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Guruji respected Rao Sahib has desired my comments on Ram Janam Bhumi that whether PM Sh. Modi will get fame in Ayodhya Case whose case will start for hearing in Supreme court daily from 6th Aug 2019 and my answer is as under. daha fazlasını oku..daha fazlasını oku..
What is happening between USA and Iran is not a World war but it may develop into a major war and may be later into a World war. What we must always remember is that after the end of second World war in 1945, there have been at least three regional wars every ten years; mostly Asian and African countries have been involved whereas USA and Russia have made lots of profit by selling arms and ammunition.  daha fazlasını oku..daha fazlasını oku..
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The news of the death of Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati did not surprise me as for six years at least, as I personally know, his health had been bad, his diabetes was not under control. The three women who had conspired against him, Sonia Gandhi, Jayalalitha and Shashikala each suffered in her own way. Jayalalitha won elections after being defeated for one term, became the Chief minister but suffered from bad health and died a mysterious death. Shashikala is in jail and her claims of leadership is not accepted in AIADMK. It makes her a weak politician. Sonia Gandhi, now suffering from some disease has retired from active politics, has handed over the presidentship of the Congress Party to her son, in the usual familiar Nehru way---dynastic succession. Sonia’s role in the sinister plot to arrest Shankaracharya Kanchi has been mentioned by the former president of India Sri Pranab Mukherjee (See appendix I).

I first met Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati in Patna during my posting there between 1972 and 1975. The first day I took with me a group of university students who were learning the recitation of Vishnu Sahastranamam. I asked him if he had time to hear them. He had he said, he heard them and asked them to come every day. We met him more than ten times and he had welcomed us with rare warmth then.

From that intimate interaction , it was clear that Shri Jayendra Saraswati  was  un l i ke  ot h er Shankaracharyas many of whom I had met in different cities of India and found them to be more heads of organizations with no missionary zeal to go out and meet the downtrodden and help them. It was crystal clear that Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati was not going to be an acharya confined to the traditional shell of a Shankaracharya. He was in his thirties then.

I must have met him at least thirty times and he welcomed me always. I lost touch with him after 2013/14 and now he is no more.

First Sri Lakshminarayanan introduced me to the younger brother of Shankaracharyaji and thereafter when I met him personally, he welcomed my meeting and encouraged me and others accompanying me to meet him very frequently.
Let me quote a letter.

lakshminarayanan k <vidya.d@gmail.com> Respected Shri Rao,
Please find attached with this email, a letter from me. With regards,
K. Lakshminarayanan. Bangalore - 560041
December 6, 2013
Respected Shri Rao,
I write this to congratulate you and also express deep sense of appreciation of your uncanny ability to predict even in the year 2005 that His Holiness Sankaracharya Sri Jayendra Saraswati will come out unscathed from the criminal case foisted on him. You have also taken this consistent stand from the beginning. I pray Almighty to bless you with a very long and healthy life to enable you to continue this noble service to mankind.
With regards, Yours Sincerely,
K. Lakshminaryanan

After my Patna meeting I had not met him for nearly ten years and he had forgotten me. Sometime in 1984 late Shri Lakshminaryanan then heading the Syndicate Bank in Delhi came to me with the younger brother of Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati and gave me the horoscope of Shankaracharya and asked me a ques- tion. I said it was an excellent time for him to write a book. He smiled and kept quiet and asked me if Shankaracharyaji could go to Punjab which then was at the height ofAkali agitation
with Bhindrawale spewing venom against the central government. Terrible violent incidents reported everyday had made Punjab a very unsafe place. I was doing lot of mundane astrology those days and never saw Punjab as a safe place even for travel.

After my Patna meeting I had not met him for nearly ten years and he had forgotten me. Sometime in 1984 late Shri Lakshminaryanan then heading the Syndicate Bank in Delhi came to me with the younger brother of Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati and gave me the horoscope of Shankaracharya and asked me a ques- tion. I said it was an excellent time for him to write a book. He smiled and kept quiet and asked me if Shankaracharyaji could go to Punjab which then was at the height ofAkali agitation with Bhindrawale spewing venom against the central government. Terrible violent incidents reported everyday had made Punjab a very unsafe place. I was doing lot of mundane astrology those days and never saw Punjab as a safe place even for travel.

Bac k  fr om  D el h i  t o  Al l a ha bad  where Shankaracharyaji was staying them, I got the message that he wanted to meet the astrologer who could say
that it was time for him to write a book as he was actually writing his commentary on Brahma Sutras which he completed soon.

Shankaracharyaji came to Delhi later and there after my meeting him almost every year has been a regular feature. I had mentioned about it in an article in the Astrological Magazine of Dr.Raman in 1987. Some part of the article is reproduced here.

Importance of Sub- Sub-Period-VI
Now about the effects of Mantras I have had illuminating discussions with many Mahatmas. Recently, to be exact on October 9th, 1986 I have had such a  discussion with His Holiness Sri Jayendra Saraswati, Sankaracharya of Kanchi who had sent word to me from Allahabad that during his Delhi visit I could have an exclusive meeting with him. I was very grateful and happy as it all came as a result of predictions given from time to time thus:
(a) To one of Swamiji's most ardent  devotees I had given prediction about his career. As I write this (23rd March 1987) the latest prediction given to him too has been fulfilled but with my timing going wrong by about three months. Here I clearly failed to synthesise transit of planets with the sub-sub-period. I will call this gentleman “A”. 
(b) Mr. “A” brought a saintly looking middle aged person to me one day who later, I discovered, was generally in charge of arranging the details of Swamiji's padayatra.  Looking at his horoscope I have predicted that for some months it would be difficult for him as lot of inconvenience would be there on the way. 
that he wanted to meet the astrologer who could say that it was time for him to write a book as he was
In 1986 when Mr. “B” met me he told me that the difficulties as I had predicted had to be faced by the entire party travelling with Sri Sankaracharya.
Then he showed me a horoscope, told me that it was of His Holiness. I told him I do not give prediction to Mahatmas but on the insistence of Mr. “B” I had to make some observations, predictions etc. I told the following:
(a)   If Swamiji does not move during this period it would be very good as it was time for him to write a magnificent book. Mr. “B” was pleased and surprised and told me that Swamiji was doing  exactly that these days and his padayatras  did not affect his daily schedule of writing.
(b)   Swamiji should not visit Punjab as it would put him to lot of difficulties and Punjab would be more violent.

On October 9th His Holiness granted me an exclusive darshan in Delhi. We had gone with nearly ten persons accompanying who after Swamiji's darshan l e f t  me  a l on e  wi t h  h i m.  S wa mi j i  ga ve  me  a n angavastram made of non-violent silk and a garland of kamal beads in token of appreciation of ... I was moved and thanked God for my good luck.

Of interest to astrologers should be some, out of the many, observations made by His Holiness during my half-an-hour discussion with him.
(a)   Ayu I said was the most difficult area in astrology. He said yes, to get deep astrological proficiency more than one hour's meditation should be done everyday. Still Ayu would sometimes go wrong. And without explaining, he laughed his silvery laughter.
(b)   He asked me what I saw happening .... mundane astrology ... I told him ... He approved it ... He added something .... clarified something ... well, wait ... watch.
(c)   Stotra recitation, mantra japam and particularly the Vishnu Sahastranama  I prescribed was the very best he said with so much conviction that I was over-joyed.
(d)   He had completed the book about which I had made a prediction.
(e)   He wanted to go to Punjab ignoring my prediction but his Param Guru sent word to him not to go further northward.

I had many other things to ask but had asked him politely, “When do you rest after such a tiring day?”

“I will rest after you leave,” he told me laughing. I took permission to leave and he blessed me.

The article ends.
 I had his horoscope and made a good use of it once again in 1987 when he had run away from the ashram creating a piquant situation for the senior and great Shankaracharya, Chandrasekhar Saraswati. One evening Lakshminaryanan came along with some followers of Jayendra Swami and asked me agitatedly that Jayendra Swami had run away. What would ha ppen. I made a prashna  hor oscope and aft er examining it together with his birth horoscope said: "He would come back himself very soon. He cannot be kept confined to the ashram as he is a missionary as his horoscope clearly shows and should be allowed to do what he wanted to do outside the ashram."

Later I came to know that some ashramites, not the senior Swamy were creating obstacles and his running away was a protest. It got sorted out and Jayendra Swamy continued his missionary activities for the next seventeen years with great enthusiasm  and enviable achievements. In 2004 the sinister plot to arrest him and later bad health led to a slow down of his missionary activities. I have met so many swamis and gone to their ashram and found none of them with even one percent of such gre at zeal of work for t he downtrodden, to promote educational institutions, and hospitals of topmost quality. Christian missionaries had become his enemies because he worked among the lowest classes, reconverted some of them from Christianity into Hinduism and got rebuilt dilapidated temples. It is this activity which annoyed Sonia Gandhi. Former Indian President, Pranab Mukherjee, mentions it clearly in his memoirs.

https://hinduexistence.org/2018/02/01/sonia- gandhi-hates-hindus-says-former-president-pranab- mukherjees-new-book/
‘The Coalition Years’…
Sonia Gandhi hates Hindus! This truth is revealed by none other than  Former President Pranab Mukherjee.
Advithi | Post Card Media | New Delhi | Jan 31, 2018:
A conspiracy theory is spreading through the media from a long time now. The theory says that Congress high command Sonia Gandhi is anAnti Hindu and she has exercised a lot of activities against Hindus during the rule of UPA government. However, all these aspects were being denied as there was no evidence to prove it true. But this aspect has been revealed by the former President of India, Pranab Mukherjee in his book “The Coalition Years”. Former President, Mukherjee in his book has revealed about the Congress party and its rule supervised by Sonia Gandhi, the decisions taken were all anti-Hindus.
UPA government has worked a lot against proving the tolerant Hindus  as Terrorists and rapists. Christian missionaries and Islamic butchers were supported- Hindus were targeted. All this was planned and decided by none other than congress queen Sonia Gandhi.

Mukherjee is both a raconteur and a uniquely placed analyst. In his book, you get insights like why no ruling party can have a simultaneous majority in both houses of Parliament without simultaneous elec- tions. You also get the story of how he missed being prime minister or home minister. Mukherjee touches upon all transitional moments of the Congress journey from a party of internal coalitions to becoming the fulcrum of a multi-party coalition against its own grain.

It’s a tell-all memoir without slipping into a sala- cious vein. Mukherjee instead mines his memoirs to provide an analysis only his “elephantine” mind could give. “The memory of two elephants” is how Sonia Gandhi had laughingly described Mukherjee’s knack for remembering every detail. Some lines from the book go like this… “There was intense speculation … about her choice.
Within the Congress party, the consensus was that the incumbent must be a political leader with experience in party affairs and administration. Finally, she (Sonia Gandhi) named Dr Manmohan Singh as her choice and he accepted,” Mukherjee recounts. Many thought he “would not join the government because I could not work under Manmohan Singh, who had been my junior when I was the finance min- ister…. She (Sonia), however, insisted I should join the government also to support Dr Singh.”

Mukherjee has disclosed how under the leadership of Sonia Gandhi, Hindus have been impli- cated in the target. Within a few months of com- ing to power in November 2004, Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati was arrested in a false case of murder on the occasion of Diwali. At the time of his arrest, he was preparing for 2500 years of pilgrimage to Trikal. After the arrest, he was also shown abusive charges like porn CD and tampering. However, this allegation has never been proved.

Pranab Mukherjee has mentioned this incident in his book ‘The Coalition Years 1996-2012’. He wrote that
“I was very angry with this arrest and in the Cabinet meeting I raised this issue too. I asked the question, Is the scale of secularism in the country limited to Hindu saints only? Can a state police show the courage to arrest a Muslim cleric on the occasion of Eid?“.

The book by former President Pranab Mukherjee has raised a major question ahead of the country. The question is who was behind the arrest of the Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetha and the unscrupulous accusations made against him? Till now, it has been widely be- lieved that Jayalalitha had made the chief minister’s chair at the behest of Shashikala at the time when the plot of Kanchi Peetha’s Shankaracharya was found in a false case and arrested. At that time, after all this incident, there was a dispute about a land deal, but now it is clear after Mukherjee’s disclosure that the arrest was done not only on Jayalalitha’s wish but also on Sonia Gandhi’s gesture. Actually, that was the time when there prevailed close relations between Sonia and Jayalalitha.

Between 2004 and 2014, Sonia Gandhi was han- dling the top power for ten years, since then she had
started crushing the religious-cultural beliefs of the Hindus. Shankaracharya’s arrest was done only to humiliate the great saint of India’s Hindu society. It is clear that the task of mocking the media by arresting such a great saint of Hinduism was a part of the Christian conspiracy.
Apart from this, it has also been believed that it was Vatican’s conspiracy to arrest him so that they can have an easy task of spreading Chris- tianity in south India.

At the time when the entire Hindu society could be in the target of massive
conversion  from Meenakshipuram, the Kanchi Math built a temple and sent a message to the Dalit community and said that if the devotees cannot reach the temple then the temple will reach them.

The amount  of efforts Kanchi math has put towards building social equality, no other Hindu institution has done it. This was the reason that it was knocking down the illegal attempts of Christian missionaries. He was arrested from Andhra Pradesh, where the Congress government was ruling. After the arrest, he was kept in the Vellore jail in Tamil Nadu, also he was tortured there.

1. http://indianexpress.com/article/india/when- sonia-gandhi-said-will-miss-tantrums-of-pranab- mukherjee-4901578/
2. http://postcardhindi.com/pc723
3. http://www.firstpost.com/politics/sonia- gandhihas-a-deep-contempt-for-indians-roxna- s w a m y t e l l s - a l l - i n - b o o k - o n - h u s b a n d - subramanianswamy-4115299.html

Shankaracharya ji of Kanchi Kamkoti - Sri Jayendra Saraswati ji
Some pages from my diary .... First Meeting, 16 May 2011 / Monday

I had the great opportunity of meeting a saint, thanks to Rao Sir. Sir told me quietly while Sunday seminar on 15 May 2011 was to start that I can come with him the next day to meet the seer. We reached the Kamakshi temple near JNU to see Shankaracharya ji. There were 11 of us. We reached 20 minutes before 4 pm. We sat for a while and then were called inside.

It was so calm inside. He suggested to Sir that we all should do some mantra. He got it written by that man who was sitting there (who had performed Varun Gandhi’s marriage rituals) and gave that to Sir. It was about 4:30 pm. He gave tika to all of us. It was kind of strange as he would look at the person intently and then only tika was given in a small piece of paper. It was like getting a personal blessing. Saints have their ways.

We came out of there. Sir told us to come home with him. Sir sent all other people sitting there back to their home. Sir told us to come and sit down after washing our hands, feet and face and rinsing our mouth. It was about 5:45 pm. We repeated the mantra thrice after Rao Sir. Then we did it 108 times.

Sir said - “Bahut shubh din hai" (This is a very auspicious day). Shankaracharya ji ne kabhi pehle aise nahin kiya (Shankaracharya ji has never done this before); first time he has done that; ab tumhari prediction 200 times badh jayegi” (Now, your prediction will improve 200 times).
Sir also said - Mane maine tumhe deeksha diya (Means, I have given you Deeksha). Then Sir taught us timing of marriage.

Mantra given to us is so magical, I hear the sound of conch shells when I do it. It is like the sound of conch shells in the small confines of a temple perhaps, when the sound keeps coming back to me.

Second Meeting
19 Sep 2011 / Monday
In the morning I got a call from Subhash Uncle that we can go and meet Shankaracharya ji today. I reached Sir’s place. Five of us - Rao Sir, Namit and his father, Monica and myself, we went to the temple where he was putting up. We reached at about 3 pm, kept talk- ing to Sir and met him about 4 pm.
Shankaracharya ji seemed so happy that day, he talked little and he looked so kind of sleepy.

We had a very pleasant time sitting there. We sat comfortably. Gurujan talked for a while (in Tamil/ Telugu; about Karmon ki gati- Sir told us later). Monica asked a question or two about sadhna. We came back.

On our return in the car, Sir told us that Shankaracharya ji was at a very good stage in his sadhna. If we would have sat there a little while longer, then Sir would have been dhyanasth, then he would then he would have sat there for a long time, that is why he chose to get up. Sir also said that after reaching this stage, it will be difficult for Shankaracharya ji to remain in his body for too long.

Then, Sir told us the significance of Ketu in the 12th house (Sir's Ketu is in the 12th house and Shankaracharya ji's Ketu is on 6/12 axis). Sir told us about the three nadis and how some saints use the nadis to answer prasna. He also told us as to how to operate when sushmana is active.

Sir told us that in Sri Gopal sahastranaam strotra, one of the names of Lord Krishna is ‘Sushmana marg sanchari’.

He departs
28 Feb 2018 Morning / Wednesday
A big saint left this world. There was no talk on TV, which kept showing Sridevi’s demise only (the next day though, it was well covered by some chan- nels).
We did not do the second adhyaya of Srimad Gita (we generally do it after someone passes away) in our Wednesday paath. Did he leave his body on his own will! Saints do not need anything, they are already one with God. He has done so much good for the world, so much for the downtrodden. We owe him so much.

Last Meeting with Shri Jayendra Saraswati Ji gautamnamit@gmail.com

Respected Sir,
As per my memory last meeting with great Saint Shri Jayanendra Saraswati ji either on Nov- Dec 2013 or Nov-Dec 2014 (Most probably).

On that particular year we met him two times within a gap of 20-25 days.
First time more that 20 persons were there and first we were sitting on right side of his room.

Next time only 5 person were there and went in my car along with you Sir (In the last visit my father and Anju Didi were also present with one more person).

We sat there 15-20 minutes. Both of you communicated in either Telugu or
Tamil. Some conversation also on Soniya Gandhi’s health. Even I presented
him Nitya Path and Krishna Bhakti Strotam book and said this is for new
in roman script and Sandhivicheda
(split words for easy pronunciation).

Bahut Accha (Very nice) - he expressed his joy in his typical accent, on receiving the book of strotras.

Then all of a sudden, you asked for his leave and we came out of the room. As soon as we came out, you had said that his time had come. I asked if it was his health that you were talking about and you said - No, you were talking about Sonia.

On coming out I asked why we had come out in such a rush and you explained that you were going into a spontaneous dhyan and if you would have sat there for a little while more, it would have been im- possible for you to get up for a long time. You also said that his time is near. I asked that how come you feel like that and you responded that when around a saint one gets into dhyan automatically and when there is a different kind of gandh (smell) coming from his body, this indicates that he would not be able to re- main in his mortal frame for a long time.

Sincere regards, Namit

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