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Tokyo Olympics are slated for this year from the 24th of July to the 9th of August 2020. While everything seems to be going as per plan, it is the novel Corona virus and its virulent spread that has caught countries off guard. WHO is working closely with global experts, governments and partners to rapidly expand scientific knowledge on this new virus. Corona virus, under microscopic magnifiers resembles a crown, which has some genetic material at the center, enveloped by protein spikes – hence the name Corona. It can lead to respiratory problems, pneumonia like symptoms or even gastrointestinal problems (taken from the WHO website). Číst více...Číst více...
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What will be the outcome of Gujarat elections was the question put to me by the wife of a very big politician of India of a non-BJP party. My brief nswer was that on the basis of the horoscope of BJP, Narendra Modi should do well. I had a horoscope of his passed on by someone but have not worked on it and verified it.

He used a different horoscope of Narendra Modi with a different lagna.

From: "S H. .com>
To: "knrao" <knrao.com>
Subject: Re: Let me know
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 15:58:15 IST
Respected Raoji,
My verification is given below. ....Mr.Modi's aggressive nature suits to martian sign particularly when the Mars is in lagna.
If he had born in September the lagna becomes Libra and the fifth house should have given him some technical educational background. After verifying his 6th house which shows profession of father, Jaimini pitrakaraka, the debilitated Sun in 12th & D-12 I am satisfied with his father's 
His remarkable victories in 2001& 02 elections clearly shows his lagna is Vrischica. So assuming the datas given to me as correct one I am taking the risk.

First of all as already written by you the time for BJP is good from November first week. Saturn the significator of north west direction should prove it who's antara is runnning for BJP.(since most part of Gujrath is that direction of India's map).

For Mr. Modi Jup-Jup-Rahu is going on according to Vimshottari which will be there up to 2nd week of Jan 08. Jup is well placed in rashi in a rajayoga & the house of simhasana (the power),but aspected by Mars who is also the sixth lord. In D-10 Jupiter is again well placed but aspected by Saturn.(the same angle holds good for Rahu who should give the result of Jup).

Jaimini Chara Dasha running is Mesha-Vrisha which will be there up to May 08. Jupiter the Putrakaraka aspected by Sun the DK is a rajayoga & for Vrishbha amatyakaraka falls in an angle. But the owner Venus is heavily afflicted even though he is well placed & in Jaimini rajayogas.

If we look at the transit of Jup & Sat, double transit phenomena is running with good ashtakavarga points. Yogini dasha is Brahmari-Sidda (Mr.Goel's method guided by you) should give mixed results.

1-Bjp will win in Gujrath with lot of strain & with lesser seats than the last election.
2-Mr. Modi will become the CM again but the time is negative After 2nd week of Jan 08 in Vimshottari, after may 08 according to Jaimini chara dasha etc. So he will have to step down as CM of Gujrath. If this has to take place then the UPA govt should fall around May 08 and Mr Modi should come to central politics. Feb 08 needs a  lot of observations.

Please correct me.I am Waiting for your advise & blessings.

With utmost respect.

Two women astrologers predict
Interestingly two women astrologers both of whom have given excellent predictions to people to help them solve their personal problems looked at he horoscope of Narendra Modi which SG passed on to me. I did not tell them about SG. They happened to be sitting in my house when I received the email of SH. Both of them predicted that Modi would win but not complete his term as CM for the third term.

The only difference they had with SH was that Narendra Modi will face some danger and personal difficulty because of which hevwill have to step down.

I am writing this on this early morning of 11 December 2007 at 4/33 am when Gujarat , the Saurastra side will go to polls today, voting for 87 seats in the first round. We can wait and watch. All that I want to say that all the three astrologers have made a technically sound approach.

In the meantime, the BJP has announced that L.K.Advani will be its prime ministrial candidate in the next general elections. Advani fights elections from Gujarat and the Congress party is accusing BJP of using it as an election ploy to attract voters to BJP in the hope of seeing Advani as the prime minister later. So strengething BJP in the present Gujarat election is important , according to the Congress party.

The notable astrological point is that in the antardasha of the seventh lord, Venus, Atal Vajpai was declared prime ministrial candidate of the BJP in 1995 and now Advani in the antardasha of Rahu in the seventh house has become the BJP’s prime ministerial candidate.
(11 December 2007)

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