My old joke that Delhites compensate their lack of sense of humor with a stronger sense of rumor is now stale because even rumors do not circulate now. Every rumor is becoming truth and rumor has no place in a society awash with gossip and corruption. It does not rankle anymore as surfeit of stories of corruption is the accepted stuff of day to day life now. There is no raging fury against it. The stories appearing in the media and the television channels make no impact because of the belief that ultimately it turns out to be a story of a thief accusing a robber, the noise accompanying and ineffective speechifying by the spokesmen of different political parties, particularly in English television channels is dismissed cynically by everyone as ineffective. May be the narrator, in this case the journalist is, it turns out to be true, himself the thief ? There is total transparency as far as corruption is concerned--it is legible without words.
What is the climax of corruption is indefinable. There is no need to make a depiction of the pretensions and vices of India’s political and bureaucratic life. The only unsettled point of this debate is who is more corrupt or who is more confidently corrupt now. A politician told me once during consultations that it is bureaucrats who now teach and preach, guru like, lessons of corruption. Is it a markedly cynical streak of Indian life now?
New Delhi, Jan 4 (ANI): The minimum temperature in the national capital on Tuesday plunged to the season’s lowest so far at 3.7 degrees Celsius.
Indian Independence horoscope
A nation is born, or born anew when it gains independence is a historical fact. Astrologers use effectively and successfully to make their predictions on this basis with Independence horoscope.
What I had written earlier on 2 Dec is here: Why has it happened? It is because the international community, particularly diplomatic community will have to devise its strategies anew, as Saturn and Jupiter will oppose each other again.
On 6 December 2010 at 09:09.20 am Jupiter will transit into Meena. Saturn and Jupiter will be opposing each other again with Mars, additionally, aspecting Jupiter, ruining whatever is left of dignity and idealism in the strife torn world we live in. The results of this can and should be seen against the devastation of Wikileaks of Julian Assange, "the Robin Hood of hacking” as he has been described.
Better is to call him the Dushashana (of the Mahabharata) disrobing diplomats mainly of USA and making Hillary Clinton’s position very vulnerable and slippery in international arena.
It should be clear to everyone that is not a failure of espionage as no secrets as they are classified by governments, has got revealed damagingly. The confidential communications have been collected and an avalanche of it dumped to create sensation by an anarchist called Julian Assange and his team.
Different countries and different people
--USA: It is happening in the second and eighth house axis showing a picture of its disgrace as the Wikileaks revelations so far have been US centric.
--Russia has its seventh house under affliction and its image has suffered most.
--Israel safe so far cannot have relief because of its Kanya lagna.
--China with Makar lagna has its third house afflicted and its aggressive intentions towards neighboring countries and the already reported story of how it attacked Google is well known.
--India’s greed will be a story fitting into the patterns of its episodes of corruption as the eleventh is afflicted.
--Pakistan will have its foreign plots and, interference of USA already exposed, in news.
Will the world change? No. Old villanies will get draped in a new half visible attire only
(2 Dec 2010)
On 8 December in my piece on Assange I had written:
PS: Mars conjoined with Rahu in Dhanu in the eighth house of Indian independence horoscope has already shown its effect by giving a minor terrorist act in Varanasi. It will be there till the first week of January 2010 and is in the second house of Julian Assange aspecting the eighth house and the tenth lord if the horoscope used here is correct. That is very bad for him”
And the eighth house is house of scandals. While I was writing this piece I received this email which is the theme of this piece.
From: sunil dutt < @.in>
To: knrao@.com
Subject: Murder of M.L.A of Bihar and Governor of Punjab of Pakistan on the day of Solar eclipse
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2011 19:18:36 IST
Sir, Pranam
Once in the class of senior research at B.V.B , you have said the that solar[ Signification of Sun] eclipse is not good for the top government officials , not for general public .Today the death of a M.L.A and a Governor[ Punjab in Pakistan] has proved it.
Regards sunil dutt
Now see some news headlines.
1. Bofors back with a bang
2. Cong needs to walk the talk on corruption, says Jaitley
3.Court asks CBI to explain hurry in filing closure (Arushi case).
4.Corporates willing partners in Citi fraud?
4. Kerala vigilance probe against ex CJI’s kin
5.After son-in-law, former CJI's brother under fire for 'assets'
These are the brief headlines in a newspaper and add to them-
6. CWG.
7.Adarsh Housing scandal.
8.Missing files of the Defence Ministry.
9.Congress party blaming dead Sanjay Gandhi for emergency excesses and almost exonerating Indira Gandhi.
10. Radia tapes.
11.'Night' is a nightmare in India: JAIPUR: To the cacophony of the sounds of barking dogs and sirens, add late night wedding drums, rooftop DJs, 'Jagrans' and early morning 'Azans' on loudspeakers and you will get a picture of the nightmare Indians live at night in various parts of the country.
12. I-T Tribunal order on Bofors payoff case, BJP targets Sonia Gandhi
Published: Monday, Jan 3, 2011, 20:30 IST By Anil Sharma : New Delhi Agency: DNA
From the Vrisha lagna horoscope of India Jupiter aspected by both Saturn and Mars have given with breathtaking speed all these scandals and rocked the nation used to corruption. This in spite of the collusion of the media with the corporate houses and politicians.
To add to that comes now the New Moon horoscope of 4 January 2011 as though the jar of scandals is not brimful. This shows assassination, murder, and violent deaths. Sit with your fingers crossed.
(4 January 2011)
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (297365)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (190750)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (188798)