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Shri V.P.Goel, an engineer by profession is the author of three books on conditional dashas and he has sucesfully demonstrated the use of progressive Yogini Dasha on thousands of horoscopes by now. He is on the faculty of Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan.

Read Predicting Effectively through Yogini Dasha by VP Goel

The present form of Congress came into existance on 2nd Jan 1978 at 11:59:00 am at Delhi. The chart is:







The Progressed chart for Congress for Siddha of P. Ashada is given below:







The Yogini mahadasha at birth is of Sankata (Rahu) and ended on 11 Dec 1982. the present mahadasha is of siddha with P. Ashad as the star lord and Sagitarius as lagna. Siddha started on 11 Dec 2003. The sub periods are :

12 December 2003 Till April 10 2005 Siddha (Venus)
April 10 2005 Till November 11 2006 Sankata (Rahu)
November 11 2006 Till January 21 2007 Mangla (Moon)
January 21 2007 Till June 11 2007 Pingla (Sun)
June 11 2007 Till January 11 2008 Dhanya (Jupiter)
January 11 2008 Till October 21 2008 Bhramari (Mars)
October 21 2008 Till October 11 2009 Bhadrika (Mercury)
October 11 2009 Till December 11 2010 Ulka (Saturn)

Congress Came in power in May 2004 in Siddha/Siddha (Venus/Venus). Venus occupy lagna with ninth lord Sun and aspected by Retrograde Lagna lord. In this progress chart Moon as 8th lord occupies the 10th house and the tenth lord Mercury is in 12th house.

The basic weakness further is seen by the placement of debilitated Mars in 8th house. A debilitated planet in 8th house gives Raj yoga. The Sub period of Bhramari (Mars) started on 11 Jan 2008 and is lasting upto 21 Oct 2008. As the lord of 12th and 5th house it has been giving mental problems.

The Sub period/Sub period of Mangla (Moon) from 3rd Sep 2008 is the most critical period. The role of 8th house and lord have to be felt. The next sub period is of Bhadrika (Mercury). Mercury is 7th and 10th lord, placed in 12th house.

The next general election will be held under Bhadrika (Mercury) antardasha. Mercury is in 12th from progressed lagna and progressed star lord/dasha lord Venus.

Further it is in sign of enemy. Placement of tenth lord in 12th house indicates transfar or change of job.

The chart of BJP is given below:-












The Yogini dasha at birth was Bhadrika and ended on 29 Sep 1981. Bhramari (Mars) dasha of P. Bhadrapada will commence of 28 Sep 2008. The progressed lagna is Aquarius and will change to Pisces on 28 Sep 2011.

The progressed chart for Aquarius lagna with P.Bhadrapad star is also given above.

Jupiter is the progressed star lord and is the seventh and tenth lord of birth chart. Star lord Jupiter, lagna lord Saturn and 10th lord Mars aspect the lagna. The tenth lord Mars is aspecting 10th house. Powerful Dhana yoga is also present. Lagna and tenth house are strong. Mars is dasha lord also.

The yogini dasha period of Bhramari/Bhramari (Mars/Mars) will operate upto 9 March 2009 is capable of giving rajyoga results.

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