Shri Narendra Modi DOB: 17 Sept 1950 Sunday
TOB: 12:09
POB: Vadnagar-MehsanaIndia 23N47; 72E38
Dasha at Birth Sat 10y 2m 25d up to 5-121960
Mer 5-12-1977
Ketu 5-12-1984
Ven 5-12-2004
Sun 5-12-2010
Moon 5-12- 2020
Vimshottari running Moon AD up to Moon 5-10-2011
Mars 5-05-2012
Rah 4-11-2013
Jup 6-03-2015
Sat 5-10-2016
Mer 6-03-2018
Ketu 5-10-2018
Ven 5-06-2020
Sun 5-12-2020
1. Lagna is Vargottam
2. 5 Planets making Raj yoga eg.
(i) LL Mars with 9L Moon
(ii) 5L Jup aspecting Kendra lord Venus
(iii) Jup aspecting Kendra lord Saturn
(iv) LL Mars aspecting 5L Jup
(a) Since 5.12.2010 running Dasha is of Moon which is 9L (Bhagya) and will end on 4 Dec 2020.
(b) He took oath on 26 May 2014 in the major period of 9L Moon and antardasha of 5L Jupiter.
(c) His Latest work on 5 Aug 2019 of AugustKranti Divas when J & K is freed from Article 370 is in mahadasha of 9L Moon and antardasha of Venus 7L and 12L aspected by 5L Jupiter and conjunct with lord of 3rd & 4th house Saturn (valour). Pratyantar of Rahu situated in 5H (trine) aspected by Sun 10L, exalted Mer 11L & 8L making an intelligent yoga “Budh aditya” at 5/11 axis of decoration.
(d) Transit chart of running Moon/Ven dasha is favorable on 6th Aug 2019 from natal Moon Here Rahu (PD Lord) is exalted in 8H (sudden) Guruji respected Rao Sahib has desired my comments on Ram Janam Bhumi that whether PM Sh. Modi will get fame in Ayodhya Case whose case will start for hearing in Supreme court daily from 6th
Aug 2019 and my answer is as under.
Mahadasha running is of Moon 9L, which will end on 5.12.2020 (favourable). AD is of Ven 7L and 12L with 3L Saturn (valour), aspected by Jup 5L (Trine) (favourable)
(a) Annual Horoscope 2018-2019 (from 17th Sept 2018 to 17 Sept 2019).
Date of Pravesh 17th sept 2018 Monday
Time Ratri 22h-32m
Place Vadnagar Mehsana
Asc 12-25'
Sun 0-38'
Moon 08-50'
Mars 07-24'
Mer 27-41'
Jup 25-36'
Ven 11-13'
Sat 08-31'
Rahu 10-25'
Muntha is in 3rd House and Muntesh Moon in 8H. In 3rd House muntha yields good re-
sults through the native's personal efforts and munthesh Moon is in 8H with yogkarak Saturn aspected by LL and 6L Venus, 8L and 11L (decoration) Jupiter, 4L Sun and 5L Mer (Trine) (favourable)
(a) Dasha Mudda Vimshottari
Moon 16 days, upto 3-10-2018
Mars 21 days 24-10-2018
Rahu 54 days 18-12-2018
Jup 48 days 06-02-2019
Sat 57 days 03-04-2019
Mer 51 days 24-05-2019Ketu 21 days 16-06-2019
Ven 60 days 15-8-2019
Sun 18 days 03-9-2019
Balance Moon 14 days 17-09-2019
Our effective date is 6th Aug 2019 when Sh. Modi will face Venus dasha (Varshphal lagna lord). Sun the 4L in trine 5H and Moon 3rd Lord (Valour) in 8th House with yogkarak Sat aspected by Ven LL, Jup 11L, 4L Sun and 5L Mer (favourable dasha)

(b) Yogini Dasha
Sankata (43 days) from 17-9-2018 to 30-10-2018
Mangla (10d) 10-11-2018
Pingla (20d) 30-11-2018
Dhanya (30d) 30-12-2018
Bhramari (40d) 10-2-2019
Bhadrika (50d) 30-3-2019
Ulka (60d) 30-5-2019
Siddha (70d) 10-8-2019
Sankata Bal (37d) 17-9-2019
Here again our query date is 5th Aug 2019 when Siddha ruled by LL Ven and Rahu in 3rd House with Muntha aspected by 4L Sun, LL Ven, 11L Jup and exalted Mars 12L and 7L likely to give favourable results.
(c) Bal-Strength five fold (Panch vargiya)
Sun 9:32 Moon 12:15
Mar 10:03 Mer 12:20
Jup 7:33 Ven 13:31
Sat 14:54
Year Lord Mars aspected by Venus LL and 6L litigation; Jupiter 8L and 11L udden/decoration; Sun 4L, Rahu from 3H of valour and Ketu gyan from 9H.
(d) Yogas:
(i) Iqbal Yoga (partial): Likely to give benefit in profession, business, gain in status, general comforts and good luck. Sh. Modi became PM 2nd time in May 2019
(ii) Exchange of 5L with 4L
(iii) Poorna Ithasal between Moon (munthesh) and yogkarak 9 & 10 L Sat (different 19')
(iv) Aspect of Ven LL, Jup 11L, Sun 4L on muntha and aspect of 4L Sun, LL Ven, 11L Jup on muntesh Moon with yogkarak Sat 9 & 10 Lord
(v) Ithasal of Moon 3L with Ven LL and of Moon with Sat in 8H (All favourable)
(e) Saham (Ratri Parvesh)
(i) Punya Saham in 10H with aspect of Sahmesh Sat yogkarak, Moon muntesh, LL Ven and 5L Mer
(ii) Guru Saham in 5H with aspect of Sat YK, Moon muntesh, Mars 7L & 12L
(iii) Yash Saham in 4H with aspect of Ven LL & 6L Jup 8L & 11L, Sat 9L & 10L YK, Moon muntesh & 5L Mer.
(iv) Gaurav Saham (v) Raj Saham
(vi)Pitri Saham
In all the three sahams above, placed in 10 H, aspect of yogkarak Sat, Moon muntesh, LL Ven, 11L Jup and 5L Mer is there.
TRIPATKI CHAKRA Year 2018-2019
Current year 69
Moon 69/9 = R-6
Mer/Jup/Ven/Sat/Sun 69/4 =R-1
Mars/Rah/Ketu 69/6 = R-3
Vedha-Moon by Sun 4L, Mer 5L (Trine)
TRIPATKI CHAKRA Year 2018-2019
Vedha-Asc by Ven LL+6L
Sat 9L+10L Yogkarak
Jup 8L+11L Recognition
(2019-2020) age 69-70 years
D.O. Parvesh 18-9-2019 Wednesday
T.O. Parvesh 4H 45 m 17 sec (Ratri)
P.O. Birth Vadnagar Mehsana
Asc 6-36' Sun 0-38'
Moon 12-19' Mars 25-28' Mer 12-07' Jup 22-27' Ven 10-05' Sat 19-46' Rahu 20-33'
Muntha is in lagna where it yields good results through the native's personal efforts.
Munthesh Sun in 2nd House is beneficial in monetary gains, comforts, satisfaction in respect to near and dear ones and fulfillment of desires.
(a) Dasha Mudda Vimshottari
Mars 11 days 18-9-2019 to 29-9-2019Rahu 54 days 29-9 2019 to 23-11-2019
Jup 48 days 23-11-2019 to 11-1-2020
Sat 57 days 11-1-2020 to 8-3-2020
Mer 51 days 8-3-2020 to 29-4-2020
Ketu 21 days 29-4-2020 to 20-5-2020
Ven 60 days 20-5-2020 to 20-7-2020
Sun 18 days 20-7-2020 to 8-8-2020
Moon 30 days 8-8-2020 to 8-9-2020
Mars 10 days 8-9-2020 to 18-9-2020
(b) Yogini Dasha
Mangla 6 days from 18-9-2019 to 24-9-2019
Pingla 20 days 24-9-2019 to 14-10-2019
Dhanya 30 days 14-10-2019 to 14-11-2019
Bhramari 40 days 14-11-2019 to 24-12-2019
Bhadika 50 days 24-12-2019 to 14-2-2020
Ulka 60 days 14-2-2020 to 14-4-2020
Sidha 70 days 14-4-2020 to 24-6-2020
Sankata 80 days 24-6-2020 to 14-9-2020
Bal Mangla 4 days 14-9-2020 to 18-9-2020
Note: Mudda Dasha of Mars starting for Varshphal 2019-20 on 18-9-2019 and Yogini Dasha of Mangala (Moon) starting on 18-9-2019 will be auspicous when Sat (R) will also be direct which is yogkarak and is 9L Lord while Jup has already become direct on 11 Aug 2019 situated in Lagna and aspecting 9th House of Mandir activites and like works etc.
¶xjy lq/k fjiq dj; ferkbZA
xksin fla/q vuy flrykbZAA¸
Hearing in Supreme Court for Ayodhya will be on from 6th Aug 2019 and is said to be favourable as shown in transit chart of 6th Aug 2019.
(c) Planetary strength "Panchvargiya Bal"
Sun 6:71 Moon 14:4
Mars 12:0
Mer 14:6
Jup 9:30
Ven 9:22
Sat 10:00
Janam lagnapati and Din Ratri Pati "Mars" with panchvargiya bal 12:0 located in lagna in varshphal chart is “Lord of Year." Even muntha is also placed in Lagna in Leo sign.
Lagna is strong as also being aspected by 5L (Trine) Jupiter. Mars is 9L and 12L Moon is also placed in 9th House which is the running dasha lord of D-1 and Yogini Dasha of varshphal also starting from "Mangla" Moon (auspicious).
(d) Yogas
(i) Iqbal Yoga: 8 planets are located in Quadrant and Panphar while Moon is placed in Trine 9H house
and is the main running Dasha Lord. It will be benefical in all endeavours.
(ii) Ithasal between 12L Moon and 6L Sat is likely to give success in legal matters.
(iii) Ithasal between LL Sun and 6L Sat is again success in legal matters, though not in Deeptansha.
(iv) Ithasal between LL Sun and 3L and 10L Venus in second house with exalted Mercury (2L and 11L) (Neech bhang) with Venus. It will give success in efforts and also in Karmas
(e) Saham (Ratri Parvesh)
(i) Punya Saham - In Sagittarius 5H auspicious
(ii) Yash Saham - In Libra 3H of efforts.
(iii) Asha Saham - In Aries 9H auspicious
(iv) Gaurav Saham - In 12H whose lord Moon is in 9H auspicious.
(v) Karya Siddhi Saham - In Taurus 10H of Karma whose Lord Ven is deb. in 2H with LL Sun.
(vi) Shraddha Saham - In Virgo 2H which is Dhan bhav occupied by LL Sun and 2L and 11L Mercury (exalted) & 3L & 10L Venus aspected by 5L Jup and 6L Sat. (favourable)
TRIPATKI CHAKRA Year 2019-2020
Current year 70 year
Moon 70/9 = R-7
Mer/Jup/Ven/Sat/Sun 70/4 =R-2
Rahu/Ketu/Mars 70/6 = R-4
Vedha-Asc-Mars-9L & 4L Yogkarak
Vedha-Moon-Mars-9L& 4L Yogkarak
Sh. Narendra Modi will get fame for construction of "RAM MANDIR" in the dasha of MOON/VEN where Moon is 9L and Venus is 7L and 12L and in varshphal 2019-20 in mudda dasha Mercury 2L and 11L of decoration and Yogini Ulka earliest by 31 Mar 2020, when transit Saturn and Jupiter in Direct motion will be in Capricorn (3H) and will aspect 9H of religious activities.