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This is an attempt to astrologically study the threat that the new Corona Virus poses globally and the likely relief that can be expected in future. As COVID-19 disease is a world-wide threat and a global phenomenon,'Kalapurusha-Kundali' is being considered for analysing this outbreak. Kala means 'Time' and Purusha means 'Human-Being', so, this kundali relates itself to the start of shrishti (universe) where Aries zodiac sign rises in the Lagna and the rest of the zodiac signs follow in a cyclic order.  read more...
How will a seeker find a Guru, he wouldn’t even know how and where!! It is said that when the time is right, Guru comes looking for the disciple and so was the case with Trailanga. After some years the Guru and his disciple left for Pushkar and it was there that deeksha (initiation) was given to Trailanga at the age of 78 years and he became Ganapati (some accounts say ‘Gajanand Saraswati’). He did sadhana with his Guru for about 10 years. After the Guru came to fulfillment, Trailanga moved from kshetra to kshetra i.e. from pilgrimage to next pilgrimage, as was advised by his Guru. read more...
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Born , as though, as an answer to a national democratic necessity to have a second national political party to oppose the one party dominance of the Congress  in Indian democracy, the Bharatiya Janata Party initially started as a party with a difference, with its proclaimed idealism and soon started becoming an enigma wrapped in chaos.

Two recent incidents in news, the revolt of Yedurappa in Karnataka and the denial of the Rajya Sabha nomination to S.S.Ahluwalia show that, as always, the strongest enemy of the BJP is the Bharatiya  Janata Party.


New Delhi, March 20, 2012,
RS polls: Sinha against BJP support to Independent
“The rift in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) over its decision not to field any candidate from Jharkhand for the Rajya Sabha elections came to the fore on Tuesday with senior leader Yashwant Sinha saying he was “pained” by the party’s support to an Independent candidate and sought corrective steps.

Mr. Sinha raised the issue of BJP’s tacit support to Independent candidate Anshuman Mishra at the Parliamentary Party meeting Tuesday morning and said someone from the party should have been fielded instead.


The Times of India
Yeddyurappa's rebellion very serious: RSS
PTI | Mar 20, 2012
NAGPUR: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh today said the revolt by B S Yeddyurappa seeking reinstatement as Karnataka chief minister was "very serious", even as the BJP president Nitin Gadkari went into a huddle with Mohan Bhagwat and other top leaders of the organization here.

"The rebellion by Yeddyuruppa who is demanding his reinstatement as the Karnataka chief minister was very serious and the BJP has taken a cognizance (of the issue)...the party will take a decision soon," RSS sarkaryawah (general secretary) Suresh alias Bhaiyyaji Joshi told reporters here.


The party with a difference ?
Has the BJP ever done anything to live up to its claim of being a party with a difference ? Look at the newspaper report on the eve of the UP elections.

Tue, 20 Mar 2012
The Indian Express
109 candidates in phase-II UP polls have criminal background
Agencies : Lucknow, Sat Jan 28 2012
As many as 109 candidates contesting the second phase of Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections have criminal cases pending against them, according to a monitoring group.

Of the total 867 candidates in fray for the second phase of elections slated for February 8, Uttar Pradesh Election Watch (UPEW), which analyses affidavits of 284 contestants, found that 109 of them have criminal cases, including that of murder, abduction, robbery and extortion, pending against them.

SP tops the chart with 28 candidates having criminal record, followed by BSP and BJP at 24 each, Congress (15), Peace Party (12), JD-U (5) and RLD (1).


S.P. of Mulayam Singh Yadav during the days of the dominance of Amar Singh few years ago with capitalists and cine stars dominating it, had not even talked of  socialism. The craze to bring to the Rajya Sabha actresses like Hema Malini (BJP), Jaya Bachchan (S.P), Jaya Prada earlier till she joined estranged Amar Singh  are glaring proofs of our political immaturity. It is importing the south Indian lunacy into other political parties.

Mulayam’s party workers, on the other hand, distinguished themselves in kidnapping, demand for ransom, murders, the rob-the-rich brand of  socialism. Some criminals in the cabinet and many more in the party is the trend now accepted.

How is the BJP different ?BJP talks of Ram Mandir  and allows some of  its party members to follow  Ravana. What is the difference between BJP, SP, RJD etc. ? In Indian democracy, except the communist parties, there is no party with a difference because , ultimately, these parties are not different from each other. And communists are known for their extra territorial loyalties. The national parties are thoroughly penetrated by CIA.

BJP  which won the gratitude of Indian astrologers by introducing astrology as a subject of study in Indian universities in 2001, has  chosen a time for its formation wrongly. There is a chaotic combination of planets in its well-known horoscope. It should also be remembered that when astrology was introduced in the curriculum of universities and the court cases were going on, not a single leader of the BJP came in support of the then HRD Minister , Sri Murali Manohar Joshi, who himself had not, perhaps, asked the ministry to take the help of astrologers to prepare the defense of the ministry and the UGC for the case in the Supreme Court. A Ram Bharose decision (depend on Lord Rama) was taken that astrology will defend itself.

Same happened in the court case about the Ram Janma Bhoomi. Vishwa Hindu Parishad did collect lot of useful material.

The arguments given by some women students in an astrological seminar some years ago, were used in a court case in Lucknow when a favorable decision about the Ram Janma Bhoomi was given by the Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court.

30 June 2009, 8:17 AM
Mohammad’s ascent to heaven !! One night, Muhammad, accompanied by the angel Gabriel, flew on the back of a winged, horse-like creature to Jerusalem to visit the temple that was built by King Solomon (who, by the way, is also considered to be one of the prophets). At the Temple, Muhammad prayed with Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Muhammad was then carried up to heaven by Gabriel, where Muhammad met God. Because of this trip, Moslems consider Jerusalem to be the third most holy city, after Mecca and Medina. Within Jerusalem lies one of Islam's most holy sites, the Dome of the Rock, which covers the place where Muhammad is said to have stepped as he began his ascent to heaven. During the Night Journey, Muhammad was told several tenets that he incorporated into the basis of Islam, for example, that all Moslems should pray five times a day.

Has anyone made it a historical controversy and deprived Muslims from visiting this "historical" place?


Some people had hoped that the BJP would symbolize the true secularism, the gift of  the glorious civilization of ancient India with its realization of Truth being One but the Paths being different. India alone has practiced truest secularism, allowing the refugees of all tormented followers of other religions, Jews, Zoarstrians or even trading Muslims to build their religious places and practice them in those middle ages when the proselyting religions, based on one book one prophet obsession,  had created hordes of barbarians destroying the religious places of other  religions and killing adherents of other religions,  raping their women and converting them through threat and monetary incentives. Time has come to discard the hypocritical secularism of the Congress (remember Nehru and the Hindu Code Bill and Rajiv Gandhi and Shah Bano case) and show to the world that secularism is not atheism, not discarding of religion, but acceptance of multiple approaches to Cosmic truth, tolerance of difference of opinion, not irrational rigid uniformity of “our path alone is correct” or is that “last prophet” alone etc...... and Arab imperialism.

To understand it , see the horoscope of the BJP and do Parashari astrology, taking all divisional horoscopes and aspects, not primitive astrology based on single planet analysis and based solely on birth horoscope.

1) The birth horoscope shows a kemadruma Moon in Vrischika and in the sixth house.

2) The unpleasant exchange of the third lord with the tenth lord (retrograde) and the eighth and ninth lord Saturn (retrograde) and Rahu. Interpret it as a brave effort to capture power, rising above the stereotype description of it as a khala yoga.

3) Jupiter with three malefics is the story of ruined idealism of this party.

4) Lagna and the fourth lord, Mercury, in the ninth house with Ketu and aspected by all the crowd of planets in the third house is the story of internecine quarrels. Earlier, it was the A.B.Vajpai faction against L.K. Advani faction with Murali Manohar Joshi’s feeble, wobbly manipulations and his publicised Bagla Mukhi upayas to destroy his enemies. Now you hear of Sushma-Jaitley squabbles and other bickering’s settled or quelled by R.S.S.

BJP Horoscope Vargas

There is no hope ever, with such a ruined tenth lord in a bad exchange, of this this party forming a single party government at the center. It will always be at the mercy of coalition partners if and when it comes into power. See the crowded third house with the tenth lord in it to understand it.

Briefly note in the navamsha, the tenth lord in the eighth house aspected by the eighth lord who also aspects the tenth house.

In the dashamansha the third lord in the tenth house and the tenth lord in the third house aspected by Mars from the eighth house. This party will have to work harder, forgetting its own internal bickering’s,  to come into power in future. And it will.

Do not do primitive astrology. Use vargas and employ aspects to see the strength and weakness of a horoscope.

Venus exalted both in the navamsha and dashamansha gave it prominence after the demolition of the Babri Masjid and gave it a chance to form a coalition government which did rather well considering its twenty two party jamboree. Atal Behari Vajpayee’s charisma and liberalism kept it united till Jayalalitha stabbed it once without causing its downfall as it returned to power after elections.

As the dasha chiddra in the horoscope of Vajpayee approached, the party fared badly in general elections. L.K.Advani’s horoscope does not reveal any prime ministerial material. Among the horoscopes of other younger BJP leaders circulating, the promise, if any, exists in the horoscope of Sushma Swaraj who may be a future prime minister of India someday. The more promising horoscope is of Narendra Modi and his future dashas are not unpromising. Non astrologically, since we do not have the horoscopes of Yashwant Sinha and Arun Jaitley, it can be said that they are strong contenders for the post of prime minister.

BJP is now passing through dasha chiddra with Venus dasha ending and Sun, in mrityubhaga, about to begin from April 2012. In this dasha, old leaders, will vanish from the scene and the younger bickering lot will indulge in party defeating manouevres till Sun-Jupiter is reached after which, it may get subdued. This party can hope to achieve something for the country after its leaders place the nation above their petty importance in the national scheme.

No other political party in India has such brilliant parliamentarians as the BJP. After Vajpayee, it has not produced any charismatic leader who can attract crowds and get votes for the party. The caste and religion combination of SP and RJD (the MYC formula, Muslims , Yadav and criminals) and the dalit base of BSP are corrosive factors in our democracy.

The young AkhileshYadav of SP, now the chief minister of UP, has promised to improve it all---straighten the perpetually curled up tail of the dog, as the saying goes in Hindi.

BJP can come out with a great national appeal and great cause sometime in the dasha of the second half of Sun and bind the nation with a greater cause, above petty casteist meanness of Mulayam Singh, the pseudo-socialist, and Mayawati’s dalit vote bank.

A strong economic agenda to answer the needs of the ever expanding middle class, to reduce poverty which Atal Behari Vajpai’s NDA was achieving, hoping against hope, that our neighboring countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh do not fall into the traps of extremists, can be provided only by the BJP along with true secularism.

The nation awaits some national crisis for the BJP to rise; for the Congress to sink into the morass of Indian history.

( 21 March 2012)

Keywords: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Yedurappa, Atal Behari Vajpai, Congress Party, BJP, LK Advani, Narendra Modi, Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu, Hindu Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Indian Astrology, Jyotish, Horoscopes, Kundli

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