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In 1810, Raja of Ujjain paid a visit to Kashi. He along with Kashi Naresh, was on a boat going towards Manikarnika ghat when he saw the shining figure of Swami sitting on water. On inquiry, he was told about the extra ordinary powers of the saint. The King was very impressed and as if sensing his wish to see him, Swami appeared on the boat. The King was glad and showed his extra ordinary bejeweled sword to him. The saint did not even think for a moment and threw the sword in water. When the King got in a fit of rage and grief, Swami put his hand in water and extracted two similar swords from the water. He asked the King to recognize his sword, which he obviously could not do. Swami told him sternly that he was troubled for the sword when he could not even recognize which one was his sword. That was his way to show him the futility of the physical attractions of the world. read more...
One year more than a century has passed, still no one has forgotten the brutality with which the atrocious killing at Jallianwala Bagh was carried out. Jallianwala Bagh is located at a distance of barely one and a half kilometers from the Golden Temple in Amritsar. On 13 Apr 1919, on the day of Baisakhi (an important Hindu festival) at 5:37 in the evening, when more than 10,000 people (some say there were 15,000 to 20,000) were gathered in the Jallianwala Bagh, acting Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer ordered to shoot at the unarmed, innocent public. 
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The Navamshas

Examine the respective navamshas from the ‘Swansh’. The sign in the navamsha having the Atmakaraka planet (AK) is Swansh. Both Obama and McCain have a Sagittarius Swansh – Sagittarius is “Kodanda” rashi excellent for fierce fight ; fair – with no quarter given or asked.

Both AKs are supported by five planets two placed with the AK and three aspecting from the other dual signs. McCain’s AK – Venus is conjunct Mars and Ketu, it is aspected by Saturn/Rahu/Mercury.

Barack Obama’s AK – Mars is conjunct Venus and Sun and is aspected by Moon/Jupiter/Mercury. We need to see the 4th (“throne – the pada”) and the10th (the karma) houses and theinterplay of Jaimini rajyoga karakas. (AK, AMK, PK, DK and 5 lord of natal chart).

Examination of the Navamshas

1. Both have dual signs rising in navamsha ascendant. Mercury is navamsha lagna lord in both cases.

Mercury of McCain is debilitated in 7th (pada) and Mercury of Obama is exalted in 4th of (Simhasan, the chair).

Both the lagna lords have aspect of 5 planets each. McCain has AK and AMK two raj yoga karakas aspecting his lagna lord Mercury (Jaimini aspects), Obama has three in addition to AMK and AK – the PK also joins in.

Obama has a three to two advantage. McCain’s 4/7/10 lords are Jupiter and Mercury and both debilitated - he is always been just there - never the bride, ever the bride’s maid.

Obama’s 4/7/10 lords are also Mercury
and Jupiter. Mercury is 4th lord exalted in 4th house and Jupiter is the 10th lord in 10th house with Moon. Moon and Jupiter make a potent Gajakesari Yoga of 2nd and 10th lords in 10th; the house of authority. It is this combination that gives him enviable eloquence notice the aspect of exalted Mercury on Moon and Jupiter.

The Navamsha gives the Chair, the “Pada” or the President ship and authority to Obama.

The Dashas

McCain first : On 4th November 2008 McCain would be enjoying Vimshottari Dasha of Saturn/Jupiter/ Mars and Chara Dasha of Cancer /Leo/ Taurus.

Saturn / Jupiter is Dasha “Chidra” the ending dasha of Saturn. Generally this denotes the end of an endeavour and the beginning of a new phase in life. It is hardly conducive in injecting optimism about a major victory in a close fight. Senator, at 72, is no spring chicken to enthuse one to support him. His party the Republicans is reeling under the adverse opinion polls due to Bush’s handling of Iraq, Iran and
the economy. McCain has a mountain to climb with weak legs.

His Char Dasha of Cancer has the 8th lord Mars in it aspected by the Amk planet Saturn this augurs well for tough competition. The antardasha of Leo pertains to the 12th house from where the echoes of retirement emanate; the placement of Sun the 12th lord there does not inject much enthusiasm. The pratyantar of Taurus the 9th house rashi is good.

Overall it appears to be a case of well fought McCain, Obama the winner.

Obama: Vimshottari dasha on 4th November 2008 would by Jupiter/ Sun/ Jupiter

and the Chara Dasha would be Virgo/ Scorpio/ Aries. Jupiter is 6th Lord in 4th house - competing for chair (4th house). Sun is 11th lord (gains) digbali in 10th House accompanied by Mercury 9th lord. Fate, karma and gains coalesce.

Jupiter’s pratyantar dasha augurs well for Obama.

In Chara Dasha the rashi of antar dasha Scorpio is aspected by 3 Raja Yoga Karakas the Amk, the DK and the PK. Aries the rashi of pratyantar dasha is aspected by Mars the AK who is also the lord of Scorpio and Aries the antar and pratyantar dasha rashis. His location in 11th house indicates gains for Obama.

The dashas on 4th November 2008 favour Obama.

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