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Tokyo Olympics are slated for this year from the 24th of July to the 9th of August 2020. While everything seems to be going as per plan, it is the novel Corona virus and its virulent spread that has caught countries off guard. WHO is working closely with global experts, governments and partners to rapidly expand scientific knowledge on this new virus. Corona virus, under microscopic magnifiers resembles a crown, which has some genetic material at the center, enveloped by protein spikes – hence the name Corona. It can lead to respiratory problems, pneumonia like symptoms or even gastrointestinal problems (taken from the WHO website). read more...
As of this moment we are battling the onset of pandemic but we are going to be in the  “Eye of storm”very soon ie 3d week of March,2020. It is only after mid of May 2020 that we are likely to see decline in this pandemic. World should fight it out this catastrophe like a Global Village in a collective manner read more...
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The developing story of US election 2008 is being put in black and white for the discerning readers. The USA is a nation where the blacks have traditionally been discriminated. Racial segregation was a fact of life till just a few years back. Racial discrimination, like the caste discrimination in India takes generations to be eradicated. Traces of this malaise remain etched in the memory of the populace for a long long time. The US population deserves our felicitations for the courage and foresight that they have displayed in selecting and electing a black presumptive presidential candidate.
Senator Barack Hussein Obama has become the presumptive presidential candidate of the Democrats due to Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi aka Mahatma Gandhi. It was Mahatma Gandhi’s dual mantra of “non-violence” and “satyagraha” (civil disobedience) that moved Martin Luther King to “I have a dream”. But for this Mahatma Gandhi induced dream Martin Luther King would not have led “Two Hundred Thousand” unarmed peaceful blacks to invest Washington in March 1963. This action was reported by the Times as “no one could ever remember an invading army quite as gentle as the two hundred thousand civil right marchers
who occupied Washington” It was this action that forced the US Government to pass the Equal Rights Bill. Martin Luther King dreamed of a day when children would be judged “Not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character”. This is what this dreamer said in his acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize on 10th December 1964 at Oslo “Negroes of United States, following the people of India, have demonstrated that non-violence is not a sterile
passion but a powerful moral force which makes for social transformation”.

Had this black leader, Martin Luther King not got the equal rights; Obama would be fighting racial discrimination in the land of whites where their President also lives in a WHITE House. Obama is now a respectable Afro-American likely to be the first black occupant of White House. Be that as it may, let us proceed with this black and white story.

Senators McCain and Obama are distinguished personalities. Both of them have had quality education McCain is a graduate of Naval Academy, Annapolis and Obama a scholarship student of his school in Hawaii, graduated from Columbia University and the Harvard Law School. Both these towering personalities are just one step away from the enviable goal of becoming the most powerful person in this unipolar world. Their horoscopes have to be outstanding. We need to discuss them to the extent needed for a competitive comparison.

It is also worth remembering that their competition culminates on one single day – the 4th day of November 2008. (The first Tuesday after the first Monday of November).

(I would draw the attention of readers to an outstanding astro portrait of Martin Luther King by K.N. Rao in the Journal Of Astrology issue of April-June 2001. Readers may also re-peruse my article “HE or SHE Hilary or Obama” of 2nd March 2008 on the web site of the Journal of Astrology).

Our parameters for this black and white: Obama Vs McCain competitive analysis are : -

(a) Lucky: It is better to be lucky than competitively stronger.
(b) Navamsha: Navamsha is a truer reflector of the potential. The competitive comparison should be done from “Swansh”.
(c) Dasha: On 4th November 2008 what are the 3 tier Vimshottari and Char dashas
contribution to the comparative competitiveness.
(d) Transit: What do the transiting planets promise these stalwarts?
(e) The Kota Chakra : Chakras are the gifts of our rishis and have been explained to us by KK Joshi in his book “Kota Chakra and Sanghatta. Chakra” We would try and fathom the winner on Election Day i.e. the 4th of November by using this Chakra.

The horoscopes are :-
Senator McCain – 29th Aug 1936, 0907, Panama
Senator Barack Obama 4th Aug 1961,13:26:37, Honolulu


Luck is bestowed upon a jatak, who is represented by the ascendant and the ascendant lord, by the 9th house/lord.

McCain : His ascendant lord is exalted and placed in the ascendant itself - strong ascendant is a gift of fate. Now his 9th house/lord. The ninth lord is Venus. Venus is placed in the 12th house from where Venus injects some more strength into an already strong ascendant as our shastras tell us that Venus improves the house to which it is twelfth.

Venus the 9th lord has some drawbacks also at 29º51’ it becomes weak and erratic; it is with 12th lord Sun who is inimical to it. Venus has the aspect of Saturn the retrograding 6th lord from 6th house; this further erodes the luck.

Saturn is the 5th lord also. A 5/9 mutual aspect gives wisdom and ‘straight talk’ to the jatak.

Now we examine a few events of McCain’s life. McCain father was an Admiral; Sun representing father and Venus the 10th lord from Sun; conjunct in Leo made the son - McCain take up his father’s career. Sun is government also and McCain became a Congressman in 1982 and moved on to become a Senator in 1986. This is 9/5 combination of Venus and Sat. Saturn is 6th lord and Sun is the 12th lord their joint influence on the 9th lord Venus made him a losing Vice President aspirant on Bob Dole’s presidential ticket. He also lost out to President Bush in 2000 Republican selection for the President. He has won the Senate seat 4 times in succession. He is a fighter but may be fate plays last minute games with him. Saturn the 6th lord joins Sun the 12th lord in holding back 9th lord Venus from fully blossoming.

Obama: Obama is lucky his lagna lord is in 9th House. His 9th lord Mercury is with digbali 11th lord Sun in 10th house aspected by PK and the 5th lord Saturn from 4th house. 6th lord Jupiter also aspects 9th lord Mercury making him lucky in competitions.

On luck Obama has an edge

To Be Continued

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