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This is an attempt to astrologically study the threat that the new Corona Virus poses globally and the likely relief that can be expected in future. As COVID-19 disease is a world-wide threat and a global phenomenon,'Kalapurusha-Kundali' is being considered for analysing this outbreak. Kala means 'Time' and Purusha means 'Human-Being', so, this kundali relates itself to the start of shrishti (universe) where Aries zodiac sign rises in the Lagna and the rest of the zodiac signs follow in a cyclic order.  read more...
How will a seeker find a Guru, he wouldn’t even know how and where!! It is said that when the time is right, Guru comes looking for the disciple and so was the case with Trailanga. After some years the Guru and his disciple left for Pushkar and it was there that deeksha (initiation) was given to Trailanga at the age of 78 years and he became Ganapati (some accounts say ‘Gajanand Saraswati’). He did sadhana with his Guru for about 10 years. After the Guru came to fulfillment, Trailanga moved from kshetra to kshetra i.e. from pilgrimage to next pilgrimage, as was advised by his Guru. read more...
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From: Kush Singh <> on Sat, 20 Aug 2016 02:04:40
Dear Rao Saheb
You are very right about the risk of playing sport in India. Only 1 in a million can achieve great success Our main sport cricket is totally
corrupted inside out. The loss of Sindhu is acceptable and expected and her effort to be saluted. Now the rot is complete with politicians heading sports bodies.The worst is the media now chasing Sindhu and putting needless pressure on her. Astrologically, more needs to be observed. I have studied closely many world level sports horoscopes and some trends emerge relating to Mars, 6th house, 3rd house their respective lords but the key issues debatable are PHYSICAL STAMINA AND MEAT EATING CULTURE ( ABSENT IN INDIA) MENTAL STRENGTH AND KILLER INSTINCT( LESS IN INDIAN DNA) POOR INFRASTRUCTURE. Apart from the above two natural limitations - POLITICS IN SPORTS FEDERATIONS, POOR GOVT ATTITUDE. The worst tendency is now from astrologers giving sporting success to those coming for advise not realizing that there is NO OPEN DEEP ASTRO RESEARCH PUBLISHED for sporting success that is authentic. Great astrologers like you have cracked the astro combinations for sporting success but there is nothing in the public domain yet. Till that time astrologers can give false hope to budding Indian sportsmen for minting money.
Regards Kush Singh

This letter from Kush who has reported and written for English newspapers of England also an astrologer, explains what I have been saying all my life. That has offended many.

When people drop in and see me watching sports events, I do it as a sports lover, they ask me astrologically about the expected “great performance of India”. For Indians trip to the Olympics is a picnic, not a competitive event is what I have to tell out of sheer disgust. I have followed Olympics since 1948 and I know about sports in India which Kush has expressed it clearly in his letter to me.

My friend from Haryana , Satya Prakash Yadav, with roots in Haryana, explained how some people in that state started coaching centers for wrestling and boxing which have got us some prizes in international competitions. We all know how P.Gopinath, who was give some land after he won the All England badminton title , started his badminton coaching center in Hyderabad. In 2016 Olympics two prizes we got-- both women, were from these centers. And remember we sent a contingent of 110 !!

Adding to the lunacy and expectations of Indian sports lovers were an absurd piece like this.
Creating Lunacy: Stage One
Rio Olympics 2016: India to win solitary gold medal and eight overall, predicts Goldman Sachs - FP Sports Aug 4, 2016 18:31 IST

India will win eight medals including one gold medal at the 2016 Rio Olympics, according to the 'Olympics and Economics report' released by Goldman Sachs on Monday. This report comes after a projection from Associated Press marked the mixed doubles tennis pairing of Sania Mirza-Rohan Bopanna to bag a bronze in Rio while 50m pistol participant Jitu Rai is expected to win a silver medal in shooting for India.The Goldman Sachs' medal tally prediction gives India two medals more than their tally in the last Olympics in London. The Sports Authority of India, on the other hand, have a target of 10 medals for the 118 athletes set to participate in Rio.

Creating Lunacy: Stage Two
When Sakshi ended the medals drought Indian newspapers and television channel gave it such a wide coverage for hour and hours as though India was on the top of the table of medal winners. Aug 20, 2016
Creating Lunacy: Stage Three
When Sindhu reached the finals of badminton assuring at least a silver or gold visions of a gold medal haunted the nation. Some television channels devoted nearly six hours to this news item. Many people remained glued to their television watching the match. Rio Olympics 2016: PV Sindhu's silver worth its weight ... is what a newspaper said after Sindhu won the silver medal.
The anti climax
See the irony of it all. We sent a contingent more than 110 participants, all males failed, some of them even could not qualify for later rounds. Woman participants too flopped but two both “S”s, one from Haryana, Sakshi and the other from Andhra Pradesh got one bronze first and later a silver. We sent more than 110 participants and only two , women (not men), helped India appear on the medals table.

Creating Lunacy: Stage Four
As Kush pointed out, astrologers rushed with their predictions painting a rosy picture forgetting two cardinal principles of a good astrologer by Maharshi Parashara. See desh, kaala and patra first. The country, the times and the participant in the context of Olympics. It is about India which has never done well in Olympics, it is from India where there are no coaching facilities except in cricket (not in Olympics), badminton and boxing and wresting and all that on a very limited scale in some state or states of India only.

Then the second principle uha-poh-patu. Consider India’s past record and see if any improvement has taken place to even raise some expectations. Have Indians equalled world records in international competition preceding the Olympics etc. As I have said that I have never made any prediction about Indian achievements in the Olympics.

Yet, the nation should be grateful to Sakshi and Sindhu from saving the nation from a zero like 1976, 1984,1988 and 1992 in free India.

Someone should find out if Phelps gets so much coverage in the press and television in USA and Bolt in Jamaica as Sakshi and Sindhu in India. Being a country starved of sporting glory and achievements, or suffering from starvation, our television channels and online newspapers have turned Sakshi and Sindhu big national heroines.

In the year of 2016, Indian Test Cricket team climbed up to Number One position and would have retained it if India had beaten West Indies in the fourth test, four days of which have been washed out by rains. But of course it is not an Olympic debacle.

The Olympic Spirit ?
To add to this bitterness are tweet wars in these days of misuse of the internet. Sample it.
omar r quraishi ?@omar_quraishi Aug 17
Finally one of the 119 competitors that India sent to Rio has won a medal - a bronze - now see how they portray it as if they won 20 golds

And he was answered by pointing out that no Pakistani could qualify for the Olympics.
Where is the so called Olympic spirit in these ugly tweets ?
Post Mortem
Now the television channels are finding fault with sports management in India giving various reasons and comparative table to show why India fails in Olympics !!

Why not say that it is good as Indian students will do better with their education and career and spend reasonably comfortable and happy middle and old age. Have you seen distinguished sports of India suffering from penury in middle and old age ? I have.

The dawn of the twenty first century saw the rise of Indian women in sports---first Malleshwari in weight lifting then Mary Kom and Saina Nehwal and now in 2016 Sakshi and Sindhu. For conservative and misogynistic Haryana it is a big message to change. 

Now, after sometime we will begin a talk for the preparation for Tokyo Olympics. Will that take place ? See the two charts showing clouds of wars hovering all the world.

In the context of India read this piece -
Diary of an Olympian: Why make them choose a life of toil for a few seconds of success

Now they are talking of preparation for the Tokyo Olympics of 2020 without knowing how and why USA will be busier in promoting wars all over the world and China will become aggressive. India with her troubles involved in wars may decide not to participate in Tokyo Olympics of 2020. Pakistan where no one could even qualify for the Olympics of 2016, will have manufactured more terrorists than Olympians by rest of the world: European nations and USA promoting unrest all over the world through the NGOs they promote and Naxalite groups in India and similar terrorist outfits elsewhere will have done utmost damage while Islamic fundamentalists fighting their desperate battles before their final extinction will keep grabbing headlines.

Advise Indian parents to ask their children to concentrate on their academic and professional careers and not let got lost in sports career---not in India where there is no sporting culture, very rightly. Concentrate on badminton, table tennis, hockey and some field events for future competitions and be satisfied with medals. Do you know that to be distinguished in many of the sports events you have to a half -animal and have the stamina of a horse.

Wong Peng Soon, the great Malaysian badminton player for two decades in 1940 and 1950 had advised when he visited India to concentrate on light racket games because of their physical build and flexible bodies.

(22 August 2016 12/40 noon)
Keywords: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Horoscope, Jyotish, Hindu Astrology, Indian Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Saturn, Venus, Rahu, Ketu, Mercury, Rashi, Navamsha, Rio Olympics 2016, PV Sindhu, Badminton, Cricket, Sports Career

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