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This is an attempt to astrologically study the threat that the new Corona Virus poses globally and the likely relief that can be expected in future. As COVID-19 disease is a world-wide threat and a global phenomenon,'Kalapurusha-Kundali' is being considered for analysing this outbreak. Kala means 'Time' and Purusha means 'Human-Being', so, this kundali relates itself to the start of shrishti (universe) where Aries zodiac sign rises in the Lagna and the rest of the zodiac signs follow in a cyclic order.  read more...
How will a seeker find a Guru, he wouldn’t even know how and where!! It is said that when the time is right, Guru comes looking for the disciple and so was the case with Trailanga. After some years the Guru and his disciple left for Pushkar and it was there that deeksha (initiation) was given to Trailanga at the age of 78 years and he became Ganapati (some accounts say ‘Gajanand Saraswati’). He did sadhana with his Guru for about 10 years. After the Guru came to fulfillment, Trailanga moved from kshetra to kshetra i.e. from pilgrimage to next pilgrimage, as was advised by his Guru. read more...
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On 12th October Mercury will retrograde which means that this Dusserah begins with a retrograde Mercury. And then on 14th October Mercury will set.

Such an astronomical phenomena
has great astrological significance in mundane astrology. “Not without causing some upset” is a maxim that astrologers must keep in the mind. Mars aspects, from the eighth house, this Mercury in the eleventh house. Do you expect the goverment to come out with some legislation or ordinance before elections are declared after which some allurements attract stringent election law in this country.

An apt headline in the Hindustan Times is  :

The rift continues
Sunil Saxena, Hindustan Times
New Delhi, October 09, 2007 Published:17:12 IST(9/10/2007)
Who will have the last laugh? United Progressive Alliance and Left party leaders leave the office of Minister of External Affairs, Pranab Mukherjee, second right, after a meeting on the India-US nuclear deal in New Delhi on Tuesday, October 9, 2007.

Exchange of 10 and 12 lords.
Now see the exchange of the tenth and the twelfth lords. Does it mean anything in view of the political tensions and fears of a mid term poll which is certain now ?

In the bhava chart, Venus joins Saturn
and Ketu and Mars moves into Karka and aspects Sun and retrograde Mercury.

Ninth lord in the sixth house will indicate
some communal issue to come into news which is always easy in India, a country of multi-religious and multi-ethnic communities. The mood of the Manmohan Singh government is to begin giving election sops and a shrewd friend of mine who knows good deal about elections gimmicks in India has his personal observations which I am giving below the reports of the elections sops.

Election Commission
The chief election commissioner of India has ordered revision of electoral rolls. They always call it a “routine” exercise. Did they do it 2006 or 2007 ?

Poll preparations?
Govt raises MSP for wheat, other commodities New Delhi, Oct 9 (PTI)
Amid speculation about early polls, the government today announced a record hike of Rs 250 in the Minimum Support Price of wheat to Rs 1,000 per quintal for the coming Rabi season, besides increasing substantially the MSP for other farm commodities.

The decision to increase the MSP for wheat and other commodities including barley, gram, masur and mustard, was taken by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs.

The meeting of the CCEA, chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, also decided to give Rs 50 per quintal incentive bonus on paddy procurement. The government also announced a relief package for the sugar industry, particularly to benefit the farmers.

The package includes extending moratorium from two to five years on outstanding term loans. PTI

My friend’s comment: These are election sops given before the declaration of elections to get round the election laws which do not allow this after the dates of elections have been announced.

Samay Web: Mayawati smells polls, sounds election bugle 09 October 2007
Lucknow, Oct 9: Cautioning BSP workers against money, mafia, media and vested interests, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Tuesday virtually sounded the election bugle at a party workers' rally here.

.... "Congress and the Left are at loggerheads on the issue of nuclear deal and filing of wrong affidavit on Ram Setu could lead to a mid-term elections," Mayawati said cautioning the party workers gathered from across the state from false campaign spread against her by the Opposition parties.

My friend’s comment  : She is an insider and must have been informed about the decision to declare elections as she has a major role to play in the formation of the central government after the elections.

Sensex spurs past 18K as political worries wane 9 Oct, 2007,INDIATIMES NEWS NETWORK
MUMBAI: Eight volatile sessions and Rs 21,319 crore in foreign fund inflows after
touching 17,000, the Sensex Tuesday claimed the 18,000 mark with a convincing 789 points rally. The index was bogged down in its earlier attempts by weakness at higher levels and more on account of the political uncertainty. But the real sentiment driver came post noon today, with reports of the Congress and Left agreeing to put off talks on the N-deal till October 22 or till the festivities of Eid and Dashera end.

My friend’s comment: It is Indian money in Mauritus mainly being brought back to fight elections.

Govt to hold petrol, diesel prices intact New Delhi, October 11, 2007
Petrol and diesel prices will not be hiked this year as the government
on Thursday decided on a package including issue of oil bonds to offset the impact of surging international crude oil prices.

"We have kept our promise of not raising prices of sensitive petroleum products," Petroleum Minister Murli Deora told PTI after a meeting of the Cabinet.

Of the Rs 54,935 crore revenue loss that public sector oil firms are likely to suffer this fiscal for not raising prices of petrol, diesel, domestic LPG and PDS kerosene in line with cost, 42.7 per cent or Rs 23,457.24 crore would borne by the government.

Comment An election sop says my friend.

Sharad Yadav and Lalu Yadav rule out mid term poll.
In the meantime, both Sharad Yadav and Lalu Yadav have gone on record sayong that no mid term polls would be held and the leftists and Congress rift will vanish.

Comment My friend does not believe. Something else is brewing though there are rumours that Mayawati is drifting away from Congress.

Dusserah will be celebrated from tomorrow but it has begun and two news items have disturbed people.

The first is blast in Ajmer Sharif, which creates communal tension. I have already said Shivraj Patil, the Home Minister will have occasions to warn the nation again and deliver his homilies in characteristic manner many times now.

The other and the second is the crushing defeat Australia has given to India in the 5th ODI which has shocked cricket crazy fans of India.

Mars to be watched
Mars in Mithuna has many more implications. Watch it as Mars will stay there till April 2008 after directing at zero degrees in February 2008.
(11 October 2007)

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