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Tokyo Olympics are slated for this year from the 24th of July to the 9th of August 2020. While everything seems to be going as per plan, it is the novel Corona virus and its virulent spread that has caught countries off guard. WHO is working closely with global experts, governments and partners to rapidly expand scientific knowledge on this new virus. Corona virus, under microscopic magnifiers resembles a crown, which has some genetic material at the center, enveloped by protein spikes – hence the name Corona. It can lead to respiratory problems, pneumonia like symptoms or even gastrointestinal problems (taken from the WHO website). read more...
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Lokpal debate at 11 am; Anna, PM swap notes; Anna's doctors tense | Watch Live Read more at: 

Call no man happy till he is dead, said Andre Maurois a French saying in his autobiography though the title of the book is “Call No Man Happy.” Similarly, when day after day when you are seeing live, a national event as though it was a drama, the stuff of future history, and see it astrologically, do not say that  an astrological prediction has succeeded or failed, till it has reached a stage of an irrevocable finality, an unalterable turn, an enigmatic climax through tortuous tumult of emotional twists.

The relevant horoscope

Prepare the  horoscope of event , here of 19 August 2011 at 14/15 Delhi, and keep watching on this horoscope,  the movements of planets and the navamsha position which keep changing day by day for all the days till the event has reached a finality, with happy or tragic end and draw your conclusion.

The horoscope of Anna Hazare is not available. So watch how planets move on the horoscope of 19 August.

Anna has been becoming weak day by day as he went on losing weight inspite of Dr.Naresh Trehan's  medical report :"stable but there is cause worry still". My worry about the health of Anna and the reports also indicated that.
Anna Hazare's health deteriorates: Kiran Bedi
By: Agencies
Date:  2011-08-23 Place: New Delhi
Anna Hazare's health was "reaching a difficult stage", his associate Kiran Bedi tweeted Tuesday evening. "Pray for Anna's health. He is reaching a difficult
stage. Dr Trehan is on his way," Bedi tweeted.
Yes, starting in Vrischika lagna, Anna's health was affected but his cause has not suffered so far. The Manmohan
Singh government worried and the parliament unanimously passed a resolution requesting Anna to break fast and agreed to discuss his Jan Lokapal Bill in Friday. Anna's deteriorating health was everyone's worry and Justice Santosh Hedge and Swami Agnivesh were requesting him repeatedly to give up his fast.


"A late evening bulletin put out by cardiologist Dr Naresh Trehan painted a grim picture. "His condition is critical. The blood pressure (BP) level and ketones are not good and we have advised him hospitalization. He is refusing any medication now but that would affect his health condition further," Dr Trehan said.
Hazare's vital parameters, including ketone levels, have crossed the danger level, doctors monitoring him said."

Sachin's fear
Sachin's fear of Anna being forcibly lifted by police remained a mere apprehension fortunately. I had thought that a compromise would be reached and it was. But Sachin was right, as Justice Hedge, the teammate of Anna himself said that if Anna's health deteriorated, the police, under law, would be
justified in removing him forcibly to a hospital, as our law does not allow suicide and Anna's fast could become dangerous.
Anna Hazare's health worsens, put on drip
IANS Aug 23, 2011, 09.16pm IST
 Ramlila Maidan|
Naresh Trehan
NEW DELHI: Anna Hazare has been put on intravenous drip as his condition has worsened, senior cardiologist Naresh Trehan, who heads a team of doctors attending to the social activist, said Tuesday evening. He said Hazare, who is on theeighth day of his fast, has refused to be shifted out to hospital. "He did not want to move from here. So we are putting him on drip here," Trehan told hundreds of Hazare supporters gathered at the Ramlila ground here the 74-year-old campaigner is on a fast for a stronger Lokpal bill.

My comment: Some reports also say that he has not been put on drips but his health has deteriorated.
Sachin's prediction of Anna being moved to hospital would have been fulfilled if the government was not afraid of the backlash from the public and the Supreme Court which had come out with some harsh opinion on the Ramdeo episode and still to decide the case as I write it on 26 August. Dr. Trehan was a worried man on the night of 25 August as Sachin rightly saw.

On 24 Aug Medical report was -While his blood pressure was more or less stable at 125/90, dip stick test reports of his blood and urine samples showed that ketone body levels shot up from 30 Mgdl to 70 Mgdl on Tuesday.
The rise in ketone bodies could affect his kidney and liver. Doctors said the protein levels in his blood were also low. "Since the body is not getting carbohydrates, it is breaking up fatty acids and proteins to get energy. There was a rise in two types of ketone bodies in the blood test report," said a source. "Blood tests also show that his plasma bicarbonate balance showed the first signs of disturbance," said a senior doctor. But Dr Trehan only said that "complications had been seen in his test reports".

Hazare has lost 5.6 kg since he began his fast. Doctors said his electrolyte balance could deteriorate further in the next few days. "An imbalance in salt levels could affect his vital organs," said a doctor from his medical team.

Dr R R Kasliwal, a senior doctor in the team, said Hazare's eyes have also started drying up due to the heat, so eye drops have to be administered every hour.

Three facts
1.)Day after day  medical bulletins spoke of his worsening health.
2) Dr. Trehan wanted to remove him to the hospital and give him drips.
3) After the disastrous incompetent handling of Baba Ramdeo's agitation, any such move would have become more disastrous. So the police also did not act even when Anna's health deteriorated according to daily medical bulletins.  Normally Anna should have been removed to a hospital on 23 August.

26 Morning
On 26 morning, while it was not clear whether Anna would break fast today or tomorrow (27) the medical bulletin was:
The Times of India - Anna Hazare stable but health deteriorating: Docs
TNN | Aug 26, 2011, 04.53AM IST
NEW DELHI: Anna Hazare's health is deteriorating but .....said on Thursday. ........ On Tuesday, doctors recommended that he get admitted in a hospital.

Appendix 1  web
Split in Team Anna over continuing fast
August 25, 2011 00:32 IST
Sahim Salim in New Delhi
There seems to be a split within Team Anna over whether or not the Gandhian should continue his fast in the backdrop of his deteriorating health.

While Anna Hazare's close aide Arvind Kejriwal has warned the government that if anything happens to Hazare, the government would be directly responsible for it, some members of his core team are of the opinion that ending his fast
is 'top priority.'

Anna's close aide, Swami Agniwesh said that saving Anna's life should be top priority. When contacted,
Agnivesh said, "Anna ji has been on a fast for nine days and his health is failing. He should be allowed to be put on a drip."

Meanwhile, speaking to, Anna's chief doctor, Dr Naresh Trehan said that he is in a "weak condition.
"A close aide of Anna Hazare, who wished to remain anonymous, told that some members felt that the Gandhian should remain steadfast on his fast.

"Some members -- I won't name them --feel that Anna Hazare needs to continue his fast because that is the factor that is scaring the government.
They feel there should be sacrifices from the core team and since Anna ji himself is willing to fast indefinitely, he should be allowed.

There were reservations from certain aides like Swami Agnivesh who said that Anna Hazare needed to live and bargaining with his deteriorating health is not an option," the aide told

While some members of Team Anna like Kiran Bedi are concerned about the veteran activist's repeated refusal of being put on medication, others opined if that was what the Gandhian wanted, it should be respected.

"In the Anna camp, some members feel that to put pressure on passing the bill, Anna needed to remain on fast. They feel the main factor which pulls people in to attend in large numbers is to see Anna ji fast. Kiran Bedi ji and Swami Agnivesh, however, want medical aid to be administered to him as opined by Anna ji's chief doctor, Dr Naresh Trehan. The problem is Anna ji has refused even the most basic of medication and there is a split within the team whether this is the ideal way to go," the aide said.

Dr Trehan had advised intravenous drip for the Anna's deteriorating health, but the Gandhian refused it saying his 'conscience did not allow him to be put on it.'

Appendix 2

August 25, 2011, 4:03 PM IST
How Much Longer Can Anna Fast?
By Vibhuti Agarwal
Sajjad Hussain/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

A team of doctors check activist Anna Hazare as he continues with his hunger fast for the 10th day. A team of doctors led by heart surgeon Naresh Trehan that has been monitoring Mr. Hazare’s health said the 73-year
old anti-corruption activist had lost six kilograms since he began his indefinite fast on Aug. 16.

According to online health information, a healthy fasting blood sugar level is between 70 and 100 mg/dcl – Mr. Hazare’s blood sugar is at the high end of this range. After a meal, blood sugar levels in healthy people tend to be between 135 and 140 mg/dcl.

Dr. Trehan has said Mr. Hazare’s health was a “matter of concern” and fasting further will have an effect on his body – but he hasn’t said how much longer the activist can safely remain on his water only diet. “We are monitoring his health round-the clock. But for now, Mr. Hazare is holding on,” the doctor said.

How much longer can he safely stick it out? According to this Slate explainer fasting becomes dangerous after just “three to five days,” but a key danger point is when “weight loss exceeds 18% of the starting weight.” Mr.Hazare has so far lost a little over 8% of his body weight. However, he is 73 years old, so sudden weight loss may be more dangerous for him than for a younger, healthier person.

Anoop Misra, senior physician and head of the metabolism department at the Fortis Hospital in New Delhi, told India Real Time Thursday, that at tops, Mr. Hazare should not continue his fast for more than two days. However, even two days might not be wise. Dr. Misra said that Mr. Hazare was “hanging under a constant threat of death.”

Dubbing Mr. Hazare’s condition “critical,” Dr. Misra said his vital parameters were worrying and advised hospitalization soon. He said the ketone level in Mr. Hazare’s body was “very high.” According to Dr. Misra, ketones are acidic molecules that are produced when the body starts
burning stored fat for energy instead of glucose from food.

“Mr. Hazare may lose consciousness and his heart and kidney functioning can also be affected severely in the next 48 hours due to dehydration  if he is not administered intravenous fluid to replace sodium and glucose,” said Dr. Misra.A healthy blood pressure level would be around 120/80 and there should be zero ketone bodies in the blood, noted Dr. Misra. Mr. Hazare’s blood pressure is rather high at the moment although the opposite situation, a drop in blood pressure, is usually a concern when someone is fasting.

Rajkumar, a medical attendant at the Medanta Medicity in Gurgaon, which is headed by Dr. Trehan, told India Real Time Thursday  they were making preparations in case he was admitted there.

“We have readied the intensive care unit,” he said.

Appendix 3

Hazare’s Health Enters ‘Danger Zone’ August 23, 2011 8:31 am by Editors
• Hunger Strike. As anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare enters the seventh day of his fast, doctors have cautioned that the 74-year-old is in a “danger zone” and may have to be hospitalized in the next 24 to 48 hours. Hazare, who spent much of Monday lying down, did not address his supporters, and has lost 5 kilos in seven days. The government, which has yet to agree to Hazare’s demands of an amended Lokpal Bill, is expected to make a decision today. (The Times of India)

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Keywords: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Anna Hazare, Dr. Trehan, Kiran Bedi, Kejriwal, Corruption in India, Jan Lokpal Bill, Jyotish, Baba Ramdev, Indian Astrology, Hindu Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Kundli, Horoscopes

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