2. Journal of Astrology Newsletter January 2010 (35149)
5. Journal of Astrology Newsletter May 2011 (30426)
6. Journal of Astrology Newsletter July 2009 (29409)
7. Journal of Astrology Newsletter May 2010 (28769)
8. Journal of Astrology Newsletter June 2009 (28702)
9. Journal of Astrology Newsletter August 2010 (28339)
10. Journal of Astrology Newsletter August 2009 (28128)
Your Karma may visit you one day, in another life!
The consequences of an action that takes a few seconds to complete could impact you after a thousand years. Hard to swallow! But the mechanism of human action is such that the results could remain suspended for years and may manifest themselves after a millennium. Hence, whether you believe in reincarnation or not, think before you act. This debate on the moral consequences of our actions surely will lead us to a better understanding of our own self and of natural and karmic justice.
The reaction of an action like pressing a nuclear trigger, could be lasting. But so could the consequence of a seemingly innocuous action, like kicking a dog. Think how many times you have asked yourself, "Why has this happened to me but not to others?" Be prepared for an explanation that cites retribution or reward for deeds in past lives that visit you today. Did you know that a seemingly spontaneous action also involves a long drawn process that may stretch to another birth! This letter debates the philosophy and the science of an action. You will be surprised to find how elaborate the process can be that culminates into a simple action and how complex the process can be that ensures every action gets justifiably rewarded-or punished.
Is it your stars or your wit that will bring you the millions?
This letter also takes you to the realm of working of the human psyche that prompts you to act. We now look at how the psyche is constructed and how it is structured. How to judge whether the psyche is blessed with more freedom or less? Or whether our thoughts surge towards being positive, negative, constructive, destructive, creative, aesthetic, morose, lethal or mostly happy ? This and much more can be traced to the 5th house.
The raw-material for construction of your psyche are your karmas and karmas alone. This is the reason why the psyche has that subtle difference of shade at the individual level. The insightful and interpretative analysis of the 5th house that holds the key to the current life’s destiny and of many more lives that are still to come can be explained in absolute terms.
This letter revolves around Sun, the 5th lord of the natural zodiac representing the soul.The 5th house, also known as the house of Sanchit Karmas, is meant to keep a record of all actions and deeds in perhaps a disk of sorts that the soul carries with it after death to another life. This house has your record from perhaps the times of the big bang. The destiny of yet another life is carved from that record kept by the 5th house with debits and credits to it on a daily basis. The 5th house is the house of karma and the 11th of its reward. The equation of 5th and 11th carries on for thousands and thousands of years. Each house represents fructification for the other.
Is Karma more than tossing coins to a pauper?
An action that becomes a karma of consequence could be in just a gesture, a spoken word showing some amount of decisiveness or simply a routine act from motivational forces that tune the psyche. The psyche is constructed both from the karmas of earlier births which the soul records along with the actions of the current birth. Your conscience too has developed from such karmas of yours . Be it a tendency to shower snide remarks, self-praise , ridicule or to criticize others.
In fact, for every idea that comes to your mind and for every action , there is a reason and logic that lurks behind. The samskaras (psyhco mental tendencies) imbibed from actions (karmas) of past and current births get built in your psyche. How much of tamasic, rajasik or satwik elements (gunas) are there in your psyche and your conscience can be assessed from an analysis of the 5th house of your horoscope as the 9 planets and the 12 rashis are classified as Tamasic (laziness, irresponsibility, cheating maliciousness), Rajasik are the undecided qualities between Tamasic and Satwik. Satwik Guna or innate quality would mean fearlessness, pure heartedness, charity, self-restraint, austerity, non-violence, truthfulness, modesty and the like. A domination of Satwik planets in the trinity of 1-5-9 houses, therefore makes you a Satwik, concentration of Rajasik makes you a Rajasik and so forth.
Processing the Human Action
The 5th house prompts, the 9th filters and the first house acts. A process that takes a fraction of a second in some of your actions still follows this route. Your reaction to unwanted situations that you are forced into also goes through the same process. Therefore don’t judge people by… how they disappoint you but judge them … by their reaction when you disappoint them.
Every action is not a Karma. An action of consequence only goes to the account and not the routine ones.If this screening and elimination was not there the account perhaps would become unmanageable. Sanchita Karmas are the accumulated karmas of past lives. Prarabdha: that portion of the accumulated karma which is allotted for the present birth Kriyamana are the karma we do in the present life. Aagami are the karmas that reflect in our future births.
Akarma and Vikarma:The Good(Akarma) and the Bad (Vikarma) .
Vikarma are a)Anti-parental karma b) Anti-family karma and c)Anti-society
An opportunity to face-lift Delhi and execute the complete redevelopment plan of the walled city, the Jama Masjid area in particular was perhaps missed, courtesy dominating corrupt practices. As a face saving exercise perhaps, we are told that 74 projects listed by the Government as CWG projects have been completed.
Amidst the enthusiasm and display of achievements, one of them being the membrane roof, free from perpendicular support within the stadium and the150 meter underground tunnel for opening and closing ceremonies in the freshly renovated Jawaharlal Nehru stadium, came the news of scandals with the entry of Mars in Virgo, where Saturn was already there, around 20th July, 2010.The news hungry television channels flipped from the positives to the negatives of the Games.
The scandal involving the dubious firm in London AM international came to the fore. Fall of standards. Misuse. Murky affairs became the key words for media referrals Courtesy Rahu we have Fortified Corrupt establishments. Who is responsible MCD and DDA engineers-Darbari-Kalmadi- Gill-Manmohan Singh or the system. Someone has to be hauled. The Sun dasha promises hauling of the guilty and justice. Someone has to take the responsibility for the rampant corruption. How valid is the statement that Need of the hour is to take the game to its conclusion and not to rake corruption issues? Is it because we have no replacements for the corrupt and the guilty."We have crossed all limits of corrupt practices.
Though we are hosting Commonwealth Games, we have broken Olympics record in corruption", CPI general secretary A B Bardhan said sarcastically at a press meet recently. Criticising the style of functioning of CWG Organising Committee Secretary General Suresh Kalmadi, Bardhan said "If Kalmadi is now distancing himself from corruption, then who else is responsible for it.
"If they do not quit on their own, Government should intervene and sack them", said the veteran leader who hails from the city.
Was India corrupt before? No! India’s prosperity, its talents and the state of its high moral society can be best understood by what Thomas Babington Macaulay stated in his speech of February 02, 1835, in the British Parliament.
"I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief, such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such high caliber, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self esteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation."
It was a relief to hear that the Cabinet Secretary will oversee the games and prime minister talk about the games from the ramparts of the Red Fort. Many medals are waiting for India. It is the Mars transit with Saturn that has marred the games temporairily till 5th September. Clearly, withJupiter's transit in the 11th of Indian Independence Horoscope the games, will conclude successfully with many medals for India.
Our Monsoon Predictions hits the bull eye: News of over 1500 killed in worst flood in 80 years in Pakistan and of heavy rains and flash floods in the north and of drought in Bihar and Jharkhand.Bihar Chief Minister declaring all the districts as drought- hit. Rainfall covering the deficit after July, 23 and deficient rainfall in the South and south east of Ujjain.These were the precise predictions made in our June and July Newsletters as also in the May-June issue of IOA's Journal of Astrology. The forecast by Mr. K.N. Rao, which appeared in the popular Hindi paper Shukravar was that east would receive less rainfall. Here is an interesting story from the Telegraph.
Sunday , August 15 , 2010
Considering the trends our predictions on economy are also coming out to be correct: India has more rich people than poor now. For the first time ever, the number of high-income households in India have exceeded the number of low-income, as per an estimate by the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) India is manouevring between keeping the growth going and reining in the runaway inflation.
The Indian economy will certainly see the projected growth and the stock markets would go up.They would escalate when the American economy starts improving in April,2011.Our Predictions on violent events in the south-east of India have also come true.
Remedial Measures
We should seize situations and see them as an opportunity to improve our account of Sanchit Karma.There is an atma(soul) in all. If you worship a pratima(idol) and ignore the needy who begs you of mercy, your worship is bound to go waste. If one keeps exploiting the weak for self-gains, the worship of the idol has no value rather it results in vikarma and a lost opportunity to improve the account. Both the needy and exploited have the type of atma which you have and have that equal portion of the energy bestowed by God in all living beings. In a way, the Almighty God resides in all.The more you are gripped by your indriyas (senses also known as the seven deadly sins) the more disillusioned and grief stricken and away from reality you become, making it difficult to capitalize the opportunities given by God. Give way to Bhakti and Compassion. Shed Greed and Avarice.
Bhakti takes you towards a greater purity of the heart mind and soul. Remember, that the mind that takes you the impure state is the same mind that can take you towards purity. Bhakti can change from tamasic to rajasik to satawik. It can generate love and compassion that keeps you healthy and alive . The more you give to others, the more it increases in you.The ideas that prove good for you or harm you take birth from your sensuality. From your senses governed by emotional and passionate bonds; from greed and avarice. From motivational forces that prompt you to secure and accumulate more and more. They are filtered by your education, your knowledge and your samskaras (the inbuilt tendencies that filters and process every idea and action. Where does the love and compassion come from, perhaps from an extra effort required to curb sensuality and from good karmas.