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Tokyo Olympics are slated for this year from the 24th of July to the 9th of August 2020. While everything seems to be going as per plan, it is the novel Corona virus and its virulent spread that has caught countries off guard. WHO is working closely with global experts, governments and partners to rapidly expand scientific knowledge on this new virus. Corona virus, under microscopic magnifiers resembles a crown, which has some genetic material at the center, enveloped by protein spikes – hence the name Corona. It can lead to respiratory problems, pneumonia like symptoms or even gastrointestinal problems (taken from the WHO website). read more...
As of this moment we are battling the onset of pandemic but we are going to be in the  “Eye of storm”very soon ie 3d week of March,2020. It is only after mid of May 2020 that we are likely to see decline in this pandemic. World should fight it out this catastrophe like a Global Village in a collective manner read more...
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History repeats, not exactly. We can do historical investigation into it after an event has happened but the astrologer can foresee the forces that shape it,  predict with certain percentage of success. As a student of political science, history, international law and international relations,  my interest in this area was stimulated when Dr. Raman referred to a research of late Dr.Sampurnanand, a former chief minister of UP and governor of Rajasthan. Saturn in Meena and Jupiter in Karka are periods of some historic events in India said Dr.Sampurnanda. I did not test it but it gave me a stimulus.

Then I produced many such researches
three of them are relevant now.
1) Jupiter transiting between Meena and Mithuna brings about a change in the central government.
2) Malefics along Vrisha-Vrischika  and Karka-Makar axis are times of disturbance in India.
3)This combined with the dasha in the Independence horoscope gives us valuable insight.

At a glance, it necessary to see that JP
movement was launched in Mercury-Mars-Rahu period on 9 April 1974 which I personally witnessed in Patna and even heard the speech of that great patriot at Gandhi Maidan.

Anna Hazare's movement was launched on
5 April 2011 in the Sun-Rahu-Mercury period.

Sub-Periods in Indian horoscope

Briefly look at Rahu sub-periods of the history of  independent  India.
1) Saturn Rahu: April 1960 to Feb 1963 coincided with Rahu Saturn period in the horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru. It was the beginning of the disaster in Nehru's career who would have been remembered as the greatest statesman of the twentieth century, according Lord Mountbatten, if he had retired in 1955 from public life. It would have been the end of his Mars mahadasha.

India China relations had reached their nadir,
China attacked India on 20 Oct, 1962 and it was period of total national humiliation signalling the coming end of the Nehru era. I was posted in Shillong then and remember the wife of a colleague
weeping, with her daughter in her arms and saying that soon we were going to become slaves of China.

2) Mercury-Rahu March 1975 to Sept
1977 : Indira Gandhi was not able to control prices and corruption and justified corruption as a universal phenomenon. JP movement was shaking her dictatorial rule, there was a High Court judgement against her and she imposed National Emergency.

3) Ketu Rahu Aug 1985 to Aug 1986:
V.P. Singh as Finance Minister in Rajiv
Gandhi's cabinet created a panic in India. "He was appointed to the pivotal post of Finance Minister . He also gave extraordinary powers to the Enforcement Directorate of the Finance Ministry, the wing of the ministry charged with tracking down tax evaders, then headed by Bhure Lal. Following a number of high-profile raids on suspected evaders - including Dhirubhai Ambani and Amitabh Bachchan - Rajiv was forced to sack him as Finance Minister, possibly because many of the raids were conducted on industrialists who had supported the Congress
financially in the past. However, Singh's popularity was at such a pitch that only a sideways move seemed to have been possible, to the Defence Ministry.

Singh as defence minister began to investi
gate the notoriously murky world of defence procurement. After a while, word began to spread that Singh possessed information about the Bofors defence deal that could damage the Prime Minister's
reputation. And it did."

4) Ven Rahu Nov 1996 to Nov 1999:
Coalition governments at center came and
went out. It was a period of most unstable government at the center till Atal Behari Vajpai came with his NDA government. Confusion which Rahu causes
was seen everywhere.

5) Sun Rahu Nov 2010 to 11 Sept 2011 has
so far been the worst era of scams and we have seen the emergence of Anna Hazare.

See three other parallels

My research on malefics in Vrisha-Vrischika and Makar and Karka axis becoming important periods in the history of India, based on the story of Saturn's entry in Vrisha, particularly Rohini as given in the Padma Purana, elaborated by late
Sri.M.S.Mehta,  was based on many historical events. Here are three of them.

1). Jalianwala Kand on 13 April 1919
Ketu was 11 degrees in Vrisha
2). Congress party won elections in many states during British rule. Jawahar Lal Nehru had his tiff with Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman which led to the resolve of the Muslim League to demand Pakistan.(See India Wins Freedom of Maula Azad)
3) JP movement on 9 April 1974 Ketu and Mars both were in Vrisha
4) Anna's Ramlila Maidan agitation 19 August 2011

Ketu is in Vrisha.

And remember, during this period of the stay
of Ketu or Rahu, when planets change rashis, get into retrograde motion or direct, some changes take place.
Keywords: KN Rao, Jouranal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Anna Hazare, Indian Parliament, Jan Lok Pal Bill, Ramlila Ground, JP Narayan, Indira Gandhi, Congress Party of India, Jyotish, Indian Astrology, Hindu Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Kundli, Horoscopes, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Vrischika, Karaka, Vrishbha

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