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When we were discussing the effect of the eclipse of 2019, the focus was on disturbance due to wars; Iran-USA tension serious enough to grab the attention of the world, we are still hearing that it is the beginning of World War III. The tension is still not over, it is still simmering. At that time it never struck us that there could be an equally potent danger from some disease. We have again and again reiterated that Saturn and Ketu conjunctions are the cause of mass deaths due to wars and nuclear weapons, we have mentioned it for earthquakes also, overlooking that Saturn and Ketu can also be the infections which can spread due to Ketu representing ‘keetanu (insects)’, turn into pandemic and cause mass deaths. Ketu joining five other planets in the eclipse chart clearly shows danger from diseases particularly because Ketu has joined it.  read more...
(In an issue of the Journal of Astrology of 1999, late M.S. Mehta has produced and published a long research on Rahu in Vrisha and its impact on India. Himanshi Gunwant has produced this research on her own, without any guidance yet has succeeded, in getting at the possible results of Rahu in Vrisha. K. N. Rao )

In year 2019, the planetary position of the planets was very important; similarly in the year 2020, many important planetary combinations are going to be formed. The most important transit event of year 2020 is Rahu entering Taurus. Rahu's entry in Taurus results in events like war, famine and communal riots.
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The time has come for starting the work of Sri Ram janma bhoomi mandir on 5 August 2020. The long awaited day is not very far now. Worldwide, every devotee of Lord Sri Ram is eagerly waiting for the day. Grand and majestic, heartfelt celebrations are in the pipeline, just like when Ramji came back from exile. An exquisite temple will be made in an area of 84,600 sq. feet where 50,000 devotees would be able to pray in one go. 

Let us first remember that when UPA was in power, they had taken a totally anti Lord Ram stand. Congress led UPA submitted an affidavit in Supreme Court, arguing that Valmiki Ramayana which mentions Ram Setu built by Lord Ram had no scientific veracity. It was 2007 when Kapil Sibal of Congress party said that there is no scientific proof that Ram Setu is man-made, insisting Ram Setu as a thing of imagination. Fortunately that issue was not decided by Supreme Court then. Ten years hence in 2017, on a science channel in US, citing images from Nasa satellite, it was explained that such a bridge may actually exist out of mythology; the bridge - also called Adam's Bridge - may not be a natural formation and may have been built by humans; the 7,000 year old rocks were sitting on a sand 4,000 year old; No explanation came from Congress. 

It is a little less than 500 years that the temple in Ayodhya was demolished (in 1528) though the legal battle started in 1885 when Mahant Raghubir Das filed the first case. After that it has taken 135 years to come to a concrete conclusion. On 23 Oct 1990, Advani’s rath yatra was stopped by Lalu’s government, it was hotly debated but nothing came out of it. Now, with BJP at centre headed by Narendra Modi, Supreme Court took up the case and everything was favorable, provided Supreme court gave a favourable decision which it did give on 9 Nov 2019 and 135 year old case came to a close. First time in the history of this dispute, a crystal clear legal judgement came to arm Hindus for building the temple. 

BJP has had Ram Mandir on its agenda since 1990 when the slogan ‘Mandir wahin banayenge’ (temple will be built there) came into being. BJP added the promise to build a temple to their Lok Sabha manifesto released just before elections of 1996 and it has been consistently there till 2019. In the election manifesto 2014, it said “BJP reiterates its stand to explore all possibilities within the framework of the constitution to facilitate the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya”. This was a very important period as BJP came to power with a clear cut majority and was expected to do a lot. BJP was accused of not making any effort to address it then, but what could BJP have done as the case had not come to Supreme Court and BJP wanted to stick to the legal channels. 

BJP has been so passionate about building the temple, we can get a glimpse of that enthusiasm from the account of Nirwa Mehta. She writes that she was doing her CA, she was in her internship, when in 2008 along with her aunt, on the day of rakhi, she went to CM residence and gave a 4 page letter to CM of Gujrat Narendra Modi, little expecting that anyone would read it. She had the question in her mind, which is actually a question of a lot many - she pointed out that major climate crisis, poverty, malnutrition are the issues which need to be addressed first; she asked if the temple was really needed, why not see the bigger perspective. 

To her great astonishment, CM read her letter and she got a response, just four hours later, he talked to her, explained what all was being done on the environment front- green energy, carbon credit, solar panels above Narmada canal, rooftop panels, he explained all. As for Ram Temple, he said it is about FAITH, when crores of Hindus believe that Bhagwan Ram was born there, it is our duty to reclaim what is ours. The other issues poverty, malnutrition etc. were being taken care of but it does not mean that for achieving one you sacrifice the other. 

Once again BJP mentioned it in its election manifesto in 2019, the words were a little different but the essence was the same. The manifesto said - "We reiterate our stand on Ram Mandir. We will explore all possibilities within the framework of the 2 Constitution and all necessary efforts to facilitate the expeditious construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya." 

Now with BJP at the centre and the case coming in Supreme Court, the court hearing started on 6 Aug 2019 and lasted for full 40 days. Everything was favourable and on 9 Nov 2019, first time in the history of India, a clear cut judgement was given. In accordance with BJP manifesto, the government has decided to build it. 

Supreme Court had conducted a 40 day trial starting on 6 Aug 2019. With rigorous schedule of 4 to 5 hours of hearing each day, the decision was declared on 9 Nov 2019. CJI Ranjan Gogoi himself read the verdict. Claim of Nirmohi Akhara and Shia Waqf Board was rejected. The entire 2.77 acre of disputed land in Ayodhya was granted to Ram Lalla. SC also directed Centre and UP government to allot 5 acre land to the Muslims at a prominent place for building a mosque. 

Initially AIMPLB seemed to be discontent with the decision and they announced to challenge the decision. Soon after, a group of Muslim lawyers of Delhi held a meeting and seriously opposed the move of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) to challenge the Supreme Court verdict on Ayodhya dispute; they said that the board should not confuse the people, there was no argument left to be submitted, hearing was complete and there was no scope for review petition. Muslim lawyers who attended the meeting unanimously appreciated the decision of the court which had resolved the years old dispute once and for all. They appealed to all the Indians to honour the verdict and improve communal harmony. 

With Ram janma bhoomi as the topic, we had a seminar in Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan under the revered guidance of our Guruji Shri K. N. Rao Sir, where the participants were Anju Sachdev, Kavita Sharma, Vijaylaxmi Jain and J.L. Sawhney. The seminar was very well received by a hall full of students, researchers and faculty members of Institute of Astrology, who listened with rapt attention and lot of devotion. 

Very clearly the guidance given to us by Shri K.N. Rao Sir was that Jupiter or/and Sun should influence Simha or Kumbha rashis to have some progress in the matter of the temple. That is the axis for temple building. This is a very important research of our esteemed Guruji Shri K. N. Rao Sir and we have seen it working every time. On 6 Aug 2019, when the case hearing started, Jupiter was retrograde in Vrishchika, aspecting Kumbha by retrogression. When the decision came on 9 Nov 2019, Jupiter had changed rashis, it was in Dhanu from where, it aspected Simha rashi. Right now also (29 July 2020) Jupiter is in Dhanu, aspecting Simha rashi. 

Famous saint Devaraha Baba had also blessed the construction of this temple. Way back in 1989, when Rajiv Gandhi was the Prime Minister, he had gone to visit Devaraha Baba. It is well known that Baba saw Rajiv Gandhi and said “Baccha, ho jane do” (Child, let this happen) with regards to the Ram janam bhoomi temple, following which Rajiv Gandhi provided all the facilities to ND Tiwari, then Chief Minister of UP for shilanyas. Inspite of the former ritual, work could not progress here. There was violence and riots all over the country. It was then that LK Advani decided to make people aware about the temple through Rath yatra. 

After the immense delay, finally bhoomi pujan is scheduled to be done, another pooja (religious ceremony) to seek the blessings of the divine.. But, we are at a junction now when the controversies seem to be pouring from all sides. Shri K. N. Rao Sir had warned us that in debating, if it is related to Ram janma bhoomi, lots of mental dishonesty can come into it because of the political parties involved. 

To start with, there is journalist turned social activist Saket Gokhale, who is a Congress supporter, he has filed a plea in Allahabad High Court for stopping the Bhoomi pujan ceremony of Ram temple in Ayodhya under the pretext that social distancing will be violated in the gathering of about 300 odd people who are expected to come for the ceremony. He filed his plea on 23 July 2020 and it was junked a day after by Chief Justice Govind Mathur and Justice Saumitra Dayal Singh- "We expect the organisers and the government of Uttar Pradesh would ensure all the protocol applicable for social and physical distancing." 

Congress is on a spree of its own. “Why should Modiji go for the bhoomi pujan when first Prime Minister JL Nehru refused to go for the inauguration of Somnath temple”, the so called secularists are blaring. On one side, Hussain Dalwai insists on this supposedly secular approach, on the other hand, Jharkhand MLA Pradeep Yadav wrote to Rahul Gandhi saying Congress members of the trust and also contribute towards donations. 

It is a coincidence that last year, on the same day i.e. 5 Aug 2019, article 370 was removed from the constitution of India but somehow the day of bhoomipujan is being linked to that. 

Sharad Pawar commented out of nowhere - “Ram mandir banega, to usi din corona jayega?” (Will corona go away if Ram Mandir is made) This is such a bizarre comment, what is the connection of the temple with corona! Well, PM Narendra Modi is expected to take part in the ceremony. He shall lay the foundation stone with 5 silver bricks at the proposed muhurat at 12:15 on 5 Aug 2020. CM Yogi Adityanath will be there throughout. He has a prime role in giving the rightful shape to Ayodhya. While we are discussing all this, let us not forget LK Advani ji who ignited this flame in the first place. It was Lalu Prasad Yadav who stopped the rath yatra at Samastipur and got LK Advani arrested on 23 Oct 1990, though the frenzy and the movement continued. Now 30 years hence, LK Advani is going to Ayodhya to attend the ceremony and celebrations for the bhoomi pujan of the temple and Lalu Yadav is in jail. 

Doubts are being raised for the muhurat chosen for bhoomi pujan by so many. Senior Congress leader Digvijay Singh retweeted the tweet of Acharya Pramod Krishnan which said that he is no Jyotishacharya, but he knows that no scholar can take out a muhurat for temple construction in shayan kaal of Lord Sri Hari. Moreover Bhagwan Sri Ram is the centre of our faith, so all this should be in accordance with shastras and should not be politically motivated. 

Shankaracharya Swaroopanand Saraswati, not happy with the muhurat, is symbolically laying the foundation stone in Varanasi while his disciple Govindanand Saraswati laid similar stone at Ayodhya. Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati declares the date fixed as an Ashubh tithi (inauspicious date). He is questioning the muhurat of laying the foundation stone. He is declaring the time as inauspicious as it is in Dakshinayan first of all. Also Bhadrapa maas is not the best of muhurats, as construction is prohibited in that month. He cited Vishnu Dharam Shastra and Naivagna Ballabh Granth

Ram Janma bhoomi temple chief priest Acharya Satyendra Das thinks otherwise, he has challenged the claim of Shankaracharya saying - "The month of Chaitra is auspicious as it is the birth month of Lord Ram and Bhadrapad is also auspicious as it is the birth month of Lord Krishna. Hence any religious work can commence in both the months," 

Mahant Parhamans Das of Tapasvi Chavni of Ayodhya, also said that the entire Bhadrapad month is auspicious for any religious work. 

They are quarreling about muhurat and our revered Guruji Shri K. N. Rao Sir shared with us, what his own Jyotish Guru Yogi Bhaskarananda told him when such a query about a perfect muhurat came to him. He said that it is just not possible to have a perfect muhurat with all malefics Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu in the horoscope. All you have to see is that the required house and its lord be alright and you can proceed with the work. 

Yogi Bhaskaranand ji told Shri K. N. Rao Sir that -- In ancient times, the average longevity used to be about 300 years. There was a man who knew astrology and he wanted to marry a girl whose horoscope would match with his horoscope perfectly. It took him 270 years to find a girl with the correct horoscope. Then he decided to marry her in the correct muhurat. Thirty more years passed but he was not able to find the perfect muhurat and he died a bachelor. The whole point is that it is not possible to get a blemishless muhurat ever. Pundits who are debating should remember this. We do not know that they are doing this on pure academic ground or they are politically motivated. In the case of Ram janma bhoomi, everything is politically motivated. 

When we look at the horoscope of Ram janma Lagna  taking the time as 12:15, we see that lagna lord Venus and Rahu are in the 9H. Jupiter is aspecting Venus in the 9H. The 9L Mercury is in 10H with Sun and is aspected by retrograde Saturn, showing that some political opposition shall remain. 

Ram Janma Bhoomi Muhurat - Journal of Astrology

The horoscope has its share of weaknesses. Jupiter is temple, Jupiter is also attack as it is the 6L. Jupiter and Mars both aspecting the 9H, a violent attack can not be ruled out. Some Muslim terrorist attack can be there, jehadis who are not scared of dying, can be involved. 

When we see it with respect to a temple, we note the 9H where a benefic is placed aspected by Jupiter. Moon is in Kumbha rashi, known for temple construction; Jupiter is aspecting 9H and Simha rashi, again known for temples. In ashtakvarga, 31 points in the lagna give reasonable strength to the horoscope of the day. 

Well, so many views, so many controversies are there, but what we are not understanding here is that the proposed muhurat time of 12:15 on 5 Aug 2020, it is Abhijit muhurat which can nullify so many doshas. 

Lord Rama was born in Abhijit muhurat only. It is a ‘Dosh Shoonya muhurat’ i.e. blemishless muhurat, whereby any auspicious work can be carried out. To quote from Ramcharitmanas: 

“Naumi tithi madhu maas punita Shukla paksh Abhijit Haripreeta Madhya diwas ati sheet na ghama Pawan kaal lok vishrama” 

Tulsidas ji writes in Balkand of Ramcharitmanas, that on navmi tithi, in the pious madhu maas, shukla paksha, Abhijit muhurat which is dear to the Lord, in the middle of the day, when it was not very cold and not very hot, at the time when people were resting, in that purest of muhurat Sri Ram was born. This is clearly an afternoon birth. 

Our astrological classics also tell the same. There is a mention in the classics that the middle part of the dinmaan (Sunset - Sunrise) is Abhijit muhurat. 

Till Abhijit muhurat was read in Ramcharitmanas, with respect to birth of Lord Sri Ram, it was assumed that ‘Abhijit muhurat’ is confined to daytime only. Very few people knew that ‘Abhijit muhurat’ holds at night also, till our revered Guruji Shri K. N. Rao Sir brought it to light in his articles and quoted from Harivansha Purana. 

The middle of ratrimaan is also called ‘Abhijit muhurat’, this we get to understand in Harivansha Purana with respect to birth of Lord Krishna. 

“Abhijit-naam nakshatram Jayanti naam Sharvari Muhurto vijyo naam yatra jaato Janardanah” 
Sri Harivansha Purana 

Meaning: When Lord Krishna appeared (on this earth), it was ‘Abhijit muhurat’, with the yog of Rohini nakshatra, that night of ashtami was called Jayanti and Vijay, a special muhurat was formed. 

Well, Lord Ram and Lord Krishna both were born in the very auspicious Abhijit muhurat. To be specific, 24 minutes before midpoint of dinmaan and 24 minutes i.e. one ghati after middle point of dinmaan, is the span of Abhijit muhurat. 
- Time of sunrise on 5 Aug 2020 is 5:31 
- Time of sunset on 5 Aug 2020 is 18:42 
- Dinmaan = 13 hours 11 minutes 12:06 is the middle of dinmaan for the day. 
24 minutes before and after is Abhijit muhurat, which makes 11:42 to 12:30 a good time on 5 Aug 2020. 

BJP should tell the other parties who are trying to use wrong astrology arguments that Abhijit muhurat has been chosen. It is well known that Abhijit muhurat overcomes these defects, so we should accept it blindly. 

Let us see what Ramcharitmanas has to say to quell our doubts. I quote from Ayodhya kand: 

Begi belambu na kariha nrip sajiah sabui samaju sudin sumangalu tabhi jab Ram hui Jubraj Ramcharitmanas 

Hey Rajan! ab der na keejiye; sheeghra sab samaan sajaaiye. Shubh din aur sundar mangal tabhi hain jab Sri Ramchandraji Yuvraj ho jayen (arthat unke Abhishek ke liye sabhi din shubh aur mangalmaya hain) 

Meaning: O King, let there be no delay, gather all necessary material for the ceremony, that very day becomes auspicious and pious when Ram becomes the Yuvraj. 

When great saint Tulsidas distinctly states that Ramji’s coronation as a Prince needs no muhurat, so why to worry about the muhurat for laying the foundation stone of Sri Ram janmabhoomi temple! 

JAI SRI RAM 29 July 2020
Keywords: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Ram Janma bhoomi, Narendra Modi, Babri Masjid, Ayodhya, KKK Nair, Ram Lalla, Rasi, Navamsa, Transits, Kundli, Horoscope, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Rahu, Ketu, Mercury

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