Scenes reminiscent of the pre-partition bitterness was bound to get recreated after India, under Sardar Manmohan Singh, who has spent his teenage in the pre-partition India, and even migrated from what now is Pakistan where he was born, walked into the US nuclear trap.
Experts have been divided on the huge cost of the nuclear deal and the scantiest benefits flowing from it (only six percent increase in power generation) and the benefits of ending nuclear isolation.

Venus-Ketu pratyantara dashas
Ven-Ket-Ket 09-07-2008
Ven-Ket-Ven 03-08-2008
Ven-Ket-Sun 13-10-2008
Ven-Ket-Moon 04-11-2008
Ven-Ket-Mars 09-12-2008
Ven-Ket-Rah 03-01-2009
Ven-Ket-Jup 08-03-2009
Ven-Ket-Sat 04-05-2009
Ven-Ket-Mer 10-07-2009
Good deal of it could be foreseen astrologically and the country is now perched on a dangerous dump of ammunition, with terrorists striking at will. India ever a soft target has huge population which gives birth to local terrorists helped by the outfits of Pakistan and Bangladesh and now the Maoists behind whom is the angry China.
A letter from a student Anil Kumar to me shows the trend of discussion we have been having on the subject.
Re:Bomb Blasts
Sir Pranam,
Yesterday on 26/07/2008 in class you told us about the oath taking kundli of
Manmohan Singh .... some leaders’ kundli horse trading. You told us that in India Independence kundli we are running Venus/Ketu, it is dasa chhidra (dasha ending), and Ketu is in the 7th H showing war like situation.
In Independence kundli, Eclipse is going to be happen the 3/9 axis covering dharm sthan. As you taught us that whenever Mars, Sat combines or influence any house together then it creates very Explosive situation.
Now Mars, Sat are transiting in the 4th house of Independence kundli appecting 10th house...... And from 4th house Mars is aspecting Ketu in the 7th house which makes situation very explosive.... On 25/07/2008 explosions happened in the Banglore and when I came back from class then I saw in the news that 17 blasts happened in the Gujrat. Kindly guide us more about it
It is unnecessary to discuss it further. Sardar Manmohan Singh helped by his pro-
American friends is bent on concluding a deal which has a huge financial trap of one lakh crore rupees .... a New East India Co. with headquarters in Washington is how a leader described it.
And there is no other way of ending the nuclear isolation except to walk into the trap of of USA and antagonize the communist China and all those Muslims who see USA as an anti Muslim country, safe in its isolation but dangerous in spreading its net through Israel and now India of Sardar Manmohan Singh.
(28 July 2008)