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Guruji respected Rao Sahib has desired my comments on Ram Janam Bhumi that whether PM Sh. Modi will get fame in Ayodhya Case whose case will start for hearing in Supreme court daily from 6th Aug 2019 and my answer is as under. read more...
What is happening between USA and Iran is not a World war but it may develop into a major war and may be later into a World war. What we must always remember is that after the end of second World war in 1945, there have been at least three regional wars every ten years; mostly Asian and African countries have been involved whereas USA and Russia have made lots of profit by selling arms and ammunition.  read more...
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From March-April issue of Journal of Astrology 2010

Astrologers should have explained the research done by Russian physicists, Nikolaj Volodichev and Mikhail Panasjuk on neutron flashes related  to the positioning of the Sun and the Moon. Dig daha was the term used by famous Varahmihira the astrologer from Ujjain from 505 A.D to 587 A.D., for neutron flashes.

The Russian research: Neutron flashes may forecast earthquakes. Earthquakes may be heralded by bursts of neutrons from the earth’s surface and could even be linked to the lunar cycle, according to the two Russian physicists.

Nikolaj Volodichev and Mikhail Panasjuk of the Skobeltysn Research Institute of Nuclear Physics in Moscow noticed that flow of neutrons from Earth’s crust increased sharply during the new Moon and the full Moon. This is when tidal forces acting on earth are at their strongest, which could trigger seismic activity. The researchers are optimistic that their discovery could form the basis of a new system for forecasting earthquakes.

Volodichev and Panasjuk measured levels of neutron emission in the Pamir mountains in Tajikstan - a seismically active region where Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates meet and found that they peaked at twelve hour intervals. The researchers noticed that the variation in neutron flux coincided with the daily fluctuations of the Moon’s gravitational pull. This prompted them to study the neutrons bursts when these tidal forces are at their greatest – that is, when the Sun, Earth and Moon line up – at the time of new Moon or full Moon.

Volodichev and Panasjuk found that the neutron flow during these periods was around twelve times higher than the background level. This led them to believe that the tidal stress on the earth’s crust opens up fissures through which radioactive gases and particles can escape. The radioactive material quickly decays, emitting alpha particles that contain neutrons.

To back their theory, the researchers analyzed data collected over 28 years from the Pacific ‘ring of fire’ – a region of intense earthquake activity. They found most severe earthquakes took place around the time of a new Moon or a full Moon.

“Our work suggests that neutron flashes and an increase in seismic activity are closely related, and are bound by tidal forces”, said Volodichev “The prediction of earthquakes from neutron bursts is still in the development stage but it is very promising".

It is common knowledge that on the new Moon and full Moon day the tides of the sea are more volatile than usual. The positioning of Sun and Moon has found to be causing unusual activity in the human brain also during around the full Moon and New Moon days. This has been scientifically observed in mental asylums.

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