here.

The Times of India
Stones start arriving for Ram temple
TNN | Dec 21, 2015, 04.18 AM IST
AYODHYA: The first consignment of stones for the construction of Ram temple arrived in Ayodhya on Sunday. Two trucks of stones were unloaded at Karsewak Puram (a VHP property) and their 'shila pujan' (worship of stones) was done by Ram Janmabhoomi Nyas head Mahant Nritya Gopal Das, said VHP spokesman Sharad Sharma.

Keywords: N Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Horoscope, Jyotish, Hindu Astrology, Indian Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Saturn, Venus, Rahu, Ketu, Mercury, Rashi, Navamsha, Congress Party, BJP, Rahul Gandhi, AAP, Sonia Gandhi, National Herald, Subramanian Swamy, Kejriwal, Arun Jaitley

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