Today, 5 August 2019 has become a historic day in our history as something which could not be done in 70 years has taken shape now. Union Home minister Amit Shah has announced that Article 370 which grants special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir will be scrapped. He also announced that Jammu and Kashmir will no longer be a state and it will be bifurcated into two Union Territories— Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.

The President Ram Nath Kovind issued a notification, bill was passed in Rajya Sabha with 125 in favour and 61 against it. Though the government is not in majority in the Upper House, the regional parties gave support and the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill 2019 could be passed as also the resolution to abolish Article 370. While the BJP has 78 members in Rajya Sabha, it also got the support of AIADMK (11), BJD (7), BSP (4), Shiv Sena (3), AAP (3), Shiromani Akali Dal (3), YSR-CP (2), RPI-A, NPF, LJP, BPF and AGP (one each) and four nominated and some independent members.
Now, have a look at this excerpt from the article “THICKENING CLOUDS OF CRISES LOOM......” put up by our revered Guruji Sh. K. N. Rao ji on the site of journal of astrology on 29 June 2019, where he writes with reference to the Hindu New Year chart:
Yet, Mars in the eleventh house read together with the Republican Horoscope, does show some drastic constitutional action in some matters.
It could be relating to Kashmir if the accession horoscope of Kashmir (27 Oct 1947, 13/21 Srinagar) is seen with its present dasha of Mars in the seventh house.
Against all these what does the two-eight axis full of malefics mean in the oath taking horoscope of Prime Minister Modi ? Use your imagination. Article link... I am sharing here. http:// article.php?article_id=552
In the chart of Indian Republic, the vimshottari dasha running is Jup-Ven where both are placed in the 11H of ordinance and constitution. Antardasha lord Venus is the eighth lord of the horoscope and Jupiter is placed in the eighth house of navamsha showing the action of scrapping.
In the horoscope of Kashmir, Mars is placed in the 7H of war in debilitation, conjunct with Saturn. It is the mahadasha of Mars running now, MarsRahu-Venus, where Mars and Rahu are placed in the 11H of constitutional amendments and Venus is the 8L showing the scrapping of some old rules. Mars still shows some nuisance and some trouble is in the offing.
The conditional Dwisaptati sama dasha is of Rahu-Mars-Jupiter, Mars again and then the pratyantar of Jupiter which is the 12L of Kashmir accession chart, aspecting the 7H, showing the involvement of foreign sources.
It is the Yogini dasha of Mer-VenSun where Mercury and Sun are the sixth and eighth lords of the horoscope aspecting the 4H of motherland and bringing drastic changes.
See the horoscope of Omar Abdullah. He is running the vimshottari dasha of Rahu-Jupiter. Rahu at 18:22 and Jupiter retrograde at 11:58. Note the degrees and we clearly see that Jupiter in pakshi drekkana is indicative of trouble; Jupiter is the 8L aspecting the 4L Mars and 12L Moon and he is in house-arrest.
See the horoscope of the time when the bill for scrapping article 370 was passed; when J&K and Ladakh were declared as Union Territories. Jupiter placed in the 11H of legislation and retrograde Jupiter aspecting the 11L of legislation, which is also the 4L of the physical make-up of our country; making us change the status of a portion of our country, for the betterment of the country in the most unexpected way.
Why scrapping of article 370 will prevent accumulation of wealth in the hands of three families of Kashmir! It will provoke Pakistan into war with India. In the horoscope of Pakistan, dasha is Ven-Jup; Venus is 7L and Jupiter is placed in 7H; and the pratyantar of Venus is till 23 November 2019. Within this period, Pakistan can launch an attack because removal of Article 370 makes Pakistan case against India in International forum totally negatory.
Now, see the position of planets when the bill is being passed in Lok Sabha on 6 Aug 2019 at 19:04:19 at New Delhi. There is an accumulation of planets in the 7H of war, aspected by retrograde Jupiter.
Sangatha Rasi Chakra
Sangatha Rashi Chakra 09/08/2019 Vijay srinivas Sun, Aug 4, 9:55 PM (4 days ago) Respected Sir, Namaskar Please find enclosed Sangatha Rashi Chakra for 09th August, 2019. Mars is entering Leo Rashi.
Following are my observations.

1. Sat R along with ketu are in Sagittarius rashi a fiery rashi.
2. Mars is entering Leo Rashi on 09th August, 2019 which is 4H of indian horoscope.
3. Sat R, Ketu in Sagittarius rashi is aspected by Mercury, Sun, Venus in Cancer rashi. Along with this Mars in Leo is also aspecting all above combination of planets. Moon is going to join Saturn, Ketu on 11th August, 2019 which is a igniter.
4. Above combination is causing explosive combination that is unfolding with every passing day.
5. When ever Saturn and Mars are in fiery rashi it leads major military/terrorist action. Last seen on 14/2/2019, Pulwama attack followed by Balakote air attack. Wit Mars entering Leo which is 4H of India's natal chart military action may be visible for internal affairs, 4 H also indicates north direction.