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Makar Sankranti Issue - January-March 2002 (Vol 6-20)

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Section I

Devi Stuti


USA- Decling Years: An astrological analysis indicating the economic and military decline of USA  KN Rao

Planets Take them Across the Sea (I-IV): Detailes case studies showing astrological factors responsible for taking people abroad.  KN Rao & Meenakshi Raut

Osama Bin Laden-Hero or Villian: An Astro-Potrait using an horoscope based upon moon sign.    KN Rao

Universal Mantra for Shanti or Propitiation: A detailed method of propitiating God for peace and prosperity in ones family.  Yogi Karve

Temple Music and MS Subbulakshmi  Akhila Kumar

Section II

Why Satellites Fall..An Astrological Analysis of instances where satellite launches have failed.  Mahender Kumar

Earthquakes of Gujarat (1800 to 1900 AD ) - Dr. Pushap Lata Sharma

Russia, a Nation with a Vision   KN Rao

Role of 9th Lord in a Horoscope  Alamelu Mathur

Meanings of Shastiamsha or the 60th division   Ansuya Jha

Song of Debilitated Planets Radhey Shyam

Pilgrimage to Vrindavan Paridhi Agrawal

How to Predict Birth of a Child using Tajik Mahender Kumar

Israel, the Flash point  KN Rao

Yogini Dasha: Case studies using this dasha system  Group Research, Guide KN Rao 

Section III (Hindi)

Osho  Amrita Pritam

Pranaya, Prem aur Pyaar  Subhash Choudary

Jail  Draupadi Rai

Vraddh Yavan Jatakam-Results of Debilitated Planets  Manoj Pathak

Results of Debilitated Planets in Maansaagri  HP Sharma

Imprisonment-An Astrological Analysis    Prem Kumari

He took Cancer upon himself  Dr. Ramkumar Karoli

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