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In 1810, Raja of Ujjain paid a visit to Kashi. He along with Kashi Naresh, was on a boat going towards Manikarnika ghat when he saw the shining figure of Swami sitting on water. On inquiry, he was told about the extra ordinary powers of the saint. The King was very impressed and as if sensing his wish to see him, Swami appeared on the boat. The King was glad and showed his extra ordinary bejeweled sword to him. The saint did not even think for a moment and threw the sword in water. When the King got in a fit of rage and grief, Swami put his hand in water and extracted two similar swords from the water. He asked the King to recognize his sword, which he obviously could not do. Swami told him sternly that he was troubled for the sword when he could not even recognize which one was his sword. That was his way to show him the futility of the physical attractions of the world. read more...
One year more than a century has passed, still no one has forgotten the brutality with which the atrocious killing at Jallianwala Bagh was carried out. Jallianwala Bagh is located at a distance of barely one and a half kilometers from the Golden Temple in Amritsar. On 13 Apr 1919, on the day of Baisakhi (an important Hindu festival) at 5:37 in the evening, when more than 10,000 people (some say there were 15,000 to 20,000) were gathered in the Jallianwala Bagh, acting Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer ordered to shoot at the unarmed, innocent public. 
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Those who know mundane astrology will see in the horoscope of India a war like situation these days. (read my pieces on Nuclear Deal One and Two) Will India attack Pakistan to satisfy the angry Indians who will not excuse the incompetent Manmohan Singh government? Then the UPA government has also to score a point with an angry electorate who may vote against the UPA combination unless it shows enough manliness which will have to be some military action.

It is well known that there are training camps in Pakistan particularly POK and also in Bangladesh from where terrorists inflitrate into India through its porous borders.












See it astrologically.
1) In the horoscope of India it is the antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house of war.

2) Transit Mars and Ketu are transitting there (in Vrischika now) showing some war like situation which shows classical combination for war like activity.

3) In Jaimini Chara dasha it is Karka Simha (Cancer Leo) and Dhanu (Sagittarius). In the seventh house from Dhanu is Mars the planet of war and also Gnathikaraka.

4) In the attack on the Indian embassy the hand of Pakistan’s ISI was clearly established by CIA. In the attack on Mumbai the hand of Pakistan is again clearly established. The civilian government and president Zardari of Pakistan may be too weak to control ISI and militants in Pakistan. Indian attack on these camps may help Pakistan also to control the terrorists on its soil who operate so freely.

5) There will be justification to impose some sort of national emergency (external one) if a limited war can be wagedand some of these terrorist training camps destroyed.

6) Then go back to my old research on the effects of transitting axis of Rahu and Ketu along Karka Makar (Cancer Capricorn) axis beautifully discussed in the book on Mundane Astrology of Mehta and Radhika.

India will never get such a chance and overwhelming international support for such an action at this juncture.

( 29 November 2008)

PS: After I wrote out this piece and sent at  4 pm some more information that has filtered in needs serious attention.
1)In this attack on Bombay there were three links-- the terrorists, the criminals of Bombay who helped them and some terrorists working in hotel Taj though it will be denied.
2)There are three more links internally. Extensive corruption, terrible inefficienty and worst of all COMPLICITY OF  SOME PEOPLE

Indian history is full of instances of betrayals of Indians by Indians. Even these days you will find Indians betraying Indian friends, their employers etc. to help foreigners and gain some advantage.

These stories of complicity are dangerous and should not be discussed openly though one should always be prepared for it.

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