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Fortunate or unfortunate events always happen on our planet Earth. In the year 2020, the whole world has been badly affected by the pandemic caused by the virus COVID-19. This pandemic attracted the attention of most of the people to Mundane astrology. 
A question arises here, that, which planetary position gives the indication of good or bad events. We find our answers in Samhita texts.
Economy of USA is the largest economy in the world. Whenever we see any negative news triggered from the U.S. markets, it could largely affect the global markets, especially in the short term. In the era of globalization, the crash of any market can have a global impact. Whenever the American Stock Exchange falls, it badly affects the whole world. read more...
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The Left on its part has said that no decision will be taken by it to withdraw support from the Government till the next meeting of the panel which is to be held on October 22. (CNN-IBN Published on Tuesday , October 09, 2007)

And on 23 October Saturn and Ketu will be conjoined completely.!! They will wait for Ravana to be killed on 21 October and decide!!.

The newspapers cannot update events as they will come after twenty four hours later
and the internet news portals are hours late in the coverage of the “latest”.

Television channels are busy with sex, glamour, Moon sign predictions and crime. Only some phone calls from some political creatures is useful in the fast moving week of political turbulence with Saturn and Ketu in one navamsha, as I had told my students.

The great Mahalaya Amavasya will be over and Dusserah will begin on 11 October at 10/31 am though it is from the 12th October that this great festival will be celebrated. The horoscope makes an interesting reading.

First look at it. Planets here are delivering the funeral oration of the Manmohan government.

The twelfth lord in the tenth house with Saturn and Ketu there in the same navamsha and the tenth lord Sun aspected by Mars in Mithuna tell their story of the “stab”.

And do you see some more dangerous non-political implications which had better been not spelt out ?

Shivraj Patil, the Home Minister will have occasions to warn the nation again and deliver his homilies in characteristic manner many times now.

Go back to my indication in my analysis of the oath taking horoscope of Manmohan Singh of 22 May 2004 (Mannohan Singhs Oath: Visible Trends after Two Years) in which I spoke of foreign policy becoming contentious. (THE IMPORTANCE OF THE OATH CHART OF MANMOHAN SINGH)

The Nehruvians brought up on anti-US prejudices have been thrown out. Natwar Singh has suffered after the Oil for Food scandal. Mani Shankar Ayyar favouring the Iran Gas Pipeline has been shoved into an innocuous ministry where his love for high publicity has suffered. He has been stifled not thrown out.

And then came the nuclear deal with USA which the leftists have made a big issue.

Why ? When were communists Indian patriots? Their record speaks for itself. But when they that it is not in “national interests” it is interpreted, as some newspaper put, it is not in the Chinese interests.

Laya means dissolution and Maha is great so it is great dissolution of what ? The Manmohan Government.

Dr Singh, who recently underwent a surgery, looked out of sorts as he fended queries from the persistent mediapersons on the UPA government’s future. When asked if mid-term polls were inevitable, the Prime Minister replied cryptically: “Nothing is inevitable.” As for the possibility of Left parties withdrawing support to the government, the Prime Minister remarked equally cryptically, “I am not an astrologer.”
( 9 October 2007 )

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