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KASHMIR (Updated)
Today, 5 August 2019 has become a historic day in our history as something which could not be done in 70 years has taken shape now. Union Home minister Amit Shah has announced that Article 370 which grants special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir will be scrapped. He also announced that Jammu and Kashmir will no longer be a state and it will be bifurcated into two Union Territories— Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.  читати далi...читати далi...
Is ours an ideal democracy!! Hardly so, it is far from being an ideal democracy; where there should be  two equal opponents, like Conservative and Labour party in Britain; like Republican and Democratic party in USA. As for India, for the two major parties here i.e. Congress and BJP there has never been a state of relative equilibrium. There was a time when Congress was all powerful for a long time, BJP had not come into existence then. BJP came into existence and gradually spread its wings and the status now of present election result on 23 May 2019 is that BJP alone bagged 303 seats and 353 seats along with its NDA Alliance. Congress on the other hand could muster only 52 seats; along with UPA, Congress got 91. Other parties won 98 seats. What to talk of equality, Congress party could not win even 55 seats which is the requisite 10 % to become the official opposition. читати далi...читати далi...
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Tentative Schedule 

The International Vedic Astrology Programme, 2016, will be held at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Copernicus Lane, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001 from the 19th of September, 2016 to the 30th of September, 2016.

s usual, some new researched predictive techniques developed in the Institute of Astrology will be shared with the participants.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Registration:10:00 AM

- Session I and II: New Dimensions in JAIMINI ASTROLOGY - Ms. Akhila Kumar

- Tuesday, September 20: Session I and II - Class with Mr.K.N. Rao

- Wednesday: September 21- Session I and II: New Directions in interpretation of some known traditional yogas (Combinations) and some not so known but effective ones: 

- Thursday: September 22: Session I and II - Class with Mr.K.N. Rao

- Friday: September 23: The Moksha Trikona Class with Mr. Deepak Bisaria 

- Saturday: September 24:

Session 1: New Directions in interpreting dashes. Class with Mr.K.K Joshi
Session II: Class with Mr.K.N. Rao

- Sunday: September 25:

Session I: Advanced Varshphala predictive techniques and how to interpret patyayani dasha effectively

Session II : No Class (Free time)

- Monday, September 26: Session I and II: Class with Mr. Manoj Pathak 

- Tuesday, September 27: Session I and II: Class with Mr.K.N.Rao

- Wednesday, September 28: Session I and II Medical astrology Class with Mr.Vinay Gupta

- Thursday, September 29: Session I and II Class with Mr.K.N.Rao

- Friday, September 30:

Session I: Advanced Ashtakvarga Applications: Class with Mr.Ravi Panwar
Session II: Mundane Principles and Predictions by Mr.K.N.Rao and Valedictory Function

Monday, September 19, 2016:
Registration: 10:00
Session I and II: Introduction to Astronomy and Mathematical Astrology

- Tuesday, September 20:
Session I and II: Introduction to Predictive Astrology

- Wednesday: September 21: 
Session I: Interpreting Nakshatras 
Session II: Introduction to dashas

- Thursday: September 22: Sessions I and II: Vimshottari and Yogini Dashas
Calculation and Interpretation

- Friday: September 23:
Both Sessions Education and Career

- Saturday: September 24:
Session I: Medical Astrology
Session II : Basic Predictive Principles

- Sunday: September 25: 
Session I: Advanced Introduction to Muhurta
Session II: No Class (Free time)

- Monday, September 26:
Both Sessions on Marriage and Children

- Tuesday, September 27:
Predicting Career

- Wednesday, September 28: 
Both Sessions: Researched Parameters for Predicting Education

- Thursday, September 29:
Both Sessions: Ashtakvarga and Transit

- Friday, the 30th of September
Session I Introduction to Muhurta

Session II Valedictory Function

1) Session I will be from 10:00 hours to 13:00 hours and Session II from 1400 hours to 1700 hours. In between a session, there will be a tea/coffee break.
2) We shall provide satwik Lunch without onion or garlic between 1300 hours and 1400 hours every day.
3) Video or Audio recording will not be allowed.
4) The Advanced and Basic classes can be merged if found necessary.
5) Though the program will be in English, we will allow pauses for translation into Russian and other Languages
6) The above schedule is tentative and subject to change.
7) Participation  Fee Rs.35000/- (USD 500 approx.)

Contact: support@journalofastrology.com for more details

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