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This is an attempt to astrologically study the threat that the new Corona Virus poses globally and the likely relief that can be expected in future. As COVID-19 disease is a world-wide threat and a global phenomenon,'Kalapurusha-Kundali' is being considered for analysing this outbreak. Kala means 'Time' and Purusha means 'Human-Being', so, this kundali relates itself to the start of shrishti (universe) where Aries zodiac sign rises in the Lagna and the rest of the zodiac signs follow in a cyclic order.  read more...
How will a seeker find a Guru, he wouldn’t even know how and where!! It is said that when the time is right, Guru comes looking for the disciple and so was the case with Trailanga. After some years the Guru and his disciple left for Pushkar and it was there that deeksha (initiation) was given to Trailanga at the age of 78 years and he became Ganapati (some accounts say ‘Gajanand Saraswati’). He did sadhana with his Guru for about 10 years. After the Guru came to fulfillment, Trailanga moved from kshetra to kshetra i.e. from pilgrimage to next pilgrimage, as was advised by his Guru. read more...
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The exit polls showing disastrous performance by the BJP in the Delhi elections and the spectacular performance of AAP has shown to the parent all India body its disastrous mistake of not going into polls immediately after the results of the general election had given it an advantageous position.

It has shown to astrologers not to launch into predictions without the horoscope of the regional wing as I had mentioned earlier. That was the mistake I committed and I apologize for that. As I had said earlier I had said earlier.

 “The horoscope of the BJP: Personally I am of the opinion that the horoscope of a national party should not be used for predictions about the results of the state elections. In the absence of the horoscope of the date of the formation of the Delhi branch of the BJP we may have a glance at it....The favourable period continues for the BJP in this period in this horoscope though I do not place much reliance on the national horoscope of a party for a state election.”

Belatedly now I have got another unreliable information that this was formed on 8 April at about 11/40 am. I will not discuss it or accept it as no one has assured me about its accuracy.

Aam Aadmi PartyAs to the Aam Aadmi Party, its horoscope is reliable. The analysis given through Chara Dasha proved correct, and in the Vimshottari the pratyantara of Rahu in the eleventh house aspected by Jupiter shows its spectacular success. But Chara Dasha clinches it.

I will not wait for 10 February for actual results to be announced after actual vote counting as generally all exit polls cannot go wrong. AAP has won the elections outright is what must be said now.

The belated entry of Kiran Bedi and her nomination as the Chief Ministerial candidate may have proved another disaster though it will not be admitted openly. It will also affect the so called invincible election winning strategy of Amit Shah and ofcourse, to some extent Narendra Modi who had canvassed vigorously. In any case, Modi now seems to have lost his election winning charisma.

Kejriwal has beaten Narendra Modi is what is being said now. The repercussion of it going to be very tough for the BJP in the elections in some major states like Bihar and Uttar Pradesh in coming years. It will also be debated now if the Modi wave is over or diminishing and is not an election winning strategy.

( 7 February 2015)

Keywords: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Horoscope, Jyotish, Hindu Astrology, Indian Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Saturn, Venus, Rahu, Ketu, Mercury, Rashi, Navamsha, Aam Aadmi Party, BJP, Kiran Bedi, Kejriwal, Amit Shah, Narendra Modi, Delhi Elections 2015

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