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Guruji respected Rao Sahib has desired my comments on Ram Janam Bhumi that whether PM Sh. Modi will get fame in Ayodhya Case whose case will start for hearing in Supreme court daily from 6th Aug 2019 and my answer is as under. Lees meerLees meer
What is happening between USA and Iran is not a World war but it may develop into a major war and may be later into a World war. What we must always remember is that after the end of second World war in 1945, there have been at least three regional wars every ten years; mostly Asian and African countries have been involved whereas USA and Russia have made lots of profit by selling arms and ammunition.  Lees meerLees meer
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From: Ashok Gour <colgour@mail.com>
To: K N <rao@mail.com>
Subject: Amrinder--Loss of election
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 21:34:10 IST
Cc: "k.n rao" < rao@mail.com>

Respected Sir,

Amrinder has Sagittarius Asc; Moon is in it. He is running Jup\Sat\Sat and Aq\Leo. In the discussion you had stressed the importance of dasha change. Sat AD commenced on 5 Feb and Leo AD on 16 Feb.

Jup the LL is transiting in Scorpio the 12th house;

Sat is in Can the 8th house. Double transit has highlighted Cancer the 8th house.

It has only 18 Sarvashtaka points. Sat is Heena (fallen), is Retrograde. So loss.

Now from Aquarius Mars is the 10th lord and from Leo it is in the 10th house as GK. Mars is transiting in Cap where there are only 23 points hence loss. Amrindrer has won his seat party has lost;

Singhasana (throne) lord is in the 12th house from Ascendent.

Ashok Gour

Vimshottari dasha at the time of elections
3 Feb 2007 to 30 June 2007
Chara Dasha

Amatyakaraka Sun, in the tenth from Vrisha helps him retain some important position which can be that of the leader of opposition. But the same Amatyakaraka falls in the third house from the pratyantara dasha, Dhanu.

India has changed so much. Some decades I would have found myself in the company of people discussing the results of the elections in Punjab, Uttaranchal and Manipur and the two budgets, the first railway and the second the general one.

As it happens, during this period I had gone to two pilgrimages, first to Vaishno Devi and later to Nathdwara. Between two pilgrimages these events should have been hot topics of discussion twenty years ago. This time I found no one showing interest in, leave alone discussion of, these. Like, USA, people discuss either their personal problems or people from the world of glamour or cricket which are hot topics of the television channel.

Yet, force of habit, particularly mine and Col.Gour's did make us pay some attention to Punjab election where the Congress party and the BJP-Akali Dal were fighting a prestigious battle. In a way, the results of such elections show the political mood of the voters of the nation though the elections were confined to two north Indian states.

In Vaishno Devi

We, six, were on a visit from 19 to 23 February including days of travel to the great pilgrimage, Vaishno Devi, up on the hill in shivering cold on a rainy day and the temple was to open late in the evening.

Material for analysis

As usual, we had no horoscopes of the important men in the fight except that of Amrinder Singh, the chief minister of Punjab. That alone had to be our basis to see if he remains as the chief minister or loses his post.

In the case of Punjab, votes had been cast and the results would come out on 26 and we were discussing it on 20 February.

What we discussed has been neatly summarized by Col.Gour.

On 26 and 27 February we were in Nathdwara and returning from to Delhi when we heard about the railway budget and the results of Punjab elections.

From Vaishno Devi we rang up Delhi and got the horoscope of the chief minister of Punjab, Amrinder Singh from my records and discussed it.

Col. Gour has summarized the discussion.

I told our team of astrologers that earlier when elections were being fought four years ago, on the basis of the same horoscope, we had predicted the rise of Amrinder Singh as Chief Minister.

This time, it was clearly unfavorable.

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