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Tokyo Olympics are slated for this year from the 24th of July to the 9th of August 2020. While everything seems to be going as per plan, it is the novel Corona virus and its virulent spread that has caught countries off guard. WHO is working closely with global experts, governments and partners to rapidly expand scientific knowledge on this new virus. Corona virus, under microscopic magnifiers resembles a crown, which has some genetic material at the center, enveloped by protein spikes – hence the name Corona. It can lead to respiratory problems, pneumonia like symptoms or even gastrointestinal problems (taken from the WHO website). read more...
As of this moment we are battling the onset of pandemic but we are going to be in the  “Eye of storm”very soon ie 3d week of March,2020. It is only after mid of May 2020 that we are likely to see decline in this pandemic. World should fight it out this catastrophe like a Global Village in a collective manner read more...
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One day he gave me a manuscript and asked me to home, open it and edit it. Back home, I opened it and found that it was a book on astrology!

I hesitated but when I started reading it, I found subjects like Jyotisha and Karma, Jyotish and the flow of Life Force, Jyotish and Yogic Psychology. Then there were many aphorisms of predictive astrology based on his own experience.

My mother had not taught me spiritual astrology. And now I began to learn that "Jyotish is para vidya, the eye of wisdom, demonstrable knowledge, not a bread winning subject."

My book, "Karma and Rebirth in Hindu Astrology" is based on his analysis and discussion. He had given up astrology in the last years of his life and someone stole that manuscript also. I had to, therefore, write on this subject as I have acknowledged in the preface to that book.

And one day he predicted, after discussing my own horoscope that after doing astrology on international stages, I will renounce life.

His was the physical frame of a Yogi, the diet of a Yogi, the sleep of a Yogi and the self-control of a Yogi. He never fell sick. Once he had said, "Whatever may be the ailment, do fasting and drink the water of the Ganga. Everything will be cured."

And then when I was transferred to Patna he had said, "in eastern India, particularly in Bihar, there will be a revolutionary agitation. I will make such a muhurta for you that amidst raging fires all round you, you will not be hurt." It was a blending of mundane and muhurta astrology.
Things happened as he had predicted. Between 1972 and 1975 there was the agitation of Jaya Prakash Narayan and I witnessed violent incidents every day.

"These fellows cannot even grasp the horoscope of Indira Gandhi". He had said once. "She will trample on everyone and becoming a powerful leader, will become an immortal leader of history." Those days almost every astrology had written that Indira Gandhi could become M.P. (Member of Parliament) but never P.M. (Prime Minister).

I have written in my book, the Nehru Dynasty that he had said many times that Indira Gandhi was making all-important announcements in muhurtas and nakshatras preferred by Tantriks. I have given many illustrations."This becomes very fatal. Such karma destroys whole family. It is now proven correct historically. First her son, Sanjay Gandhi(23 June 1980), Indira Gandhi herself (31 October, 1984) and Rajiv Gandhi (21 May 1991) died violent death. Perhaps, the flickering flame of the Nehru Dynasty will glow again, but dimly, when Sonia Gandhi enters politics.

It is now clear that from 1966 to 1984, Indira Gandhi was a powerful and unparalleled Prime minister.

Esoteric Astrological Combinations

  • Connection of 5th and the 9th lords (PAC) is the upward sublimation of the Life Force.(Auspicious)
  • Connection of the 6th and 9th lords/houses is ingratitude. (Inauspicious)
  • Benefic association of the 2nd house lord (the place of ethical conduct in Astanga Yoga) gives moral support. (Auspicious)
  • Malefic concentration in the 2nd house or with its lord gives birth to a liar and a cheat.(Inauspicious)
  • If the 5th lord has no aspect or conjunction of any planet it is good for meditation on the Supreme. (Auspicious)
  • Aspect of a malefic on a retrograde 5th lord gives birth to a villain. (Inauspicious)
  • A good Jupiter without andy aspect or conjunction gives stable idealism. (Auspicious)
  • A badly aspected Jupiter converts concealed lack of idealism into hypocrisy. (Inauspicious)
  • Detachment giver Saturn is best when alone. (Auspicious)
  • " Saturn associated with or aspected by planets is bondage as in my case", he said once. (Inauspicious)
  • The 11th house which is the house of gains is also the house of bondage. It is good if the 11th lord is afflicted as it increases spiritual thirst. (Auspicious)
  • An auspicious 11th house or lord being a strong kama trikona is the illusion of or the Maya. (Inauspicious)

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