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This is an attempt to astrologically study the threat that the new Corona Virus poses globally and the likely relief that can be expected in future. As COVID-19 disease is a world-wide threat and a global phenomenon,'Kalapurusha-Kundali' is being considered for analysing this outbreak. Kala means 'Time' and Purusha means 'Human-Being', so, this kundali relates itself to the start of shrishti (universe) where Aries zodiac sign rises in the Lagna and the rest of the zodiac signs follow in a cyclic order.  read more...
How will a seeker find a Guru, he wouldn’t even know how and where!! It is said that when the time is right, Guru comes looking for the disciple and so was the case with Trailanga. After some years the Guru and his disciple left for Pushkar and it was there that deeksha (initiation) was given to Trailanga at the age of 78 years and he became Ganapati (some accounts say ‘Gajanand Saraswati’). He did sadhana with his Guru for about 10 years. After the Guru came to fulfillment, Trailanga moved from kshetra to kshetra i.e. from pilgrimage to next pilgrimage, as was advised by his Guru. read more...
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What The Soothsayers Predict for Modi
K.N.RAO, Founder, Jyotish Samsthan, B.V.B Delhi

If the available kundil is correct, the time is good for Modi. More importantly, the country may have to face natural disasters and violence.

Mail Today, New Delhi, Tuesday, June 11, 201

Modi, the famous Narendra Modi of Gujarat, occupies lot of space in day to day news now whether it is the print media or television, whether it is his admirer or detractor, whether it is the spokesman of the BJP praising him or of the Congress party or even a leader of the Congress party calling him a fascist. Indians obsessed with politics, talk politics, breathe politics and never show a desire to get out of this most disturbing subject ruining the peace of mind of so many, so often and perhaps, always. JD(U) has parted company with its seventeen year old companion BJP with which it fought elections in Bihar. It will have significance during the coming elections to the Indian parliament and as usual there will be different political formations fighting each other. Unstable coalitions at the centre once again occupies the attention of the nation. The last one party rule in India was of late Sri P.V.Narasimha Rao and that too was a minority government. Since the start of the mahadasha of Venus in 1989 India is doomed to havecoalition governments and coalition compulsions leading to massive corruption. Shashi Tharoor had put it picturesquely thus:

“If America is a melting-pot, then to me India is a thali, a selection of sumptuous dishes in different bowls. Each tastes different, and does not necessarily mix with the next, but they belong together on the same plate, and they complement each other in making the meal a satisfying repast. ”

Natural disasters and violence
Repeatedly, I have been talking of natural disasters and violence this year. Someone talked of the end of the Naxalite menace last year without knowing much astrology and this year we have already had many Naxalite attacks one of which took the lives of some Congress leaders including that of V.C.Shukla who died, after having been airlifted to a hospital in Gurgaon, inspite of the best efforts of doctors.

Then, when the news of the elevation of Narendra Modi in the BJP roused enthusiasm among some and strong reaction from the Congress party and the grudge and childish behaviour of Sri L.K.Advani unable to give up his prime ministerial ambitions at the age of eighty five, the television channels found a chance to sensationalize this story. On such occasions the Hindi television channels do not miss the opportunity to contact astrologers for another of their instant journalism stories.

I too was contacted by two channels and to one of them I said what is reproduced in the Mail Today report of June 11, 2013. In the other channel I had said that political leaders should take many precautions about their own security arrangement this year. The hint was clear and wait and watch now.We all, like the masses, have our own problems to face in the coming months.

This is the not the year when we should be obsessed with politics but with natural disasters, violence, and some diseases is what I have been saying repeatedly and have written about in two pieces already.

See some of the headlines in newspapers.

The Times of India
Monsoon covers India by mid-June, earliest ever: Met official
Reuters | Jun 17, 2013, 01.08 PM IST -

The Times of India
Rain fury: Death toll mounts to 73, over 73,000 stranded

PTI | Jun 18, 2013, 01.36 PM IST
Rain fury: Death toll mounts to 73, over 73,000 stranded Rain wreaks havoc in north; toll rises to 81, rescue efforts hit

PTI | Jun 18, 2013, 06.59 PM IST
The Times of India
Monsoon fury: Toll rises to 131, Kedarnath temple in mud
PTI | Jun 18, 2013, 09.44 PM IST
DEHRADUN/SHIMLA: The famous Kedarnath shrine was virtually submerged in mud and slush where 50 people died in the unprecedented flash floods that claimed over 130 lives in Uttarkhand and Himachal Pradesh and left over 70,000 pilgrims for Himalayan shrines stranded. The shrine, one of the four holy dhams, in Rudraprayag district of Uttarakhand bore the brunt of torrential rains. About 500 people, including several pilgrims, are said to be missing in the area. Kukhimath sub divisional magistrate Rakesh Tewari told reporters after his return from Kedarnarth that 50 bodies are lying in areas adja
"We are right now concentrating on rescuing those who are alive," he said.


These headlines show both, the early onset of monsoon explainable astrologically easily but surprising the meteorologists because they ignoring strometeorological basis repeatedly missed it. Such devastation was noticed and happened also in 1978 when again three benefics, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury were in rain producing nakshatras and Moon aspected by two benefics.


Ardra Pravesh June 20131. Three benefics together with Sun in
2. Sun behind them and not between
Venus and Mercury.
3. Mars behind Sun
4. Moon in watery rashi. These are the excellent features which show why monsoon is so good and has come so early.
5. And this is the reason for heavy rains causing so much disasters. Someone known to me got trapped in it on her way to Badrinath and rang me up from there to describe it all vividly.


Ardra Pravesh June 1978It had happened also in 1978 when again
all three benefics Jupiter, Venus and
Mercury were in rain producing nakshatrs
and Moon was aspected by two benefics. 
Then as now in 2013, the river Jamuna had crossed the danger mark in Delhi.

The Times of India - Delhi

Yamuna flows over danger mark in Delhi, flood prone areas being evacuated

IANS | Jun 18, 2013, 11.46 AM IST

Yamuna flows over danger mark in Delhi

Yamuna flows over danger mark in Delhi NEW DELHI: The Yamuna river is flowing over the

danger mark in the national capital, an official said on Tuesday. "By 9 am today (Tuesday), the water level in Yamuna had reached 204.98 metres. The danger mark is 204.83 metres. We are keeping a close eye on the level of the river," an official from irrigation and flood department told IANS. The highest levels recorded were 207.49 metres in 1978 and 207.11 metres in 2010.

The Times of India

Monsoon fury: Rivers flowing above danger mark in UP, high alert issued

PTI | Jun 18, 2013, 06.20 PM IST


The Times of India

Monsoon fury: Deadly year for encephalitis feared in India

AP | Jun 18, 2013, 06.54 PM IST

The Times of India

Wettest June day in Lucknow after 54 years

TNN | Jun 18, 2013, 03.26 AM IST

LUCKNOW: Widespread downpour during the past 24 hours threw normal life out of gear cross the state, leading to death of at least 15 people in rain-related incidents. The weatherman on Monday predicted heavy to very heavy rainfall at many places in the west UP and at few places in the east UP during the next 48 hours. The state government issued a flood alert in 23 districts as all major rivers were on the rise due to heavy rain in Uttarakhand and UP. While Saharanpur was the wettest in the state, recording over 200 mm rain, Lucknow received 50 mm, which was second highest in a single day in the past 54 years. Waterlogging on the tracks in Ambala division affected movement of over a dozen trains in Uttar Pradesh.


See the conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in Meena which was joined earlier by Mars in the New Year horoscope of the year 1968 and watch the movement of Mars and Jupiter during the year when in October that year Jupiter reached Kanya and Mars from Simha aspected both Saturn and Rahu.

That was the year of the terrible central government strike of that year which the weak Indira Gandhi government at the centre could not control as it was helplessly dependent on the outside support ofCommunists for its own survival. Late Sri Jyoti Basu and other trade union

leaders of the communist parties took full advantage of it to spread their tentacles all over India, particularly in West Bengal when we witnessed chaos, strikes, bandhs, not work in central government offices.

Then in the rural and tribal parts the Naxalite movement was spreading fast soon to spread all over the tribal belt of Bihar, then undivided , Orissa and Madhya Pradesh also undivided then.


It is only the beginning of the stories of natural disasters this year. When the television anchors had asked me about Narendra Modi I repeatedly said that it was not the time to discuss politics as the nation and the television channels have been doing but of our preparedness for natural disasters and ofcourse terrible violence which will become visible from the third week of August this year and will not be over till October 2014.

It is these ominous signs which need the immediate attention of the nation to save the people

not caring for political squabbling discussed day in and day out.

The astrological indications for all this have been discussed in the New Year predictions and are

explained through Ardra Pravesh horoscopes of this year and of 1978.

Memories of 1968-69

This discussion takes me back to the horrible memories of 1968-69 when I witnessed first

what till this day is shared with me by many friends who too had to face it.

Kanu Sanyal and Charu Mazumzar the two famous Naxalite leaders and Bengal in the year 1968 were to create what we all, posted in Calcutta, had to face in some way or the other apart from

seeing the rise of the CPI(M) through those series of terrible strikes and bandhs through which they finally captured political power in West Bengal which state they ruled for next thirty years from 1977. The hair of one excise commissioner had turned grey overnight through the tension of those bandhs; one central government officer rang up the police commissioner and asked him whether he could be arrested and put in a jail which seemed to be the only safe place in the city of Kolkatta !!

The earlier prediction

Now compare it with the Saturn Rahu conjunction in Tula in 2013 which was aspected by Mars when I had made a prediction of violence and then again note that from the third week of August after Mars enters Karka and continues its travel till it reaches Vrischika in October 2014.

Indian Independence horoscope

Then remember that in the Indian Independence horoscope it is the mahadasha of Sun the fourth lord of internal matters with the antardasha of Saturn, followed by Mercury and then of Ketu. Mars afflicts both houses of Mercury in the Independence horoscope and both Saturn and Mars aspect the fifth house of students who may rise up in revolt any time now.

Then comes the antardasha of Ketu in the seventh house and beware of the intentions of both
Pakistan and China.

One of the many headines is worth noticiing

The Times of India


Pak's Punjab govt allocates millions of rupees for Hafiz Saeed's Jamaat-ud-Dawa

PTI | Jun 18, 2013, 05.13 PM IST

In the international sphere there are too many countries and events which can be discussed politically and astrologically. In this tense atmosphere a middle aged Indian housewife who talks to her busband on her mobile constantly whole day was told that President Obama of USA can tell her what she told her husband on a particular day in the year 2009 onwards, thanks to Snowden.

It is not the year when we should talk too much politics but of violence and natural disasters.
The year will go down in the memory and history of the nation as a very painful is the planetary warning we cannot afford to ignore. Natural disasters, violence, and diseases are so easily seen in the different horoscopes

discussed so far in many pieces and we are still obsessed with politics. Let it be repeated that starting from the third week of August 2013 watch events till October 2014.

( 15 June 2013)



The report of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad is frighteningly alarming.

The Times of India

Rain toll rises to 99, over 73,000 stranded

TNN | Jun 19, 2013, 01.11 AM IST

DEHRADUN/SHIMLA: Torrential rains continued to pour in bad news from north India on Tuesday, with flashfloods, cloudbursts and landslips claiming 37 more lives and taking the death toll to 99, making for the most tragic tidings of monsoon in recent years. More than 73,000 pilgrims bound for Himalayan shrines of Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri and Yamunotri, remained stranded in Uttarakhand and about 1,700 tourists were stuck in Himachal Pradesh. Excessive rains left 70 people dead in Uttarakhand, almost as many injured, and smashed hundreds of houses. The remaining deaths were reported from Himachal Pradesh. The official toll so far was based on the body count. However, unconfirmed reports placed the toll at an alarmingly higher figure since hundreds of people were still missing and there were no records of how many could have been inside buildings and hotels washed away by the angry waters. In Kedarnath alone, more than 500 people were missing, officials said. Vishwa Hindu Parishad, based on reports from their volunteers on the pilgrim route, said the toll could be in thousands. A VHP statement said bodies were strewn around the Kedarnath temple and Gauri Kund, from where the trek to Kedarnath commences, had been washed away.



Friday, 21 June 2013
The Pioneer
‘Number of deaths would be over a thousand’
Friday, 21 June 2013 | PNS | Dehradun | in Dehradun
Bodies are lying scattered here and there in disaster-affected Kedar Valley area. Only heads are protruding out of sludge. Rest parts of the bodies are submerged in 10-15 feet debris caused by cloudburst.
One cannot imagine the grimness of the situation in the area,” Dilip Kumar, who witnessed the heart-rending havoc, said. Kumar didn’t want to recall the scene as it pained him. He never witnessed so many bodies together. “Everything was finished in half-an-hour. I have no idea about the exact number of casualties, but I am sure that number of deaths would be more than a thousand,” Kumar, a cook at a tour company, said. He said that a Pundit told him that the death toll may mount to extremely alarming figure that might be more than a thousand. “Scattered bodies in the area corroborate the claims by the Pundit,” Kumar said. ....... One of the pilots, rescuing the stranded people, also confirmed the fact of grim situation. “It is a massive disaster that claimed several hundred lives. Situation is grim and people should cooperate with the rescue teams in the rescue and relief work, instead of reacting and criticising the officials every now and then,” he said. The pilot, who was not willing to be quoted, ttp://


Post Script

I had referred to her in my article. Here is her first account from the scene of devastation. KNRao.
Someone known to me got trapped in it on her way to Badrinath and rang me up from there to describe it all vividly. Here are some excerpts.


HindustanTimes Fri,21 Jun 2013
Uttarakhand floods: dogs, vultures prey on the dead
Maneeza Ahuja,
Hindustan Times Chamba (Tehri), June 21, 2013 Last Updated: 08:48 IST(21/6/2013)
It is nightmare that is unfolding in Kedarnath. With the rains letting up, the lucky few who have survived the nature's fury have horror stories to tell of dogs reying on the dead, large swathes of land washed away by furious flood waters and of a
number of tiny hamlets wiped off the face of earth. The death toll in Kedarnath and neighbouring areas is much higher than what the officials are saying. Locals told us that bodies were stuck in the rubble and caught in the debris of houses. Dogs and vultures were preying on them. If  are to be believed, the number of dead could be in thousands. By Sunday afternoon, panic had set in. There were reports of a dam burst. There was chaos in the evening and Gaurikund had submerged. Cars were washed away and there was no power. Only the BSNL mobile service was working, that too intermittently. All contact with the locals in Kedarnath was lost as rain continued to fall in sheets. By evening, people started walking down from Kedarnath and with them came the real scale of devastation. Eyewitnesses said Vasuki Taal had burst. Former Bihar minister Ashwani Chaubey told us he had gone to Kedarnath with 14 family members and friends. Only eight of them survived. His four security guards were swept away. Till Wednesday morning, there were no relief camps and the administration was nowhere to be
seen. We were staying at Shree Vidya Dham, which has been converted it into a relief camp but not more than 50 people could be fed there. The SDM promised to provide food and relief material, but he disappeared. (Maneeza Ahuja is the business head of HT Mini)  -

Keywords: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Narendra Modi, BJP, Congress Party, LK Advani, Ardra Pravesh, Monsoon, Jyotish, Hindu Astrology, Indian Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Rahu, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Mars, Horoscopes

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