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KASHMIR (Updated)
Today, 5 August 2019 has become a historic day in our history as something which could not be done in 70 years has taken shape now. Union Home minister Amit Shah has announced that Article 370 which grants special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir will be scrapped. He also announced that Jammu and Kashmir will no longer be a state and it will be bifurcated into two Union Territories— Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.  ...اقرأ المزيد...اقرأ المزيد
Is ours an ideal democracy!! Hardly so, it is far from being an ideal democracy; where there should be  two equal opponents, like Conservative and Labour party in Britain; like Republican and Democratic party in USA. As for India, for the two major parties here i.e. Congress and BJP there has never been a state of relative equilibrium. There was a time when Congress was all powerful for a long time, BJP had not come into existence then. BJP came into existence and gradually spread its wings and the status now of present election result on 23 May 2019 is that BJP alone bagged 303 seats and 353 seats along with its NDA Alliance. Congress on the other hand could muster only 52 seats; along with UPA, Congress got 91. Other parties won 98 seats. What to talk of equality, Congress party could not win even 55 seats which is the requisite 10 % to become the official opposition. ...اقرأ المزيد...اقرأ المزيد
الطباعه اخبر صديقك


I did not find time to work on the chaos and violence in India more in the last few days because of my indisposition and may not find time as I am recovering slowly. Also because something or the other has been keeping me busy. At a glance what I saw is more damage to land which can be both from floods, cloud bursts as happened in Uttarakhand and through earthquakes.

This period begins from July 8 , which is only a week away and may cause more agony to the nation. It can happen anywhere but eastern and north eastern India seems to be coming in its grip. South western India is getting into some communal frenzy in this period.

In two interviews given to television channels I have repeated said that natural calamities and violence are so blatantly clear at the moment that talking of political controversies seems to be totally futile. I have written about it since January this year under the caption INDIAN ELECTIONS 2013 2014(26 January 2013, 9:05 PM). Violence includes attempt on the lives of political and religious leaders also. Air accidents and attacks on trains etc. as Naxalites do will be in news.

It happens in two ways, excessive rains causing damaging floods and this is the year of severe earthquakes about which seismologists never have had the capacity to warn the nation or for that matter anywhere in the world.

The worst visible effect is on Indian economy with uncontrolled inflation, fall of rupee against the dollar and restricted imports. Two economic experts, Manmohan Singh the prime minister and the fiance minister Chidambaram will be like any of us, watching it all more like spectators than sagacious economists , a reputation they enjoy. They are two dumb dolls in the entire show.

Oil Exploration

Is it all so gloomy only ? There is a silver lining still. This is the year when India must concentrate on exploring oil and gas and lessen the burden on import bill. It is now or never for India and Oil Minister must resist the import lobby about which he has complained openly.

If in these two months of July and August India can check the free fall of the rupee and gold, it will be nothing short of a miracle.

The saying that misfortunes do not come alone is true as much in the lives of individuals as nations. India is passing through such a tragic phase at the moment, in this Hindu New Year.

What is the serious setback the government is going suffer from between 6 July to the middle of August is worth watching. The judiciary has a role in it is all that can be said.

( 30 June 2013 at 9/38 pm)

كلمات البحث: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Indian Economy, Manmohan Singh, Uttarakhand, Hindu New year , Jyotish, Indian Astrology, Hindu Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Rahu, Saturn, Mars, Horoscopes, Elections in India

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