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Tokyo Olympics are slated for this year from the 24th of July to the 9th of August 2020. While everything seems to be going as per plan, it is the novel Corona virus and its virulent spread that has caught countries off guard. WHO is working closely with global experts, governments and partners to rapidly expand scientific knowledge on this new virus. Corona virus, under microscopic magnifiers resembles a crown, which has some genetic material at the center, enveloped by protein spikes – hence the name Corona. It can lead to respiratory problems, pneumonia like symptoms or even gastrointestinal problems (taken from the WHO website). read more...
As of this moment we are battling the onset of pandemic but we are going to be in the  “Eye of storm”very soon ie 3d week of March,2020. It is only after mid of May 2020 that we are likely to see decline in this pandemic. World should fight it out this catastrophe like a Global Village in a collective manner read more...
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It is the massacre of children that brings tears and sympathies transcending national boundaries, drowning the bitter neighbourly relations. Pakistan’s agony of 16 December 2014 in Peshawar killings, ripping apart families adds to the more than 40,000 deaths from terror attacks since 2001. If a corpse in a grave has a conscience, Zia ul Huq of vicious Islamic fundamentalism of 1979-88 days may have a shed a tear. And H.W Bush who had warned Pakistan in 1992 as has been reported may not have been surprised. And Hillary Clinton must be having the last laugh after her remark that Pakistan should not expect that snakes it was breeding would bite only its neighbours. Here is a newspaper report.

‘To defeat jihadis, Sharif and Sharif need to unite’ - Bruce Reidel | Dec 21, 2014, 05.07 AM IST
A quarter century ago, Pakistan and America defeated the Soviet Union in Afghanistan from mujahideen base camps around Peshawar. Pakistan has a unique place in the global jihad. It is both a leading victim and a leading patron of the jihad. This week's awful massacre in Peshawar is a potentially defining moment for Pakistan's leaders; they need to make a decisive break with decades of duplicity and defeat the Frankenstein that threatens to consume them. A quarter century ago, Pakistan and America defeated the Soviet Union in Afghanistan from mujahideen base camps around Peshawar.

The Cold War ended in Russia's defeat but we can now see the global jihad also began in the Afghan war. As early as 1992, President George H W Bush wrote to then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that Pakistan was in danger of being listed as a patron state sponsor of terror because it was using the connections and tactics it had forged with the Afghan mujahideen to patronize terror in India.

Bush warned this would come home to haunt Pakistan. Bush was right. It has become a nightmare. The terror apparatus Zia-ul Haq created has gotten out of control, murdering Benazir Bhutto, attacking the country's military headquarters, schools, mosques, funerals, churches and hotels. Sectarian violence wracks the country.””

Astrological reasons and controversies
Late though, in hindsight, it is still worth an astrological exploration to know how this paradigm shifting tragedy happened provoking the prime minister of Pakistan to say even that he would not distinguish between the good and bad Taliban now.

Some controversies have raged recently in these days of  astrological “pundits” of the internet era saying that both India and Pakistan had taken independence on the same day with these fools forgetting that even now , every year, Pakistan celebrates its independence day only on 14 August, one day before India. This simple, glaring, annual fact is ignored by those who quote from a wrong citation somewhere that both these countries have their independence day on 15th August. To add to it and reinforce it are the three additional arguments.

1) From Wikipedia
- Independence Day observed annually on 14 August, is a national oliday in Pakistan, commemorating the day when Pakistan achieved independence and was declared a sovereign nation, following the end of the British Raj in 1947.
2) Sir Woodrow Wyatt wrote this “” - In 1947 the Cabinet and Mountbatten, under pressure, chose August 14 as the start of independence for India and Pakistan, hoping this would not be too late. Mr. Jinnah of the Muslim League was unconcerned. The Hindu leaders were troubled. The astrologers had reported that August 14 was not the best of dates and were ordered to select the most promising moment during it. They came up with exactly midnight. So Pakistan began its independence in the morning and India in the middle of the night. India’s subsequent history has been somewhat more successful than Pakistan.”
3) I like my other classmates in their sixteenth and seventeenth years had kept awake whole night of 14 and 15  in that month of August to wait for the glorious day when we got independence and remembered distinctly that Pakistan had been formed  a day earlier without Lord Mountbatten being either invited  or becoming the Governor General of Pakistan.

This piece had to be written because of a claim made by someone that the horoscope of a country should be made not on the basis of its latitude and longitude but on what he claims to be an original “research” of his which became necessary since both India and Pakistan had got their independence on the same day!!!

The Peshawar Tragedy in retrospect
A war like situation was all that was seen for Pakistan and privately predicted by many but this tragedy now demands a deeper and understanding, though in retrospect, to understand the blood curdling events all over the world and in this case in our neighborhood.

Horoscope of Pakistan
Rashi- Mercury the third and sixth lord in mrityubhag with the fifth lord Sun shows generations of Pakistani students brainwashed through distorted history and Wahhabism from the time of Zial ul Huq(1979-1988) as admitted by writers of Pakistan in Pakistani newspapers. (see excerpts from newspapers in the appendix.)

Navamsha - Mars the lagna and the sixth lord aspecting the ninth and the tenth lord in the fifth house along with Saturn is “the poison within” as a writer of Pakistan has said in the Pakistani newspaper the Dawn. (see excerpts from newspapers in the appendix.)

Dasamsa - Saturn and Mars aspecting the fifth house and the fifth lord in the eighth house with the eighth lord aspected by the ninth and the tenth lord is the prominent feature of this horoscope. It show how the school curriculum, distorted history and Wahabbism of Saudi Arabia with its petro dollars has ruined the educational curricula to produce generations of fundamentalists in this country.

Transit of Saturn and Mars on ominous 16 Dec 2014
When a live coverage of this tragedy was being given in different television channels of India I immediately noticed that from the Mesha lagna horoscope of Pakistan Saturn in the eight house, in transit, and Mars in the tenth house were aspecting the fifth house of children. And 16 December is a tragic day in the history of Pakistan when it lost its eastern wing East Pakistan which now is Bangladesh. Some Pakistani newspapers did refer to Black 16 December.

Horoscope of Pakistan - Karachi

The annual horoscope must
invariably be cast for 
Karachi the place of the birth of Pakistan. Lagna and Moon are in mrityubhaga. Saturn and Mars in the fifth house is the clearest indication
of this tragedy.

The shooting of children started sometime after 2 pm of that day according to an eye witness report of Pakistan’s newspaper the Dawn. In the four level dasha of the Vimshottari it was Venus the seventh lord of war Mars the lagna and the eighth lord, Venus pratyantara dasha and Mercury pratyantara dasha. It is notable that while in the Indian Independence horoscope no planet is in mrityubhaga, Pakistan has its Mercury in this fatal portion and the prana may have been first of Sun the fifth lord and then of Moon when the massacre was talking place.

Pakistan - Hindu New Year 2014

The fifth lord in the eighth house and Mars retrograde aspecting both Sun and Moon in the fifth house clearly shows the tragedy and the expected reaction. It is a long fight as is clear against those snakes which Pakistan has bred 
for biting its neighbours but biting it also now. (see excerpts from newspapers in the appendix.)

Now see the comments against different horoscopes and the relevant vargas.

It has been debated in the Indian television channels and has even be hinted at and written that in distinguishing between good  Taliban and bad Taliban, the prime minister of Pakistan is ignoring the greater snakes not only on the borders of  Pakistan but right nears its heart in Punjab in the shape of  Hafiz Saeed about whom the write up is “” Mohammed Said, see Mohammed Said (disambiguation).

Hafiz Muhammad Saeed - Born 10 March 1950 (age 64), Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan, Nationality Pakistani, 
Occupation Leader of jama'at-ud-da'wah, 
Years active 2001– present
Organization Jama'at-ud-Da'wah, Lashkar-e-Taiba 
Religion Islam

Hafiz Muhammad Saeed  born 1948) is the amir of Jama'at-ud-Da'wah, which operates mainly from Pakistan and has had sanctions placed against it as a terrorist organisation by the United Nations. The organisation is banned as a terrorist organisation by India, the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Russia and Australia.””””

Pakistan has not woken up yet. It has friendly terrorists whom it patronizes and hostile terrorist whom it wants to eliminate now. The snakes in heart of Pakistan have yet to bite the country may be the argument and justification.

(21 December 2014)


PESHAWAR: Al-Qaida's regional branch on Sunday said its hearts were "bursting with pain" over the Taliban's massacre at a Pakistan school and urged the militants to target only security forces.

Dawn News - 
21 December, 2014 / 28 Safar, 1436 
Counterterrorism consensus
Munir Akram (
The writer is a former Pakistan ambassador 
to the UN).
AS Pakistan grieves the loss of its children in 
Peshawar, a national consensus has emerged to fight 
and destroy the 
TTP terrorists responsible for this
latest atrocity. The Pakistan Army will 
no doubt 
intensify its ongoing campaign against these terrorists 
and should be extended all possible support. Hopefully,
political leaders will suspend their 
games to address this clear and present 
to the country’s 
security and progress....

It was'nt the final atrocity
Dawn News - 
20 December, 2014 / 27 Safar, 1436, 
It wasn’t the final atrocity
Pervez Hoodbhoy
All tragedies provoke emotional exhortations. 
But nothing changed after Lakki Marwat when 
spectators of a volleyball match were killed by 
suicide bomber in a pickup truck. Or, 
when 96 
in a snooker club died in a double suicide 
127 dead in the All 
Saints Church 
in Peshawar, 
or the 90 
in prayer, 
are now dry statistics. In 2012, men 
military uniforms stopped four buses bound from 
to Gilgit, demanding that all 117 
and show their national identification cards. 
with typical Shia names, like Abbas 
and Jafri, 
separated. Minutes later corpses lay on the 

Dawn News 
December 20th , 2014 
21 December, 2014 / 28 Safar, 1436

Irfan Husain
“IF you keep vipers in your garden,” goes the old proverb. “Don’t be surprised if
you get bitten.” After years of getting bitten regularly, we have developed an immunity to snake venom. But every once in a while, a particularly poisonous serpent can still inflict a lot of suffering. And then cries go up to clear the garden once and for all. But soon, the pain subsides, and the soothing refrain goes up: they are our snakes, after all, and we can train them to behave better; they are only reacting to drone attacks; once the nasty Americans leave the neighborhood, they will calm down; and we should not kill the snakes that only bite our neighbors. So while all political parties have duly...
Keywords: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Pakistan, Peshawar massacre, Taliban, George Bush, Hilary Clinton, Jyotish, Hindu Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Saturn, Mars, Nawaz Sharif, Zia ul Huq

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