Remember that this prediction of BJP (NDA) of 26 Jan 2013 coming into power was made when Narendra Damodar Modi was nowhere in the picture.
26 January 2013, 9:05 PM
“An article of mine on the great Indian leader, Jai Prakash Narayan whom I will refer to as J.P. appeared in the January 1989 issue of the Astrological Magazine. It was written one year before the General Elections of 1989 in which this prediction was clearly made, when no one had yet expected the Congress (I) party of Rajiv Gandhi, to be defeated. .....
As I write this (14 September, 1988), Jupiter is in Taurus, which according to my own research in mundane astrology brings about, in post-independence India, radical changes in the central government, and then as Saturn prepares to move into Poorvashadha, the two major planets will transform the national political scene, through a poll, not a revolution but a poll which will have the tones of a revolution through a ballot.
Jupiter was last in Taurus in 1977, when something of a revolution through ballot had taken place; earlier transiting between Aries and Gemini, this planet, Jupiter, had taken away Nehru, brought in Lal Bahadur Shastri, whose brief tenure ended tragically and then came in Indira. Now Jupiter is there again and I remem- ber J.P. on this occasion, particularly when Saturn is preparing to effectuate the classical “Chattra Bhanga Yoga”.
Jupiter was in Taurus when V.P. Singh formed his government and the Congress party sat in opposition in 1989. Jupiter is in Taurus these days again and the mood of the nation, though the elections are still nearly ten to fifteen months away, may be swinging against the present coalition UPA II in power at the center. What appears clear is that Congress party will find it difficult to return to power at the center for the third time to form a government.
Coming to the horoscope of the Congress Party, it is now passing through the mahadasha of Jupiter and the antardasha of Saturn in which between February and July it will be the pratyantara dasha of Rahu is a clear indication of some tragedy and heart searching. The party is not regaining power in this period or even later when general elections will be declared. It is facing insurmountable problems in the antardasha of Saturn and in the next antardasha of Mercury; it will have to remain context with the role of an opposition party only.
BJP Horoscope: THE BJP
The BJP is now running through the mahadasha of Sun the third lord in the tenth house in exchange with Jupiter the tenth lord. Jupiter the tenth lord is involved in conjunction with Saturn, Rahu and Mars because of which this party has never been able to form a government without many coalition partners in the period between 1998 and 2004.This party may never be able to form a single party government as the Congress party had for many years since independence of India.
In its Sun dasha it is again nearing the power center in a coalition. It can therefore surmised that in the next coalition it is the NDA government that will be formed at the center with BJP joining it in a prominent way.
(24 January 2013)
When this prediction was made all that I decided to do was to ignore the challenge of the so called Third Front of all those non Congress and non BJP political parties for two clear reasons: first we did not know which these parties would be before the general elections and secondly, even if they were known in the absence of authentic horoscopes of these political parties, no astrological parties could have been made.
In the BJP who would be the man who would rise to take this party to victory after the well-known wilderness of ten years had to be limited to the horoscopes of the available horoscopes. The horoscopes of L.K. Advani and M.M. Joshi were examined and it was found they had reached the sunset of their careers and were in no way pivotal for the examination of the question.
Who else? I did not have the horoscopes of the prominent middle rung leaders of the BJP except of one where I found no such promise. An unconfirmed horoscope of Raj Nath with Vrishchika showed some promise but we have never known him to be a dynamic leader capable of leading India out of its present economic morass and pseudo secularist anarchy.
Advani was opposing in the Goa session of the BJP as reported in New Post “”The not-so-warm tee chief in Goa. This was followed by the veteran leader not endorsing Modi's anointment as the BJP prime ministerial candidate. If this was not enough, Advani expressed deep reservations against fighting the Lok Sabha poll from Gandhinagar this time. He wanted to contest from Bhopal, although later he finally agreed to fight from the capital of Gujarat.” (15 May 2014)
As to MM Joshi, his seniority in the party hierarchy is recognized but not his dynamism or any worthwhile achievement to give to him a point of vantage in the party. He has to remain contented with the role of an also ran in his present mahadasha of Saturn in the twelfth house yet occupying some position of importance.
Both Advani and Joshi have never shown the grace and wisdom of their age to announced their retirement at their advanced ages--Advani born on 8 November 1927 in his eighty seventh year was nurturing the ambition of becoming a prime ministerial candidate and MM Joshi (5 January 1934) in his eighty first year is craving for a high office. And both forget that ailing and sinister Sonia Gandhi, still nurturing dynastic ambitions, is waiting to do to Modi what Indira Gandhi did to Charan Singh in July 1979 and oust him anyhow with Mulayam Singh openly joining her in her campaign.
The Times of India
Mulayam reaches Delhi to work out political math’s
TNN | May 15, 2014 - LUCKNOW: Trashing exit poll results which predict a disaster for the Samajwadi Party (SP) in the general elections, party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav left for Delhi on Wednesday morning to lay the ground for his idea of a Third Front which, although, might have to be tweaked from its earlier version. Initially, Mulayam was to fly to Delhi on Tuesday evening but the schedule was changed at the last minute. Before his departure, Mulayam took a few calls from his friends including Communist Party of India (CPI) leader AB Vardhan and the party's West Bengal in charge Kironmay Nanda. Mulayam is believed to have discussed the idea of not treating some of UPA's constituents as untouchables, irrespective of SP's relations with them. Wth the Left parties having already expressed their willingness to be a part of a formation which also has their "till now" arch rival Mamata Banerjee, Mulayam, too, is likely make the best of the opportunity to extend a hand a friendship towards the Bengal chief minister.
I waited till the middle of September 2013 when I got the horoscope of Narendra Modi and accepting the Vargottam Vrischika lagna horoscope asked Pammi Barthwal to write an article which she has , and is given next to this article in this series.
Now as I write this as an apolitical person neither exulting the victory of BJP nor mourning the loss of the Congress party which as removed the pictures of both Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi in the poster in its party office in Delhi a day before the announcement of election results.
Dazed we should be because dazzling and magnificent is the fact that we have conducted in India the largest ever democratic election in which the number of voters were two and a half times the population of USA, more than fifteen times the population of Russia and sixteen times the population of UK. The ghost of Winston Churchill who had made gloomy and dire predictions about free India must be suffering from terrible panga after knowing it.
Once in twelve years we have world’s biggest religious gathering in the Kumbha Mela at Prayag and once in five or sometimes less years we have world’s biggest elections---both unparalleled in human history.
Yes, I am a proud Indian.
(To be continued)
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (297365)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (190750)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (188798)