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In 1810, Raja of Ujjain paid a visit to Kashi. He along with Kashi Naresh, was on a boat going towards Manikarnika ghat when he saw the shining figure of Swami sitting on water. On inquiry, he was told about the extra ordinary powers of the saint. The King was very impressed and as if sensing his wish to see him, Swami appeared on the boat. The King was glad and showed his extra ordinary bejeweled sword to him. The saint did not even think for a moment and threw the sword in water. When the King got in a fit of rage and grief, Swami put his hand in water and extracted two similar swords from the water. He asked the King to recognize his sword, which he obviously could not do. Swami told him sternly that he was troubled for the sword when he could not even recognize which one was his sword. That was his way to show him the futility of the physical attractions of the world. read more...
One year more than a century has passed, still no one has forgotten the brutality with which the atrocious killing at Jallianwala Bagh was carried out. Jallianwala Bagh is located at a distance of barely one and a half kilometers from the Golden Temple in Amritsar. On 13 Apr 1919, on the day of Baisakhi (an important Hindu festival) at 5:37 in the evening, when more than 10,000 people (some say there were 15,000 to 20,000) were gathered in the Jallianwala Bagh, acting Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer ordered to shoot at the unarmed, innocent public. 
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Out of my sense of gratitude I must write this piece. In the battle of attrition between two different spokesmen of two different political parties, the Congress party and the BJP in India, Sri Digvijay Singh gets portrayed as a hard and vociferous critic giving him an anti Hindu image. What we saw of him in our Silver Jubilee celebrations of the Institute of Astrology, the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, New Delhi, on 19 May 2013 was the lesser known, undiscussed and the sublime side of this General Secretary of the Congress Party. We had invited as the chief guest on this occasion.

He has been brought up in an orthodox Hindu family. He is an initiated disciple of Swami  Swaroopanandji and does his japam of the mantra given to him by his spiritual guru. He had his upanayanam also in his childhood. He did his poojas regularly or did it till recently. Yes, till recently, he told the audience.

Some of us have seen him in a television news visiting a temple , Mahakaleshwar temple of Ujjain, the famous Jyotirlinga.

I was told by Shri K.Q.Naqvi who retired from the famous Aaj Tak Hindi news channel as its head recently, that thrice Shri Digvijay Singh had said that he believed in astrology and consulted astrologers. It was during those days when the decision of the HRD ministry in 2000 to introduce astrology as a subject of study was being opposed and hotly debated in the media. India’s hypocritical political leaders never say this openly.

Shri Naqvi had got from me some successful predictions in 1993 in Jaipur and he later rose high in his life, joined the Aaj Tak television channel and became its head. He was also a student of astrology in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan , New Delhi, and later, served also as a teacher of astrology till the heavy duties of the Aaj Tak television left him with no time to continue teaching astrology. He had to leave teaching astrology. Shri Naqvi is a Muslim and the fact of his learning and teaching astrology surprises many people. We have and had Muslim and Christian students and teachers in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.

Consult privately and deny publicly
Some months ago, I was asked to predict for a very high ranked Muslim dignitary through someone associated with him and working under him. I made a very rare and successful prediction which surprised all those who know about it. This dignitary who got this prediction ( and wanted it ) however tells others around him that he never believed in astrology which he dismisses as a superstition. This is typical of even Hindu leaders of India . Or they remain non committal when it comes to astrology.

In the case of Shri Digvijay Singh he has a right grouse against astrologers whom he seems to have consulted in recent years. In his speech he did say that he had met me in 1971 though I cannot recollect when and where it occurred. He also said that I had hinted at his political career then. Again I cannot recollect it.

I guess that recently he must have consulted astrologers, among other personal and other matters, about the health of his wife. Perhaps, no astrologer saw the fatality in her or his horoscope about what she was going to suffer from---a fatal disease, presuming that the horoscopes were correct.

His wife’s death
From Google I collected this information. “He was married to Asha Singh and has four daughters and a son. His wife Asha Singh succumbed to cancer on 27 February 2013, aged 58.”

Medical astrology
In our function he spoke in visibly melancholy tone and asked astrologers to do more research on medical astrology and even said that the government should make funds available for it. That was an impossible request as the government behaves like a philistine when it comes to astrology. Astrologers have always predicted about the monsoon far better than the meteorologists which is on record in so many places , particularly in the Vishwa Vijay Panchanga in Hindi when late Hardeo Shastriji was alive and predicted about mundane and astro meteorological matters. Yet, the Government of India has not encouraged astro-meteorology.

Shri Chinmay Gharekhan
In the same function Shri Chinmay Gharekhan, a famous officer of the Indian Foreign Service and now the chairman of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi, narrated an incident about a young woman suffering from asthma. All the astrologers who were consulted predicted that she would be cured and would have normal life of a married woman but she died. How can astrologers know if asthma is curable and someone’s asthma would be cured? Were the astrologers bluffing or was the horoscope wrong ?

Shri Chinmay Gharekhan also said that an astrologer said, seeing his horoscope, that since his janma nakshatra was Revati, the last nakshatra among the twenty seven we have ( excluding Abhijit), it was his last birth and that he would get salvation !

Astrologers can predict about the onset of disease without knowing what it would be and its outcome after examining the dasha periods and the fatality or otherwise visible. WHERE THEY FAIL IS IN PREDICTING THE TYPE AND NATURE OF A DISEASE. To overcome this, for more than thirty years I have asked doctors who know astrology and some of whom I have taught astrology, to do it. They have been dismal failures.


Shri Vinay Gupta
It is only a brilliant astrology teacher like Shri Vinay Gupta, non medical man, a teacher of astrology in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi, has been doing it with rarest brilliance and success in recent years is what I know and have seen personally.

In this area, Shri Vinay has had spectacular successes. In at least nine cases he warned some people about the onset of cancer and in four cases, of heart attack, is what I know personally. He worked hard by collecting horoscopes from a famous private hospital in Delhi and has taken the help also of his elder daughter who is a medical doctor.

Recently Dr.S.B.Goel, a medical doctor a teacher of astrology in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi, has also been producing some valuable astro medical researches. We have lot of expectations from him.

Limitations of astrologers
If astrologers failed to predict about the fatality of the disease of the wife of Shri Digvijay Singh or of the fatal end of the girl suffering from asthma as Shri Chinmay Gharekhan said, it is explainable . Yet, if they failed to see danger to their lives , if they had correct horoscopes, it was their dismal failure.

To tell or not to tell
Astrologers face the problem, even if they have correctly seen it in a horoscope, whether to tell it or not  to their clients and how to put it. It can , if they see health trouble and or an accident, be put in a sugar coated manner. It can be expressed in various ways:

1) Get yourself checked by a doctor thoroughly as you health may suffer can be one way of saying it.

2) I generally tell someone distantly related to the person concerned but never to the person himself or his very close relative. I do that because the clients get so nervous that they have a serious emotional breakdown after hearing such a dire prediction.

3) It can also be said that the client is not passing through a good time and should be careful in all fronts.

a) I told a woman officer recently about her service trouble clearly visible in her horoscope and she said she was disappointed. Why ? She wanted to hear from me that it would all be over and very soon!

b) I told a childless couple to get proper medical treatment to have a child. There was a clear combination of childlessness in both horoscopes. They thought that I was assuring them that they would have a child. I did not have the heart to say that they would not have any child in a normal way.

It was almost impossible These days we are seeing IVF do wonders. How many young men in India are becoming sterile ?

4) There can be many other ways of telling it.

What others cannot appreciate
A client who goes to an astrologer cannot know the importance of correct noting of the birth time and correct casting of the horoscope. He goes in the belief that the horoscope he has is correct. Recently I saw a horoscope cast based on ghatties without mentioning the Indian Standard Time, the panchanga used and the sunrise of the place taken for the calculation. I had no way of knowing if the calculation of ghatties was based on the sunrise of the remote village of a far off small town or of Delhi. A client coming to consult cannot understand and appreciate it. I cast two different horoscopes on the given Indian Standard Time and on the basis of ghatties and got a difference of three navamshas!!

Most of the astrologers who predict on this basis fall into a mental trap without verifying the correctness of the birth time and the horoscope cast on this basis.

It is the experience of many of us that after a fatal incident has occurred, when the horoscope of the sufferer was examined, it was found to be wrong even. Sometimes, it is the failure of the astrologer and sometimes it is a wrong horoscope.

But a client who is not destined to get a correct prediction feels aggrieved. There is no way out it.

Belief in predestination
Such incidents lead to a belief in predestination. In the case of Shri Digvijay Singh it is what has happened. He had many observations to make.

1) If what is destined to happen has to happen why resort even to remedial measures ?

2) He said that he has now asked his pandit to do all the prayers he used to do and promised to pay him well for it.

3) He now only reads that the Gita regularly and accepts its philosophy.

In that melancholy tone and his more melancholy looks spectators saw was a magnificent Shri Digvijay Singh different from what we know of or see him in the television channels.

Limitations of astrologers
But who will tell men like Shri Digvijay Singh that astrologers , even most honest, have their limitations and that unscrupulous astrologers will not miss this opportunity to make huge money under the pretext of remedial measures on such occasions?

Astrologers playing God on such occasions and making money at the cost of grief stricken client is well known. There is no law to punish them. You cannot even go to the Consumer Court because these astrologers neither give written predictions on their letter heads with the time and date of consultation nor a receipt for the money received.

( 24 May 2013)

Keywords: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Digvijay Singh, Medical Astrology, Jyotish, Indian Astrology, Hindu Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Horoscopes, Kundli

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