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In 1810, Raja of Ujjain paid a visit to Kashi. He along with Kashi Naresh, was on a boat going towards Manikarnika ghat when he saw the shining figure of Swami sitting on water. On inquiry, he was told about the extra ordinary powers of the saint. The King was very impressed and as if sensing his wish to see him, Swami appeared on the boat. The King was glad and showed his extra ordinary bejeweled sword to him. The saint did not even think for a moment and threw the sword in water. When the King got in a fit of rage and grief, Swami put his hand in water and extracted two similar swords from the water. He asked the King to recognize his sword, which he obviously could not do. Swami told him sternly that he was troubled for the sword when he could not even recognize which one was his sword. That was his way to show him the futility of the physical attractions of the world. read more...
One year more than a century has passed, still no one has forgotten the brutality with which the atrocious killing at Jallianwala Bagh was carried out. Jallianwala Bagh is located at a distance of barely one and a half kilometers from the Golden Temple in Amritsar. On 13 Apr 1919, on the day of Baisakhi (an important Hindu festival) at 5:37 in the evening, when more than 10,000 people (some say there were 15,000 to 20,000) were gathered in the Jallianwala Bagh, acting Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer ordered to shoot at the unarmed, innocent public. 
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In 1985, justice was made available to Muslim women, when maintenance was granted to a divorce victim Shah Bano. She was a 62 year old woman with five children, who was divorced in 1978, she thereby filed a criminal suit, won alimony; but subsequently Rajiv Gandhi amended the constitution, the judgement was reversed and alimony denied under the influence of Islamic forces. This was the famous Shah Bano case. Since these cases are before the courts of law, astrological judgement about the outcome of these cases is not indicated here except saying that Triple Talaq case is likely to be in favour of Muslim women, though it will not fail to cause many public agitations, because of the concentration of planetary focus on the sixth house.(WHY SO MANY HIGH PROFILE CASES? ANJU SACHDEV 13 May 2017, 10:08 AM
Three judges of the Supreme Court of India (triple) today (22 August 2017) gave a majority judgement against triple talaq in India making it historic. It was said on 13th May piece that “triple talaq case is likely to be in favour of Muslim women, though it will not fail to cause many public agitations, because of the concentration of planetary focus on the sixth house.”

The judgement for triple talaq case was read out today (22 Aug 2017) starting with the judgement of Chief Justice of India JS Khehar, he being the senior most judge. JS Khehar and Abdul Nazeer in their judgement support noninterference in the personal law of Muslims. It is the judgement of the other three judges that has made triple talaq unconstitutional by 3:2. TV channels got it wrong and they started flashing the news that Supreme court has upheld the validity of triple talaq. Then one after another, the judgements were read and came out the realverdict. It is the panel of five judges, all of different faiths for the social agenda to have a fair judgement. Besides Chief Justice of India JS Khehar (Sikh), the four judges of the panel are Justice Kurian Joseph (Christian), Justice RF Nariman (Parsi), Justice UU Lalit (Hindu) and Justice Abdul Nazeer (Muslim).

Government has to come out with a law within six months as stated in the minority judgement of the Supreme court. Even if the law does not come out, Triple Talaq will not be valid from today (22 Aug 2017).

The credit of this historical judgement goes to five Muslim women - four of them are Shayara Bano, Ishrat Jahan, Afreen Rehman and Gulshan Praveen; who after becoming the victims of triple talaq, filed cases in the court against this gross injustice and in the process got justice for crores of Muslim women out there. Zakia Soman, women’s rights activist and one of the founding members of Bhartiya Muslim Mahila Andolan, is the fifth woman who submitted to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a letter with signature of around 50,000 Muslim women and some Muslim men, wishing to declare triple talaq illegal.

Instead of counting it as a good augury for coming elections in Gujarat and other places, BJP should view it in a larger perspective and treat it as a social reform in India and pave the way for the passing off of a Uniform Civil Code, which it can do sometime after October this year when in the horoscope of BJP, it runs into the pratyantara of the 7th lord Jupiter. The mischief emanating from the Rajiv Gandhi’s parliamentary abandonment of the excellent promises of the Shah Bano case has been compensated partially by the victory of Shayara Bano. Now, the situation is right, hot and opportune to come out with the Uniform Civil Code. Already the petition of Shayara Bano includes halala marriage and polygamy .

It was strange that when 22 Muslim countries including the three neighbours of India viz. Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, have banned triple talaq, how is it that India continued with this archaic and cruel practice victimizing crores of Muslim women.

The repercussions of today’s judgement will be far reaching, in a way that it will shake up the Muslim community and this controversy will be there in public domain for quite some time. 

In the Full Moon chart of 7 Aug 2017, the 10th cum 11th lord Saturn is retrograde in the 8th house. Note the number of planets influencing the 10th house. Saturn is aspecting its own 10th house, Moon, Rahu and Mercury. Sun and debilitated 8th lord Mars are aspecting the 10th house and so is Jupiter (from the 6th house).
It is not unlikely that Muslim women will fight against halala marriage and polygamy in future.

Journal of Astrology - Triple Talaq

Rashi - See how many are aspecting
the house including the ninth lord Jupiter from the sixth house.

Navamsha - 
Here again the ninth lord Moon gets
aspected by the sixth lord Mars
from the second house.

Dashamsha - Here the sixth lord Venus is with the
ninth lord aspected by Saturn and

In the chart of Indian Republic, Jupiter-Mercury- Rahu is running, where pratyantara dasha lord Rahu is placed in lagna itself, antardasha lord Mercury is the 7th lord aspected by the mahadasha lord Jupiter from the 11th house of legislation; so it is time to frame laws for the women. In the navamsha, note the impact of so many planets on the 7th and 8th house.

It is such a relief for the Muslim women. On the TV channels, the women were seen praying in Sankat Mochan Temple in Varanasi for victory in this case. On a lighter note, Lord Hanuman is a Brahmachari and these women are troubling him with their marital problems. Now, first Ala Hazrat of Bareilly and now Maulana Qasim of Darul Uloom Deoband, the Islamic school, feel that triple talaq is a matter of Shariyat and Islam and court should not interfere in it. Some responsible people of society are not really accepting the steps taken by the court and this could become a cause of agitation.

22 Aug 2017

Keywords: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Horoscope, Jyotish, Hindu Astrology, Indian Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Saturn, Venus, Rahu, Ketu, Mercury, Rashi, Navamsha, Narendra Modi, BJP, Congress, Triple Talaq, IslamRajiv Gandhi, Shah Bano

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