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Tokyo Olympics are slated for this year from the 24th of July to the 9th of August 2020. While everything seems to be going as per plan, it is the novel Corona virus and its virulent spread that has caught countries off guard. WHO is working closely with global experts, governments and partners to rapidly expand scientific knowledge on this new virus. Corona virus, under microscopic magnifiers resembles a crown, which has some genetic material at the center, enveloped by protein spikes – hence the name Corona. It can lead to respiratory problems, pneumonia like symptoms or even gastrointestinal problems (taken from the WHO website). read more...
As of this moment we are battling the onset of pandemic but we are going to be in the  “Eye of storm”very soon ie 3d week of March,2020. It is only after mid of May 2020 that we are likely to see decline in this pandemic. World should fight it out this catastrophe like a Global Village in a collective manner read more...
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R.Seetaramaiah of Karnataka, a retired police officer, and now a full time astrologer rang me up (3 PM) today (29 October 2010) to tell me that Yediurappa has survived again as the crucial judgment of the third judge of the Karnataka High Court has pronounced his verdict in his favor. His letter which has appeared on the website is reproduced here.

Karnataka Govt. Crisis Analyzed

Dear Guruji,
B.J.P. government in Karnataka led by Chief minister B.S.Yediyurappa. Again found it self in a deep Crisis started on 6-10-2010 owing to intra party differences. In this connection Governor told the Chief Minister to prove the government’s majority. On the floor of Legislature before 12-10-2010. B.S. Yediyurappa told him that he would prove his majority in the assembly on 11-10-2010.

In this regard I contacted Sri K.N. Rao Guruji over phone. Guruji told me I will See tomorrow. And than I called to Sri Deepak Bisaria ji over phone. He analyzed the horoscope of B.S.Yediyurappa on 8-10-2010 morning and predicted.

B.S.Yediyurappa’s time is difficult till 20-10-2010. If he survives he will continue. The prediction is that he will survive by a thin margin.

And again I contacted Guruji on 10-10-2010. Guruji predicted this time B.S. Yediyurappa will scrape through.

Both predictions come out true. Second time B.S.Yediyurappa again proved his majority on14-10-2010

Sri, K.N. Rao Guruji’s Three[3] predictions related to B.S.Yediyurappa, As Chief minister on 30-5-2008, and survive as Chief minister on 28-10-2009, and on 10-10-2010 he scrapes through. The above 3 predictions come out true .

Thanking you GURUJI,

Then I saw the rediff news which is as follows.
Live! K'taka HC upholds disqualification of 11 BJP MLAs
October 29, 2010, 14:43 PM
Karnataka High Court upholds disqualification of BJP MLA’s: The Karnataka High Court has upheld the order of the speaker of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly, which had disqualified the 11 rebel BJP MLA’s.

Was the birth time given correct or did it need any correction is what I did not ask as on this basis I had given prediction about his political career without knowing any details about his family and other details which I normally check.

I trusted R.Seetaramaiah for the data and had to predict only about his survival if the lagna was correct and there was an error of some minutes in the birth time.

At this crucial time in Vimshottari dasha, the dasha sequence was: Sun-Mercury-Mercury upto 11 November 2010. It is the Ninth and the Tenth lord here and Sun in the third house of fight, aspected by Jupiter and Mercury in the second housed showed no disaster though for the media it was a sensational news for some weeks now.

Then in Chara dasha it was Meena Dhanu Makar. From Meena the Amatyakaraka is aspecting the tenth house and from Dhanu it is repeated. In the pratyantar dasha of Makar, Jupiter, Amatyakaraka goes into the sixth house of fighting in a court of law and is aspected by Venus the Gnatikaraka from the third house of fight again. Where was the doubt ?

AK Mars Amk Jupter BK Mercury MK Sun PK Saturn GK Venus DK Moon

Chara dasha as on 29 October 2010: Meena Dhanu Makara

But since, Amatyakaraka is in the sixth house, the court case is not over and one can expect the opposing party to go to the Supreme Court which may take up the hearing urgently. The outcome of the judgment of the Supreme Court can be seen after knowing the date of hearing.

( 29 Oct 2010)

Keywords: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Yediurappa, Deepak Bisaria, Jyotish, Indian Astrology, Karnataka, Chara Dasha

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